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let's just take a moment to consider this picture.......who wouldn't buy the laundry machine, i mean, really. so the angels won, right? i don't even know, but i do know this. one time, they had a manager named moose stubing. who names someone that? ok, i'm done with the intro. keep exploring at your leisure.

"God's will is and rightly ought to be the cause of all things that are.......But if you proceed further to ask why He so willed, you are seeking something greater and higher than God's will, which cannot be found." - John Calvin

ok, like 2 new pictures as of 12/15/02

please please pleeeaaaaase sign the guestbook....and be as waggish as you feel necessary....say insipid or even inane a wiseacre(in English: you had better be funny) Famous (aka.ridiculously awesome) examples of guestbook waggishness

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Things that just happen to be on my page

rings or loops of a chain
multae picturae
ego poeta
pronoun, objective case of 'I'
the record of the course of my days
what light through yonder window breaks
things that other people said first
funny things that have been said in movies
movies.......and people in movies......their pictures
groups....good ones....that play music

Things that you should do today
