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Dreamers by Day

Home || Glee || Pride & Prejudice || Alias || 'N Sync || PDFs

Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. -Thomas Edward Lawrence (of Arabia)

Welcome! Depending on where you know me from, I am either the Dream Writer 4 Life or BeckyB, and I am a writer. This is my little corner of the Internet universe where I will post updates on my original works as well as my fan fiction in exchange for critiques, love, hugs, puppies, and chocolate (but I'm not picky). I only ask four things: 1) Do not read stories marked NC-17 if you are not of legal age in your country of origin. It's illegal, and your mom will totally know. 2) Do not steal, please. Plagiarism is illegal and just plain wrong. And again, Mom will know. 3) Go ahead and give constructive criticism! I [heart] it! I can't improve my writing (and therefore your experience) without knowing what you like and don't like. Drop me an email, write in the guestbook, or contact me through any of the fan fiction sites I frequent. In conclusion, I'm accessible from a variety of different places. Kinda like a crack whore. If you would like to toss me a line, hit me up! I'm always willing to talk! Your feedback really does matter! Your constructive criticism and encouragement ALWAYS counts, as I undergo a continual growth process. It's kinda like breathing. 4) Enjoy! If you're not enjoying something, let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.

Update for 6.3.2010
~ Tiny update for today. I added a handful of new PDFs for your perusal: "Bottom of a Bottle," "False Headway," "Hell of Heaven," "Of Eyeliner and Nose Rings," "The Rules of Dating as Dictated by Michael Vaughn and Eric Weiss," and "Twelfth Night, Or Oblivion." Go! Read! Love!
~ Good news: I'm juggling a whole bunch of new, flashy, exciting writing projects right now. Bad news: I can't juggle.
~ I've been working on converting my stories to PDF files for your printing and reading pleasures, but not all of them have gotten where I want them to be. If you'd like to help, leave a comment in the guestbook or email me.

Glee FanFiction

Glee, a television show created by Ryan Murphy, is running currently and stole my heart. It's snarky and sappy and song-y: really, the best of multiple worlds. The majority of the fan base is, in my humble opinion, a little young for what I normally write, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to write at all. I post here, FanFiction.Net, and LiveJournal (...sometimes). Clearly this is an active fandom, and PDF files coming soon!

Pride and Prejudice FanFiction

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is considered a classic by literature scholars around the world. It has one of the most active fan fiction communities and lucrative publishing industries out of any fandom. So naturally I would want to throw my joker's hat into the ring. Unconventional storytelling is my forte, and I think any fandom could use a shake-up once in a while. I post here, A Happy Assembly, Austen Underground, and FanFiction.Net. This is an active fandom. PDF files coming soon!

Alias FanFiction

The television show Alias created by J.J. Abrams ran from 2001-2006. Critics considered it a pseudo cult classic, and it involved a whole lot of foreign things, so of course I was all over this fandom. Even though the following/community has drastically fallen off since the show's cancellation in 2006, I continue to write and read Alias fan fiction, so this is an active fandom as well. PDF files of most stories can be found in the PDF section of this site.

'N Sync FanFiction

The musical group 'N Sync comprised of Justin Timberlake, J.C. Chasez, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, and Chris Kirkpatrick, and they were active in the U.S. from about 1997-2007. They were active during what health books call my "formative years," and my giant schoolgirl crush overflowed from swooning whenever their songs played on the radio to my first attempts at fan fiction. While I now agree that celebrity-based fan fiction can be creepy, just think of these as (rough) stories with characters named after some famous people. This fandom is not active. Sorry, no PDFs here: I'm not willing to embarrass myself that much.

Glee || Pride and Prejudice || Alias || 'N Sync || PDFs || Credits/Disclaimer || Contact Me