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Petra, I love you - 4Ever -n Ever-

November 4th, 03
"We are not lovers because of the love we make but the love we share. We are not friends because of the laughs we spend but the tears we've spoken. I don't want to be near you only for the thoughts we share but for the words we never have to speak. I wont miss you because of what we do but because of what we are together. And if ever comes the day when I cant say I love you, know in your heart without any doubt, Im silent for the sake of you my love, but those words are forever upon my lips. ~And so... our friendship is but one small breath and my love for you etrenal and holds no boundries~ I am and always have been your friend, and shall always be, and my love for you on wings of the angels forever upon us and quietly within our hearts. In friendship or in love, shall ever be."
November 5th, 03
"But still, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing, I dream of you,,, and even time will lie down and be still. I want to hold you close to me to kiss you and share your dreams. I want to wrap you with my love and show you just how much I care. I wonder if tonight you're thinking of me. I just want to be where you are, and hold you tight and never let go. And here I'll be, lost in time,,, patiently.
oO0 I wish you were here with me :)
November 6th, 03
I was told long ago by a very kind hearted man that true love endures no matter what could ever happen. I know now, since I've met you and spent so many moments both happy or sad, that he was rite. Also he said that bad things happen in life to open our eyes to the good things we have forgetten about. And so I realize,,,If we are meant to be together forever, and I truly believe we are, we will survive any obstacle or trouble that comes to us. "True love endures" I will love you forever and especially today, 'til the end of time, always I will love you." This I can tell you, and beyond any question, your love for me echoes through my soul and brings warmth and calmness within me. I could never live without you now that you've become my friend, and I've come to know you hold my heart within you. Ive never known such happiness as when Im with you, nor such pain as when we're apart. I guess what Im trying to say to you is that I love you.
November 7th, 03
How do I begin to tell you that I feel so lonlie without you, I miss you so much, and you dont even know when Im here. Do I push on and reach out to you or stand alone and watch you fade away into the void. Do I tell you I love you, could I chance even the thought of doing so now. And Ive given you what you've asked of me, even though I knew you would be free of me and my heart would break... I smiled and loved you even more so and said ok. I've so much of you inside of me now and you've gone so far away, I overflow with so many emotions for you. I never needed anything as much as I do you. I know I've hurt you in the past, I know, but even so... Ive never left your side, never turned my back on you, even in our worst times. I hope you can see through all the pain and suffering I've caused you and you can still see the real man that stands before you with outstretched arms. I cant think of many times when you've left my thoughts, nor ever can I remember not feeling guilty for hurting you... I feel the same pain as you for having done so. But I still know the magic you bring to life inside me when we're together, when you say "I love you" or just to see you smile and look to me. Its that magic that will always win over the mistakes we've made. I truly love you. I desperately miss you. For me, since I've come to know you, no one could ever take your place. I miss you.
November 8th, o3
I miss you so much. ~~There's a smile in my heart that I've waited my whole life for.~~ Did you ever have so much to say and you just cant find even one word to begin to say it?
I MISS YOU SO MUCH HONEY... I just want it to be "us" again like it was before :(
"It's one thing to turn a friend into a lover, but it's completely different to try to turn a lover into a friend."
mark_03: I love you
~~~~~~~~~~November 9th, 03 ~AM hours PM chat~~~~~~~~~~
power_106: guess who loveu mark
mark_03: lool who
power_106: marrrrrrrrrk i love u
mark_03: i know you do n i love you too honey
power_106: i love u
power_106: markkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
mark_03: honey i love you so much
power_106: missed u
mark_03: missed u tooooooooooooooo
power_106: though im in a huggle mood
mark_03: mmmmmmm me toooo
mark_03: i love you so much it almost hurts
power_106: mark i loveu dont worry
power_106: mark i lvoe u
mark_03: i love you too, so much
power_106: guess who loves u mark
power_106: wanna go to bed together?
mark_03: mmmmmmmmm yes can we?????
power_106: mhm but i gotta go now though
mark_03: please dont go
power_106: im sorry mark
mark_03: i love you
power_106: lvoeu too
power_106: bye
power_106: ill be back soon i promise you
*******"God, will you let her know that I love her so when there’s no one there, that she’s not alone? Just close her eyes and let her know my heart is beating with hers."*******
Petra, my life could never be the same without you now... I need you so much to love me, let me love you back,,, forever
I honestly love you Pet, I truly do
~~~~~~~*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***~~~~~~~
November 9th, 03
When I think of love I think of us....... Love is when I think of you and me, and I feel you all around me, and even though I know your so far away, I know that somehow,,, your here with me, and I know it. Its when everyone else feels nothing, but I feel the earth shake beneath my feet with every thought of you. Love is when you have a bad day but then you see the one you love and everything seems to be okay. Love is... when no words are spoken and yet, you can still hear that person. It's giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting that they wont. It's the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen. It's letting go of the one you love, hoping that they will come back to you when they realize what they have lost. Love is when you feel like getting lost in her heart…forever. It's not finding that perfect person, but finding all of that person's imperfections and loving every single one of them. It's not found in a book, or even in a movie, if you open your eyes and open your arms you will find me in front of you. Love is bliss, and what makes it even better is that true love ends with a life long friendship. Love is like the ocean, it may have its storms but it will always see clear in the end, this I've come to know in you. Love is when you never have to say goodbye... friendship with understanding. Love is understanding, caring and forgiving. Beauty lies within a person that is willing to do anything for their love, love is beauty within the heart. It's not being afraid to be hurt. Love is running into eachothers arms, colliding with our hearts and exploding into eachothers soul. And in the end,,, when all is said and done and the night meets the day,,,, love is you and me, the warm and gentle touch of your hand upon my soul, the touch that leads me to you endlessly.
For us love is not the question, it's the answer. For us,,, love is... The promise of tomorrow, the will of the past, and the meaning of today.
November 10th, 03
I miss you Pet. It would be so good to be together with you.
November 11th 03
Shes Gone!!!....and I look to her with arms outstretched wide. The valleys echo with painfull quietness and hauntingly embrase me . My heart falls to a stop. The sky above me glazed of distant thunder and the sun and moon no longer shine upon me. I feel the cold steel dagger slice deeper into my heart and I feel I can no longer breath, death has whisp upon my very soul. Emptiness ravages my very existance, cruel and silently she has taken my heart away. Speak as I may she hears me not. For I am scorned to death from upon her tongue, she speaks no more of the warmth of my touch upon her heart. Death I welcome thee, take me into your layers, hear my call, come... come for me. She see's me not as I am, not as I breath her name with every breath... every thought. Oh come for me dark death, cloak me in your embrase for I can not endure this from this moment to the next. For I love her as I do, and she see's me not. Ive seen the edge, stood upon the cusp and looked down upon the nothingness... and I know I am not in her heart. And just as I'd began to give up hope, I'd felt a framiliar warm touch upon my cheek.. and that soft and loveing voice I've come to know so well.... she said to me, "Wake up honey, its a bad dream! Wake up!! its only a dream!! please wake up?" I opened my eyes and saw heavens own angel, my love, standing over me gazing into my eyes with deep concern and love. She leaned down and kissed me gently and put her hand upon my forehead. I smiled to her and began to speak, but she put her two fingers over my mouth and stopped me from speaking. Once again she spoke to me saying: "Its ok, I know, but its ok now, and I'll never leave you, I love you, I promise I'll never go away, I'll always love you, Im yours." Then she ran her hand across my cheek and smiled again. A tear danced down my face and she reached down and wiped it away. "Im so happy with you", I said. And she replied, "Yes I know, I love you too."
NOVEMBER 12, 03 9:30 AM USA TIME: ~ Petra, your my guiding star in the darkest of nights, constant and true.
11/13/03-- How can there be so much beauty within one person, and hidden so well. But I see inside you even though you try to hide it away. No matter what you do or say, good or bad, I'll never go away. I even love that part of you.
Im so sorry. Theres too much to say and I dont know where to start. ...and i cant say anything, and I know I have to be quiet at times especially like this and listen. Ive never been here before, and I didnt understand at first. Above all just please dont do "IT" to yourself, I couldnt live with it or without you.
November 15, 2003
True in Love ever be. An ye harm none, do what ye will. Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. "An ye harm none, do what ye will."
November 16 2003
Our words unspoken in the night, come to me gently in spiritual flight.
Nov 17, 03
Dont let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams.
.....and if we fall, we'll help the other back up again,,,
X X X ~November 18th o3~ X X X
N0v 19tH o3
Nov 20 o3
'Just can't get you off of my mind, n I don't want to either,,,, ever!
~~~~~~~~~~~November 22, 03~~~~~~~~~~~
I'd written you a poem you should have seen it, it was great. But when I pushed save it all got erased. I said how I miss you and love you and need you n stuff like that, you know... well anyway, it was great. I guess the most important part that I wanted you to know is that i truly love you and need you and want you each and every day. Your the only reason for anything any more its true. Oh yeah and ummm, please never be afraid of me if you ever do.... it's just that i trust you and believe in you. So if ever i scare you or make you feel blue, just remember I love you and that im trusting you, yeah I make mistakes but I listen to you, I hear you when you tell me what ive done to you. I learn when you tell me just what ive done wrong, so please talk with me and tell me the things i should know... the things i cant see,,, the things i should or shouldnt do. I wish i could be perfect for you but I know i just cant, Im sorry i screw up, I try not to you know, I really do. When you hurt I hurt too. I'll try to be better, I'll do it for you. and its all because I Love You. Oh and hey, I know im not the best guy around, but I hope that you know from deep in your heart, that you mean the world to me, and i really do love you in the good or the bad. Just please try to forgive me if things get sad. Try to remember im not perfect ok? and that i love you, everyting about you each and every day. I'll try harder or easier wich ever it takes. Well geez now i forget what i wanted to say.... hmmm,,, Oh yeah,,,,, i love you :)
Nov 23 o3
November 23 03
The Wizzard
November 27 03
November 29 03
~~~~~December 1, 03~~~~~
December 15 03
Well its been a while since I've been here. I've just been havin so much fun being with you Petra :)... I wish you were here rite now too :)~~~"Why dont you n I"~~~
:+:+:+:+:+:+February 18tH 04+:+:+:+:+:+:+:
... I've come to understand you and love you more than I'd ever imagined. You outshine even the brightest star in the night sky. You DO light my way in my darkest hours. You've brought me through many hard times that even you dont know of and you've been there for me without question. You've trusted me, warmed my heart, come to my aid, spoken not only to my mind but my heart as well. You've been my true friend in times of need and sorrow, in times of happiness. You ARE my best friend. As I lay in bed at night and think of you, I drift off into dreams of you and me. Even in my dreams I feel your arms around me. I feel your heart beating with mine. I feel you all around me, a place I've never been before. When I look into your eyes I'm captured by your grace and trust, your truth glows all around you, your feelings for me embrace my every desire. I've found strength in you and yet your heart so fragile, Im afraid to ever harm you again as I know I have, I know. I dont know how we found eachother within all these peoples of this great wide world but somehow we graced upon eachother and became the closest I've ever known in a woman, its true. I feel like I've known you an eternity and still not quenched my thirst of you. Your forever in my heart Petra, And if you allow me so, I wish to never leave you, nor you leave me. I believe we've managed to bring our dreams to life, and I want to thank you for what you are to me, My Love. 4Ever Yours, Mark
February 22 2004... What can I say, I just had to put this in :)
No man could love a woman any more than I do you. Day after day... I love u. I won't leave you, I promise you, I wont leave you.
...March 3,o4...
:+:+:+: March 7,04 :+:+:+:
I think about you all the time hun, your always with me :)
I wish you could know just how much I love u
I'm All Yours
March 10th, o4
Petra honey, I am so sorry bout how ive been acting, I dont know what has gotten into me. Im sorry for blaming you for everything, I honestly didnt mean to make it seem like its all your fault, because it isnt, most of it is mine. Your the best thing to ever come into my life and I just keep messing it up more and more, I know :( . Petra Im really sorry for making you feel sad and mad or anything accept happy, you shouldnt be treated like I have been treating you. I wish I could make it up to you, Id do anything. We are just going through a rough time right now. We havent had a bad time in a while so we've forgotten how to just get up and move on. But it isnt always gonna be easy, n I wish it was but we both know sometimes it wont be. This is just a test of how strong our love is for one another, if we can hold on to each other through the fights then we will be just fine, I know some times it isnt that easy to do, but we gotta try. You know how I can be sometimes now and Im so sorry, im trying to learn about myself through you. You keep asking me if I want to break up with you, the answer is, no honey I dont. Im not gonna make that mistake of ever giving you up. I'm so in love with you, why would I ever wanna leave you. If you wanna break up with me then I guess I have to respect your decision but im not going out without a struggle. You mean the world to me, you deserve to be happy all the time and I havent given you what you deserve and im so sorry i screwed up. After today im gonna try my hardest to make it the way we need it to be. Petra, I told you a while back I wanted to be with you forever and I still mean it, theres nothing in this world I want more then to be with you for eternity. Even though we may fight sometimes n I seem like im not in love with you, I still am, and that will NEVER EVER change, I promise. I love you even if we do fight. I always felt its ok if you got mad at me, sometimes its the only thing we can do no matter how hard we try to prevent it, but it hurts me to see you hurt, n i'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you :(. I know your telling me what you need from me so we can move on and be happy again, I guess all couples fight, but we should be thankful we dont fight over things we can't change and make better, its usually that we just misunderstand each other or misinterpet what we are saying. We've got to work together on this, I'd like to work it out as a couple Petra, it cant just be one of us or the other, im willing to if you are, please? Im very sorry Petra. We are gonna make it through this honey, I promise. I Love U Forever.,,, and always
March 11th, 04
03 14, 04
Petra, everything is going to be alrite hun.
i love you
+what God giveth, man can not taketh away+
... and his eys grew wide as she spoke to him from the waters edge. Backing up he made such a rustle that there was no question he was within the bushes. She smiled at him with half curled lip on one side. His heart raced as his eyes met hers once again. He gazed to the sky for a moment and drew a deep breath, and again looked into her eyes, he knew he was at her mercy. His hoofs frozen in the sand he stood motionless. He couldnt look away, such beauty, such magic in the air, he was held captive by only her smile. ... and she said with a graceful voice, " Come closer, I know its you, dont be afraid, please come?" and she took a step forward. The moonlight shown on her mane and glimmered in her eyes, the gentle wind danced around her. The sound of the ocean lapping upon the shoreline became music to his ears and her voice,,, the voice of an angel, and suddenly he found himself standing infront of her. He looked down at the sand for a second and marked it with his front hoof, he would never forget this moment. Looking up their noses brushed as she also was looking down as he was. He gasp and his nostrils flared. And again that smile,,, oh that smile of hers... and he smiled back with acknowledgment. She brought her head next to his and quietly whispered to him, "Would you walk with me?" and he stuttered with,"but, but, of,, of course,,, yes" and smiled happily to her, "Id love to." She replied as she nudged her horn across his neck,,, "Ive been waiting for you forever." ...
March 25,o4
Your my Angel Petra
April 4, o4
its going to be ok Pet,,, s ok
Every Day
I asked my heart and it told me what to feel. With you in my life now Petra, and you being inside me so deeply, your spirit runs through me so free.. the words that i hear echoing through the valleys of my life as i think of you are these: "Petra, i love u sweetheart, everything will be alrite babie, just dont let go. No matter what, love 4Ever!,,, and 4Ever in eachothers arms,,, and when the sun rises on each and every day and the moon slumbers into the mist of her beconing beams,,, we will be together forever more, and the love that abounds us will 4Ever and Always be. So take my hand and never let go, for the love that we share together each day, is our life eternally. Our loves promise, you n me." i love u Pet :X
Petra if ever i hear your voice calling out to me, " Mark, vart är du? " you shall hear in reply " Petra,,, hon ar min alskling, och min alskare, och jag ar din herrar. Jag är med du always och jag vill ha dig. Yah elsker day!!!... nu och för evigt,,, Jag skall älska dig för evigt, jag är med du. "
April 28 04
When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eye's... checking if my dream came true. It didn't, again, and a tear starts to roll, weeping quietly... my pillow I hold. Many sleepless nights I've prayed for you, my love. God touched my soul from heaven above He's answered my prayers for my bride to be. I've never felt this lucky, God did this for me. That's a question I asked each and every night. He must think your special, Joy, and I know he's right. No other has made me feel so complete, my whole life was lived, just so we could meet. All these thoughts and more going through my head. I fall asleep not worrying, but dreaming of you... instead
March 24 05
i love u so much pet....... i love u so much
Jan 9 2006 +++still in love with you baby Forever+++