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Yes, I realize this is very belated, but...Happy New Year! I'm such a slacker, I never did get the rest of those Christmas lyrics up. New years resolution: procrastinate less. Or not. But, I'll try. lol.

Anyways, I have added a new link (*NSYNChronology) in the (surprise!) links section, and a new fanlisting. I'll get some more lyrics up soon.

I've added the first four songs from the Nsync Christmas album...enjoy!

I'm so excited! It's officially the Christmas season!! I would do a Christmas layout, but seeing as I don't have a layout to begin I will, however, do some lyrics for Christmas music! hehe.
Sorry I don't have any lyrics up yet, but I did add an award page for fun. lol. And, I have found my CD's, so I'll try and have some lyrics up soon!

I have added "Senorita" and "Never Again" from Justified, and "Baby One More Time" from Baby One More Time. I'll finish up Justin Timberlake as soon as I can, but I have managed to lose my CD's! :( I'm working on finding them though!

I added a new blend challenge to that page, and the links to the blends that I entered in each. I will put up new lyrics soon!!

I added a few more cliques, and I put up a page to link a blend challenge - my first! No new lyrics, I'll get on that soon though!

I've gone a little crazy with the cliques/fanlistings. lol. I put up a bunch and I'll prolly add more tomorrow, plus hopefully the first half of Justified.

I know it's been a while since I updated, and I'm really sorry. But, I lost my computer at about the end of July and didn't get it back until about 2 weeks ago!

However, I do have all of the lyrics to Clay Aiken's & Justin Guarini's CDs up, so enjoy those!

My plan is to get at least 1 album done a week, but it really just depends on the time that I have. Have anything to say to me? Just email me!

Happy 4th of July! Hope you're having a fun day! I've got the first 5 songs up on Justin Guarini's album, and I'll have the rest up soon. Enjoy!

Site opens! Yay! I've got lyrics up for all of Kelly Clarkson's Thankful album, and some J2K lyrics. I also made a page for links that I love. My pages are still a little shabby, but they'll be getting more colorful, and better designed soon!

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