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Hi.  My name is Tara. I am a super senior at Penn State,  majoring in Secondary Education, Earth and Space Science Option. (Check out my resume!!) In January, I'll be student teaching in the Hershey area.  I'm excited that it is so close.  Graduation looms.  Check out my professional teaching portfolio and information here.

Here's a little joke my mom sent to me.  I wonder if it's real...

This is a picture of me from my senior year of high school. It's old but it's me.  I've done a lot of different things in college.  If you want to know specifics, read my resume. 

I am a brother in the Alpha Pi Chapter of the Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity.   Here is my favorite Phi Sigma Pi picture.


I am a vegetarian, grace à John Locks and his theory of mediation.  There are some awesome sites out there for "us" including:


My Mom and Dad live near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with my turtle, Hershey.    He is a red-eared slider and looks like this (although this is not him).  He's about six inches long and likes to bite. grr.  Amanda, my little sister, is a junior at Clarion University. My big sister, Ginny Rose, and my niece, Devin, live far away with Eric, but I see them every now and then.  Devin is in third grade and learning to read.   I spoil her rotten.  It's great being an aunt!  Check out the pics of ma belle famille.


Pictures of my buddies
"We Are A Family"
Since before any of us were born,
God planned for us to share our lives together.
He knew exactly how our strengths and
weaknesses would balance one another and the
depth of love, understanding and commitment
We would learn to feel.
He knew the richness, of our separate
characters would be developed through hard
times and that mutual trust and respect
would be born as a result of overcoming the
trials together. He knew we would need each teach....
to love.....

 Because woman's work is never done
and is underpaid or unpaid or boring or
repetitious and we're the first to get fired
and what we look like is more important
than what we do and if we get raped it's
 our fault and if we get beaten we must have
provoked it and if we raise our voices we're
nagging bitches and if we enjoy sex we're
nymphos and if we don't we're frigid and if
questions, we're neurotic and/or pushy and
if we expect childcare we're selfish and if we
stand up for our rights we're aggressive and
"unfeminine" and if we don't we're typical
weak females and if we want to get married
we're out to trap a man and if we don't we're
unnatural and because we still can't get an
adequate safe contraception but man can walk
on the moon and... for lots and lots
of other reasons, we are part of the
women's liberation movement.

I’ve been asked some questions about this poem and I want to set the record straight. No, I am not a lesbian nor am I a radical feminist.   I am just a woman who stands up for myself and believes that other women should do that same.

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Here are a few more of my favorite links:

This page was created on Sep 4, 1997.

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You'll have to email me to get my snail mail address!

If your browser supports midi files, this is a piano version of my favorite song ever!
Some graphics povided by: Andy's Art Attack! - Your One Stop Web Design Resource.
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