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Whippets the worldwide breed

Whippets are a great breed to have but they need alot of care. They need to be run at least once a day, but don't let them out of your sight or they will chase rabbits forever.Never let them off the leash unless they are in a secluded area. Whippets like to sleep under the covers of your bed. Even though they need to be run once a day they dont mind lounging around with the family. In the winter when you run them you must put a warm coat around them or they will freeze. Whippets don't like to be left alone for long periods of time. If your outside with out them they will wine for ever and do what ever they can do to get to you. They will even lick the windows thinking that they can lick through the window. They're that desperate.

Whippets are a great breed for showing or for racing. Thier sleek bodys alow them to run alot faster than most breeds except they are slower than the Greyhound and maybe the Italian Greyhound. Another good site to check out whippets is If you dont know what a whippet is go to

If you want to learn about the history of whippets or ask some questions go to If you are not satisfied with that web-site and you want to see some dog shows click here

To see more pictures like the one that you see above or below click here
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