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I'm overjoyed to be able to wear the White Sox uniform again. It's an incredible honor.

Robin is back and so are we! This is your one stop shop for all things Robin Ventura. All of the banner links below are working, but some of the pages are still a bit jumbled. So keep checking back and if you have any pics, articles or thoughts you'd like to add you can shoot me an email at

May 21, 2012...Sorry for the lack of updates, but here's a few: news & pics

Click a link below to see news, interviews, photos and screen grabs etc from each of the teams Robin played for during his 16 seasons. (FYI- Im going to over haul these pages soon)

This page is a part of the website Robin & Todd Online which opened on May 17, 2003 and originated as The Bronx Zoo

I have no affiliation with Robin, Todd, The Chicago White Sox, New York Mets or Yankees, The LA Dodgers, or any of their former (or current in Robin's case) teams.

All original graphics and content are © Megan Ashley
