Deborah Gibson - 'Out Of The Blue'

[Deb shot]


From Manhattan Magazine (Winter 1999)

(about perceptions changing since the early part of her career)

(about being on stage, especially in theater)

(about having theater experience before landing a record deal)

(about putting theater on hold in the early days of her recording career)

(about not having a sexy image as a teenager)

(about not getting swept up by the sudden fame and fortune)

(about her mother being her manager)

(about not missing a show for "Beauty And The Beast" for four months, as well as moving to a new place)

(about success and Leonard Bernstein)

(about a very philosophical discussion Deborah had with Peabo Bryson about men and women during the recording session for "Light The World")

(about chilvary not being dead, and Deborah not wanting it to be)

(about how men react to this philosophy, and how it's reflected in her songs and performances)

(though her name is not associated with depth, Deborah feels her audience is very thoughtful)

(about no longer subjecting herself to having to explain herself)

(pop culture seems to value anger)

(about Deborah's character in her musical, "Skirts")

(about Deborah's enthusiasm for "Skirts")

(about working on the concept album, "Z. The Masked Musical")

(about what Deborah would really like to do on "Skirts")

(Deborah's other goals)

(about her image)

(about being involved with childrens' charities)

(about being involved with Saint Mary's, a boys' home)

From DGIF 10.2 (March 1999)

From the "Questions & Answers" section of DGIF 10.2 (March 1999)

Having completed your run in Beauty and the Beast, are there any plans for future projects with Disney?

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Are there any plans for a seventh album? If so, what themes/styles might you explore?

What do you miss most about your hometown of Merrick?

Will you be touring anytime soon?

Which one of your songs best describes your life?

What advice would you give to a fan who wants to break into the music business?

What really makes you laugh?

What would you be doing if you weren't in show business?

Which Broadway shows would you like to conquer next?

How was the experience of recoring "Z. The Masked Musical"?

What is one book you've read that you can relate to the most?

From "Music Choice Magazine" (April 1999)

What's this about you posing for Playboy?

Are you the most famous person from your Long Island high school?

What advice would you give Britney Spears?

Do you still have all your hats?

Say you land your own sitcom. Describe.

Which Debbie Gibson song would you put into a time capsule to be opened at the third millennium?

Speaking of which, do you still have a bottle of Electric Youth perfume?

Do people still call you Debbie?

Any other nicknames?

What would be the first line of your obituary be?

"Spirited fag hag," huh?

Do you think Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby, is a gay icon?

What would your dream musical role be?

Who shouldn't try acting: Jewel, Alanis Morissette or Mariah Carey?

Any plans to do movies?

Have you ever seen someone shake their love?

Dream celebrity date?

No Problem. Have you had or would you consider having plastic surgery?

What is the wackiest thing a fan has ever done?

What makes you gag?

If you were going to appear on Jerry Springer, what would the episode be called?

From AOL VH-1 On-Line Chat (July 13, 1999)

When will you next album project be underway?

On your CD "Deborah," there are a lot of sad songs. Do you feel you write better sad songs?

Is that a real tattoo on your ankle? If so, what is it?

Do you have any more dream theater roles you'd like to portray someday?

Anna-Jane Casey sings with you on "Cry Tonight." Will you work with her again?

How was it like working with Peabo Bryson?

Do you ever consider going back to signing the style you used to?

What is your favorite song you wrote?

Will you be doing any autograph signings while you're in Clevelant for Joseph?

What personal accomplishment are you most proud of and why?

I heard you are talking to producer Norman Lear about starring in a show of your own. Can you tell us about it?

What is it like working with the little kids and your co-stars in Joseph?

What do you think of the new teen artists out there? How different are they from when you first started putting out albums?

What's the most challenging role you've ever played? Why?

Do you have a website? Also, I have all your tapes and videos

How many instruments do you play?

Why the change from Debbie to Deborah?

Did you or are you planning on touring to support your newest release?

Will you be releasing a greatest hits album?

From Celebrity Style (August 1999)

How would you describe your personal style?

You're not a throw-on-the-same-pair-of-jeans-every-day kind of girl.

Has she designed other clothes for you?

Do you buy clothes based on your body type?

What about those evil five pounds?

What do you do about the extra poundage when you have a public appearance looming in the near future?

What designers do you like?

What do you think of the trend of designers sending clothes to celebrities?

What's your shopping style?

Who do you think has the most style in Hollywood right now?

What's one item you can't bear to part with?

Have you ever broken a date because of a beauty/fashion disaster?

What can't you stop buying?

What's the craziest rumor you ever heard about yourself?

From Leo Weekly (October 8, 1999)

About making fun of her past as a pop superstar

About her recording career helping her theatre career

Describing "Skirts"

So what was it like being a teen idol?

Dispensing advice to other pop stars of today, like Britney Spears

Would she do it all over again if she had the choice?

Being intrigued when fans come up to her and explain how a certain song has touched their lives

A quick evaluation of her songwriting ability

From the Hartford Courant (November 12, 1999)

About her youthful pop past

Being reminded of her youthful stardom

Being aware of the current crop of teenage singers

About her songs from her earlier recording career

About writing what she knew about as a teenager

About it being no surprise that Trisha Yearwood's "How Do I Live" won the Grammy

Her feelings about artists disowning their past

[Deb shot]
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Deborah Gibson -
"Out Of The Blue"