LA 7/S Club 7 In LA

Episode 1: Into The Unknown

The episode starts with a dream sequence where the S Club fantasize about each of them winning Oscar awards, and making their acceptance speeches, but then they come back to reality, and realize that they haven't even gotten to LA yet.

As they drive along, Paul suggests that they go and visit some relatives that he mistakenly believes lives in a nearby area called Ridgeback Woods, but when they ask people for directions, the band thinks that maybe it's not such a good idea afterall. hey're told that people have gone missing in the woods, but they end up going anyway.

While in the very dark, spooky forest (think of the Blair Witch Project), they find that the car has run out of gas, so some of the group stay behind with the car while the others try to find some more. In an effort to keep their spirits up and scare away any possible evil creatures, both groups sing I'll Be There. Eventually, a container of gas is found, and they high-tail it out of the forest and back out onto the road.

Episode 2: Clever Camp

Having very little money to their names, the S Club discuss what they should do to earn some more, while sitting around in a booth of a roadside diner. Upon overhearing their plight, one of the waitresses gives them a copy of a newspaper ad asking for someone to work at a special camp for intelligent kids. Paul answers the ad on behalf of the band, and they are asked to come to the camp, but when they arrive the camp isn't what they thought it would be. There's a massive library (since when do camps have libraries?), and all of the kids are smart enough to be teachers (and some of them are!).

In order to get the job, Paul lied on the phone about their education and musical abilities, so the man who runs the camp, Professor Beasley expects the S Club to be something that they're not. Thankfully, they're able to blag their way through their first encounter with the professor, and are immediately hired.

As they interact with the campers, the members of S Club decide that they should just enjoy being kids, and start having some fun, which is something that the professor doesn't approve of. Eventually, everyone is busted for fooling around, and Professor Beasley is very angry, but the kids and S Club get the last laugh when he is pushed into the camp's swimming pool.

Episode 3: Hello Hollywood

Finally, the band gets to Los Angeles, hoping that it will be everything that they've dreamed of, but those dreams quickly get dashed. They have very little money, not enough for motel rooms for all 7 of them, so it's decided that the girls will share a room for the night, while the guys sleep in the car. During the night, the guys sneak into the room, and the man running the motel is furious and kicks them all out in the morning.

Unfortunately for Jo, the band decides that they have to sell off the Chevy to get more money, but she doesn't want to let go of it. With the money that they get, they buy a rundown old Galaxy.

The band walks around town trying to find an agent, and while Rachel and Hannah are sitting down, they meet up with a guy who works as a standing-still statue. They explain that they want an agent, and he gives them the name of his, so the group goes to his office to see what he can do for them.

While walking down the boardwalk, Bradley gets run over by a roller-blading woman named Joni, who doesn't watch where she's going. She feels so sorry she hurt him, that she takes him to her home, tries to comfort him, and insists that he and the band can stay in her extra apartment while he recouperates. Of course, the band end up living there while they stay in LA.

Episode 4: Misguided

On the second day of Hannah's new job as being a Hollywood tourguide, a burglary occurs at the home of famous action movie star Tommy DeWitt. By accident, Hannah manages to stop the burglar and save Tommy's house. As her reward, Tommy wants to take her out on a date, but she soon finds out that Tommy isn't as great a person as everyone else thinks he is. He's quite conceited, self-absorbed, and just isn't the right guy for her.

Meanwhile, with the help of Jon, Rachel and Bradley, Paul gets ready to go out on a date with their landlady Joni, in order to avoid paying the month's rent. The date is an absolute nightmare, with Joni and Paul double-dating with her old college roommate Janice and her boytoy boyfriend, and Paul getting a new nickname "Horndoggy" (of course the other S Clubbers liked to tease him about that!).

The next night, after the band performs at the cafe, Joni asks the guys if they'll do her a favor and go out with her and her two (somewhat creepy-looking) sisters on a date with Janice and her boyfriend. Not wanting to have a repeat ordeal, the guys run out of the cafe as fast as they can, while the girls laugh at them.

Episode 5: The News

Hannah and Tina meet a few surfers on the beach that they fancy, and when they find out that they only date other surfers, the girls get themselves some wetsuits and try to pose as surfers. Unfortunately, when the guys coax them to show them how they surf, the girls' facade is shattered. They fall about in the water, get tangled up in seaweed, and get dumped.

Meanwhile, Paul has fallen for an older woman who works on TV as a local news anchor. The trouble is, she keeps trying to tell him what to do, what to wear, and basically running his life. Eventually, she gives him an ultimatum: quit the band or lose her, and of course, he chooses to stay with the band.

One night finds Jo with some troubles of her own: trying to find someplace to sleep. In her own bedroom, Tina and Jon are having a conversation on the other bed, so she moves on to the room that Hannah and Rachel share, but that proves to be a mistake. Their room is so messy (clothes and who knows what else all over the beds and floor) that she's unable to sleep, and ends up cleaning it all up. Then, she moves downstairs to the living room, and Bradley ends up there too, where he starts doing all sorts of things in his sleep (talking, singing, vaccumming, and dancing).

Episode 6: Prom

Rachel is very excited when this really good-looking guy asks her out on a date, but on one condition: the band must play at his prom. She agrees, but later on, a monkey-wrench is thrown into her plans. When the band meets with an agent, he thinks about signing them to a contract, but only if Rachel will go to the prom with his nerdy son first. She is torn between her priorities to the band, and her own happiness. In a weird twist of fate, the nerdy son ends up becoming popular and dumps Rachel at the dance.

Episode 7: House-Sitting

In an effort to make some money, Joni gets Paul, Jo, and Rachel a job house-sitting for a famous rap star. For the first day or so, they're excited about staying in this massive, fancy house, but then they begin missing the others, and invite them around for a bit of a get-together. Big mistake. Bradley, Hannah, Jon, and Tina, invite a load of other people including some bikers, and end up having a huge houseparty. The house gets completely trashed, and when Joni sees it, she goes ballistic, but thankfully, the owner is ok with it and their butts are saved.

Episode 8: Mr. Muscle

Tina gets a job as an exercise instructor down at Muscle Beach, and all goes well until one of the students asks her out on a date. Some of the band go down to the beach to spend an afternoon, but things don't go exactly as planned. While getting some ice cream treats, Jon finds that a muscle-bound hunk has stolen his spot on the sand, and they get into a bit of an argument to be settled with an arm-wrestling competition a few days later. Funnily enough, the guy that Jon falls out with, is Tina's new boyfriend. Bradley agrees to help Jon train for his competition, with Paul making a little film documentary of the whole potential disaster. Jon ends up winning the contest, and the other guy is humiliated in front of his other muscle friends.

Episode 9: Fall Out

Jon gets a job modelling for a catalogue, so Tina and Rachel help him out with practicing poses, but the job doesn't turn out to be what he expected. Instead of modelling for a catalogue, he ends up being used for an embarrassing zit cream ad.

Jo and Bradley compete against each other for a job at a restaurant called Buddy's Burger Barn, and Jo gets it. Bradley also ends up getting employed there, but he has to dress up in a hotdog suit outside on the boardwalk to attract business, while Jo works inside taking people's orders. Unfortunately, Jo gets fired after a mishap, but is given a second chance with the restaurant, if she'd only wear a hamburger costume out on the boardwalk. While on the job, Bradley and Jo get into a fight, and are fired immediately.

Meanwhile, Paul and Hannah are engaged in a chess game to decide who does the house chores, which ticks off everyone else, because they're not doing their share of the work.

Episode 10: Game Boy

In an effort to make money, Rachel, Jo, and Hannah audition for a mall gig playing a video game character Zelda: Warrior Princess, however, only Jo and Rachel get callbacks. Joni offers to help them pick out and practice a talent to do for their next audition. Jo decides to tell jokes, but the trouble is, that she can only come up with parts of jokes, so that's no good. Rachel tries her hand at riding a uni-cycle, but unfortunately, she's really bad at it. In the end, the girls miss the final audition, and end up dressed as teeth in a really cheesy toothpaste commercial.

Meanwhile, Bradley is addicted to a videogame, and because of it he keeps missing dance rehearsals, and he hasn't gone to the bathroom or eaten for a few days. The band is fed up, and takes matters into their own hands. They track down the young president of the company who produces the game, and convince him to give Bradley the secret code to finish the game and turn Bradley back to normal (or as normal as he can be!).

Episode 11: Making Movies

Tired of waiting around to be famous, the band decide to try making their own movie. They film a cops and robbers-type action movie with Rachel and Jo playing the robbers, and Paul, Bradley, Jon, and Hannah playing cops. Oddly enough, while filming their movie, Bradley and Paul become real heros when they try to stop someone from stealing a bike.

Episode 12: Working

When they accidentally blow the electrical wiring in the apartment building, the band get jobs to pay for it to be fixed before Joni ever finds out what happened. Rachel gets a job at a dog-walking company, and accidentally loses a dog belonging to a famous superhero, and must fill in for the missing canine until it can be found.

Jo and Jon get jobs as DJ's at a classical music radio station, but then when their boss is out of the building, they start to play S Club songs. Everything is fine, until one day when he comes back early and catches them playing their songs. Needless to say, they get fired.

Bradley gets a job working as a valet at a restaurant, but is fired when he accidentally brings his boss' car home. Eventually, Bradley gets a job posing in only a pair of boxers as a model for an art class at a local college, a class which Joni attends! In the end, they get enough money to fix the wiring, and Joni tries to sell off her paintings including the one of Bradley topless!

Episode 13: Goodbye Hollywood

Joni informs the band that she's fallen in love with a guy and she's going to live with him, which means that she's selling the apartment building. The S Club decide that they've had enough of LA for now. They've given a really good shot at trying for stardom, but nothing's worked, so now they're going to head off to try something else. Perhaps they shouldn't have been so quick to leave, because soon after they drive off, a man talks to Joni about the band, and tells her that they've scored a record deal. Oops.