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We don’t own the Backstreet Boys, nor do we know them or keep them in dungeons to use them for reproduction purposes.

Note: Comments are under each picture. (And please, DO NOT take offense to anything we's meant to be funny. And, once again, if you can't deal with that...either bite Jenn's ass, or go visit Thank you, and good night.) As usual, Cay's comments are in this color, and Jenn's comments are in this color.

Oh, My Gosh...he is agile. And agile is good...*smirks*

*wheezes* HOLY CRAP!! WHAT I WOULD HAVE PAID TO SEE THAT IN PERSON! I don't know if I would trust AJ to be a guard at the royal palace...Can you imagine it? "Mr. McLean, I'm going t have to fire you...again. How many times do I have to tell you? Putting purple hair dye in the Queen's shampoo is NOT funny!"

Counting the dots on the ceiling? What's with the camera? What's so interesting? This just proves that Nick is blonde. "Hey...umm...Rok? Are we upside down, or am I filming the ceiling?" "I dunno, buddy...*points* Yep. You're filming the ceiling...see that light fixture?" comment. (I thought this was Kevin at first...). That' Attractive. Kinda reminds me of Micheal Jackson with no make-up...*rim shot*

Lil' confused bud? Forget how you got there? "I'm wearing AJ's hat...and I'm flying...I shouldn't get into AJ's 'secret stash' anymore."

I think he looks like a Genie..."I will grant you 3 wishes, little teenie in the front row...*cough* But one of them has to be 'I wish all teenies would die a horrible death.'" *snort* We could call him Nickolas 'Genie' Carter...

Nick looks like a robot. Little do we know that Kevin has a knife in his other hand... It kinda looks like Nick's about to spank Kevin, or something..."Kevin, you NAUGHTY boy!" Erm. Nevermind. Don't picture that. I wouldn't want to cause anyone to have any nightmares, or anything.

There is so much wrong with this picture...I mean, Nick's face, Kevin's pants, everybody's clothing... And the fact that they let some poor photographer take pictures of them petending to use the urinals. Takes "All Access" to a whole new level, eh?

You know he's lonely when he talks to his hamburger... "Oh, Mr. Whopper With Cheese...I miss my Leighanne so dern much..."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! *need...air* AHHHHHAAAAAA! "Oh, look Mr. Security's YOU!"

Oh, My Gosh...he is agile! I didn't even know he could do that! That reminds me of that...crab walking...crap we used to do when we were little...yeah. Nick's just reliving his childhood.

I want that shirt...*restrains myself from ripping it off his body* He should go to a Kelly Osborne concert wearing that shirt...then throw it at her when the song "Shut Up" comes on. (Note to Cay: Kelly would then give the shirt to Jack. He would sweat in it, then give it to you, and you would die. The End.)

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