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Bee Gees Books

with Esther


LAST UPDATED: 29 November, 2002

I found another book that contained very positive info on the Bee Gees. Here are the bookdetails....

Title: "Live & Kicking: The Rock Concert Industry in the 90's"
Author: Mark Cunningham
ISBN: 1860742173
Price: US-19.95  CAN-29.95
Review: Again, I flipped through it and there were numerous mentions of the brothers in relation to their concert productions and live special appearances with Celine Dion etc. Sorry, I don't have any more info than that but can find out for anyone who is interested.

Celine Dion has written a biography and it's available in stores now! I was looking through it :))))) I'm pretty sure she's included what it was like working with the Brothers on Immortality because in the pictures there IS a picture of her and the Bee Gees working on the song. It's only a tiny one but a picture none the less. In the caption it stated that they all laughed and had a great time
working together! :))) 

Title: Celine Dion: My Story-My Dream
Author: Celine Dion
ISBN: 000200061x
Price: Sorry only had a Canadian price of 35.00$

  • Title: "Billboard Book of Number One Hits"
    Author: Fred Bronson
    ISBN: 0823076415
    Price: US--24.95$  Can--39.95$
    Review: This book has all the hits that went to #1 on the Billboard charts since the 1950's and there are alot of Bee Gees!! All together there are 9 Bee Gees selections and 3 Andy selections.
  • "20th Century Rock & Roll Pop" *
    Author: Dave Thompson
    ISBN: 1896522254
    Prices: US-13.95    UK-9.95     Can-17.95
    (This book also includes some color inserts with the album covers. The author said that they got recognition in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 97 but that they had earned their place there long before!!!)
  • "Whatever Happened To ???"
    Author: Bill Harry
    ISBN: 071372675x
    Price: US-17.95   CAN-25.95
  • "Precious & Few: Pop Music in the Early 70's"
    Author: Don & Jeff Breithaupt
    ISBN: 031214704x
    Price: US-9.95   CAN-13.99
  • "All You Need Is Love: Lessons From Top 100 Rock Songs" *
    Author: Pete Farnatale
    ISBN: 0684845296
    Price: US-11.00   CAN-15.50
  • "Accidental Evolution of Rock and Roll"
    Author: Chuck Eddy
    ISBN: 0306807416
    Price: US-15.95   CAN-20.95
  • "Rock 100" *
    Author: David Dalton
    ISBN: 0815410174
    Price: Sorry, there was no visible price on hand!!! Around 20$ US sounds about right.
  • "Rock Stars Do The Dumbest Things" *
    Author: Margaret Moss
    ISBN: 1580630235
    Price: US-12.95   CAN-19.99


Of course, don't forget about the Ultimate Bee Gees Biography - Tales of the Brothers Gibb - Available from Chapters, Amazon & Barnes & Noble book stores.

About EstherMaurice Gibb Haven

As you all know, this Immortality website relies on many other Bee Gees fans for information and news. One person who constantly contributes to the Bee Gees community is Esther. Please visit Esther's website: Maurice Gibb Haven

Message from Esther

Hello All, Well first, for those of you who don't know I work in a huge bookstore up here in Canada, and I always keep my eyes open for new and older material concerning any mention of the Bee Gees. I have listed below, some books that you might be interested in.....
All these books listed above have a small chapter or mention the Bee Gees in certain sections.  On quick glance, all the news was positive and the books I've marked with a star are ones that I would buy myself. In the Rock Stars do The Dumbest Things book, this is a direct quote from Maurice: "My Dad used to say They think you're obnoxious little brats, I never knew what obnoxious
meant so I said Hey...great, we're obnoxious!" LOL.
Esther "Maurice's Muse"
Maurice Gibb Haven
Isle of Man - Bee Gees Museum Ambassador to Kitchener, On. Canada
Owner of:  Closer_Than_Close Vesta's  Maurice Gibb Club ; Gibb Wives Club on Yahoo
Member of BGFC & Club Moby. 
"Take the time to be tender, that's the plan. Only then, can you Hold Her in Your Hand." (Maurice Gibb)
"There's no fight you can't fight, this battle of love with me.....You Win Again!!" (B. R. & M. Gibb)

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