Untitled (so far!)

by Lynne, Becca, Dawn, Heather, Anitah, Chris and Ilse.

Rated NC-17

The young woman leaned over the railing and turned her face to the sun. The salt air tangled her hair and she laughed at the antics of a friendly dolphin.

When she felt the strong arms wrap around her and pull her back to a warm, bare chest, she sighed in contentment.

"It's about time you invited me onto your boat, Nicky." She laughed and poked the man, holding her, in the ribs.

"It's about time you came to visit me." He kissed the top of her head. "I couldn't invite you onto my boat long distance, could I?"

He released her and moved around to lean back against the railing, smiling down into her face.

"Lynne, my girl, I can't tell you how happy I am to finally have you here. Tell me again how long you'll stay with me."

"Well, I've taken two weeks vacation and another week lieu time. I'm all yours for three weeks, babe."

"Three weeks!! It's a good thing you're my favourite cousin! But, I'm sure we can think of all sorts of things to do..."

"Nick, you're scaring me," she laughed. "I'm not quite sure I like the way you said that."

"Who, me?" he said, widening his eyes innocently.

"You're up to something, I can tell."

"It's a surprise."

"That's SO not fair," she pouted prettily.

"Nice try, but no dice. You'll just have to wait and see." He laughed again, easily dodging the hand that tried to swat him playfully. "You need to get some sun, those cold northern winters have left you looking pretty washed out."

"Why gee, Nicky, thank you so much for noticing." She rolled her eyes at him and climbed the ladder up to the deck. Spreading her towel, she stretched out in the warm sun and in no time was sound asleep.

* * * * *

"So Nick, where's Lynne?"

Nick laughed, shaking his head. "I sent her up top to get some sun and she passed out. I don't think she even knows I've docked the boat."

"She knows you were stopping for me, right?"

"Nope," he quipped with an evil smirk. "I didn't say a word."

"This should be good. Let's push off and I'll go wake her up."

Lynne stirred as a cool breeze tickled her bare back. She turned over slowly and opened her eyes, only to find herself staring into the most gorgeous pair of green eyes she had ever seen.

"Kevin?" she asked, slightly startled. She wrapped her arms around her upper body as she sat up, self conscious of how much skin she was showing in her skimpy bikini. "Where did you come from?"

Kevin grinned and sat down beside Lynne on the beach towel. "Nick thought you might be bored with just him around. He docked a little while ago and picked me up. You were sleeping."

"Um hmm, Nick can be sooo boring. So how long have you guys had this planned?" Lynne rolled her eyes.

Kevin laughed heartily. "Awhile now, and actually, I think he just didn't want to be alone with you." Kevin winked and smirked.

"And just what does that mean, Richardson?"

"Well you know..the big crush you have on him." Kevin winked again, trying to hold in his laughter.

Lynne stared at him in astonishment. "He's my cousin, you idiot!"

"He's your second cousin." Kevin corrected her. "You've always thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. And I think he thought the same for you."

"Oh shut up!" Lynne punched Kevin playfully in the arm. "Nick and I are best friends, nothing more."

Kevin smiled. Lynne was slowly turning red, from the tips of her ears and a deep flush on her cheeks.

"So you say, but I remember when..."

As she covered her face with her hands she pleaded with Kevin, "Don't say it, please, don't say it."

He chuckled and finished, "when you ran away from home and hitchhiked across country to join our tour? No one heard from you for days. Why else would you do that, except to be with Nick?"

"Oh God, I am never going to live that down, am I?"

"Nope" he said, grinning from ear to ear. "So answer me, didn't you do that to be with Nick?"

Not wanting to tell him the real reason, she sighed and said "Yes and No. I did it because I wanted to be with him, but only because he's my cousin, and I wanted to experience life on the road."

Lynne looked at him to see if he bought her story, and thought to herself 'please let him drop this subject. I don't ever want him to find out the truth.'

Kevin looked at her for a second then giggled and said "Ok hon, whatever you say."

"Anyone hungry?" Nick said as he appeared behind Kevin.

Kevin's eyes travelled from Lynne's head all the way to her toes before he answered. "Yeah, I am."

Nick placed a tray before them on the deck. "It's just some sandwich and fruit....and wine.." he said smiling as he sat down beside Lynne.

"Uhmm this looks good... and juicy" Kevin said and took a piece of orange, the juice dripped down his fingers, and his eyes never left Lynne's as he slowly licked his fingers.

Nick started eating a sandwich, not aware of the sexual tension in the air...

Lynne reached for the wine and the glasses, she poured them all a glass of chilled white wine, and raised her glass and said with a shy smile, " to a day we will never forget".

Nick looked into her eyes and said "Yes...Lynne, we will never forget..."

Lynne blushed, and Kevin swallowed a whole glass of wine and said, "Lynne ... are you OK? You look..."

"Hot!" Nick yelled, jumping up excitedly, totally unaware of the spell that he had just broken. "It is really hot today but the water here is great!"

He kicked off his sandals, grabbed Lynne's hand, and pulled her to the back of the boat.

"I am NOT getting in that water with THAT." Lynne objected looking over the ladder down into the crystal clear water at the fish swimming below.

Humming the theme from "Jaws", Nick bent over in front of her to check out the fish.

Nick bending over the edge of the boat, wiggling his butt as he tried to get a better view, was more than Lynne could take. With one small bump of her hips, Nick was in the water.

"Oops...slipped." Lynne smiled innocently, seconds before she found herself in the water with Nick, who was laughing hysterically as he gave Kevin the thumbs up sign.

Kevin stood on the back of the boat looking down at her with a sly grin as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it onto a lounge chair before diving in with them......

The water was warm and the three friends had fun, laughing, splashing, and just enjoying the moment.

"I'm going to do some snorkeling, anyone want to come with me?" Nick asked as he climbed up the ladder to the deck to get his mask, flippers and snorkel.

"No, Lynne and I will sun dry on the deck and watch you." Kevin answered before Lynne could speak.

"That's okay isn't it, Lynne?" His eyes sparkled at her as they almost dared her to say no.

She looked at him, standing in front of her, waiting for an answer. His wet hair dripped down his back, the sunlight glistened on the tiny water droplets covering his well-muscled torso and his swim trunks hung low on his hips.

"Ye..um..yes, that's fine." She managed to squeak before she turned to climb up the ladder.

Kevin was right behind her when she reached the deck and she shivered when she felt his breath on her ear.

"You need more sunscreen, sit down and I'll put some on your back."

His large, warm hands massaged her as he liberally applied the cool cream all over her back. His fingertips tickled her sides, teasing, and almost slipping under her tiny bikini top and she tried to control her breathing so he wouldn't realise the effect he was having on her.

"Lean back on me," he whispered, " I'll put some on your tummy."

She knew this probably wasn't a good idea, but she couldn't stop herself. Kevin's skin was hot against her back and as she leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes she almost purred.

The cold drops of water that cascaded onto her bare skin was a shock!


Lynne shrieked as her annoying cousin stood above her, laughing at her outrage. "I thought you were going snorkeling?" She glared at him for good measure, trying to wipe away the water that he'd poured out of is mask and onto her skin, suddenly finding that Kevin's hands were already there. Damn, if he didn't stop this, the water would evaporate off her heated skin all by itself.

"I'm going, I'm going," he chuckled. "There's a reef off to the south I wanta explore, so I'll be gone a while. You two make yourselves at home."

He winked at Kevin, but Lynne didn't see. She did, however, gasp when Nick leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Kevin's mouth before diving overboard.

Kevin felt her tense beneath his fingers and grinned, but continued to smooth the lotion over her skin.

"Kevin-" she started to ask.

"It's a really long story, can we save it for later?" His voice was right next to her ear, and as he spoke, he leaned a little closer to nibble on the delicate shell of her ear. He smiled as she shivered and he could hear the moan that she tried so hard to conceal. His fingers rubbed the smooth skin of her stomach as his lips made a moist trail down her neck to her bare shoulder.

"Kevin," she whispered, trembling as his teeth nipped at the tender skin.

"You taste so sweet," he murmured, moving her hair out of the way and providing the same tender care to the other side of her neck.

Lynne was held captive against his chest, and she felt the unmistakable signs of his arousal pressing against her back. She had to see his eyes, so she twisted around, looking up into the heated emerald pools. Her lips parted to speak, but she never had the chance.

Kevin could see the state she was in, and the timing was perfect. As she turned to look at him, her lips parted and he covered her mouth with his own. He kissed her deeply, his tongue touching hers as they learned each other, and of its own volition, one hand covered her breast. It was his turn to tremble when he felt her respond to his caress. Regretfully pulling away, his voice raspy with need, he whispered, "Let's go down below."

Lynne followed Kevin quickly down the steps to the bedroom. She allowed him to push her gently down to the bed and she moaned in pleasure as Kevin lay beside her and wrapped her in his arms. Kevin started his blissful torture where he had left off, running his hands over her shoulders and around her breasts, massaging softly as he kissed her passionately.


"What baby?" Kevin's tongue stroked her neck, tickling the sensitive hollow of her throat.

"Kevin, we need to talk." Lynne pushed firmly on his shoulders and sat up, pulling her suit straps to her shoulders as she did so.

"About what? Don't tell me you don't want it. I know you do." Kevin gave her that look and she almost melted.

"I do." she replied quickly.

Kevin smirked and leaned in for another kiss.

"Wait!" Lynne pushed him away again. "What's with you and Nick? What was that kiss about?"

Kevin shook his head. "I said it was a long story." He sighed.

"I need to know. I can't go any further not knowing what your relationship is." Lynne shivered. She didn't have a problem with gay couples, she knew several. But Kevin and Nick? It was just too strange to even think about.

"Lynne please." Kevin protested as he tried to draw her closer to him again.

"No Kevin, tell me and then we'll see. But I need to know."

Kevin sighed and stood leaning against the wall and staring out the porthole into the water, the water that Nick was skimming through somewhere around them, just waiting for the signal. His erection throbbed at the thought and he held in a groan of pleasure.


"Nick and I have been seeing each other for several years." Kevin finally admitted, still staring at the water.

Lynne gasped and turned away, ashamed at her shock at Kevin's confession. Confused thoughts and emotions tumbled through her brain. Kevin and Nick were a couple?

"You're surprised." Kevin laughed lightly at her reaction.

"A little."

"We're not gay."

Lynne raised a quizzical eyebrow at him.

"We spend a lot of time together, things happen. We experimented one night and we liked it. Loved it. Wanted more and couldn't get enough. But we both still like females." Kevin offered her a sincere smile. "Like you."

"Oh Kevin, I don't know. I mean..." She stopped. What did she mean?

"Please Lynnie?"

Part 2