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Adult Aquaria
soon to be: The best place on the web for fish information!
Welcome to a new beginning!
This page will be under constant construction and revision for quite awhile unfortunately.
 It will take us time to make this place the great place it will be in the future, so please, bear with us.

This is just a basic page to build from, and also to hold a few links for quick reference.

Our goal is to create a friendly, helpful and informative web site for all types of fish. At the moment we are a very young web site, but have some excellent, experienced fish keepers who actually *like* to help people with their problems. We have many cumulative years of freshwater experience and also have some extremely helpful people for salt water! I am sure as we grow we will gain even more experience into specialized areas that we may be currently lacking, but don't be afraid to ask even the tough questions as you might be surprised by the results! =)

If you are new here, Please visit our:


Forums (backup1 - hyper)


Species Profiles (dead atm)
Helpful Links (dead atm)
Disease Resources (dead atm)

The "Nitrogen Cycle"
In a nutshell, living things produce waste. In a fish, these wastes are mostly ammonia. In your aquarium, bacteria eats this ammonia and produces a waste called "nitrites". Another bacteria in turn eats the "nitrites", and produces "nitrates". These are either removed by water changes, or are eaten by plants and algaes. Which in turn is consumed by the fish...........

learn more about it here ...........
Also, see our "Beginners Faq"

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