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This is a little about me. My name is Loren. When you see me, please take time to say hi, I live in a town called Hartford, AL I live in the wooods and that is where I like it--no hassle from any one. I was born on 06/05/75. I have two kids-one was born on 07/13/98 and one was born on 02/28/02.

I picked up the name Blackphantom from some buddies of mine. They say it is because I run through the night like a phantom. So that is where that come from,just in case n/e one was woundering.

Info About Me

Sex Male
Age 27
Height 6'1"
Weight 235
Eyes Blue
Hair Blond

Things I like to do

4.watching the car races on tv or in person
5.driving fast
I'm not done so just keep checking back.