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On Tue, 14 Mar 2000 09:52:47 Craig Sutton wrote: Hi jeff, I check out the AARC page and was quite surprised to see that I was quoted on your page. That was quite a shock. I don't mind, except that you called me Charles instead of Craig. Yes I do believe the concept of race is absurd, but because of the way people misuse it. What I was getting at in that reply to your comments on the biracial domination site is that the concept of race is just a symptom of a much bigger problem. People are always going to find someway to catergorize people that are different from themselves, if not by race then by some other means. I don't think race is an evil idea causing all the problems. I think people have to realize that race is a social term, not a biological term, it is very subjective and that is the problem. If people want to use the term black or white or multiracial that in itself is not harmful, it becomes harmful when people start lumping all people who look black, white, etc. into one stereotype. I understand what your saying, you would like to see a world were people don't see black or white, that sounds really nice but I would like to see I world were people still see black and white but know that that colour has no bearing on the character of that person. I was colour blind when I was a little kid, the world was a beautiful place, but I was also very naive... Craig

craig thanx for writing, ill fix your name on the site... just a few things though: "If people want to use the term black or white or multiracial that in itself is not harmful, it becomes harmful when people start lumping all people who look black, white, etc. into one stereotype." This is EXACTLY what happens when people classify themselves into a color or name there is no other way around it! IF you continue to classify people, which the US still does, then you will have stereotypes and injustices and prejudices.The BIG problem is the race concept said that when you were a kid you were truly color blind right? You said you were niave...UNTIL at a certain age you came to understand the SOCIAL CONCEPT of race classifications--with this came all the absurd and ugly notions... NOW imagine If you were in a nation where the classifications didnt would have gone from childhood to adulthood and died in a beautiful world! see the whole concept of RACE is the problem afterall. "People are always going to find someway to catergorize people that are different from themselves" Sure they are but in a Country with no race classifications, skin differences would be just as ho-hum as hair color differences.If you cannot imagine that then you are still being CONTOROLED by the race concept you were FORCED to accept. Yes people will categorize others that are different looking from them BUT will not think of them as another TYPE of person. I hope you can understand what im saying, jeff taylor --

On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 03:32:05 George Winkel wrote: >Dear editor Jeff, Absurdity maybe. With me another term comes to mind.> Terrific Web-site! How can I communicate with Dr. Yehudi Webster? I write articles for Interracial Voice: and for Multiracial Activist: i saw your post to the Multiracial Activist Guestbook. Here are two other Multiracial Movement Web-sites: Project R.A.C.E.: INTERracial (Family): The Multiracial Movement regards multiracial identity as winnable high ground in the battle to overthrow "race" fictions entirely. "It is not 'race' but a practice of racial classification that bedevils the society," wrote Yehudi Webster. Hmmmmm. Charles Byrd of Interracial Voice and I thought we were the only ones thinking this way. Well, maybe we see a couple of things you and Dr. Webster haven't seen yet. For instance, please tell me the difference between "race" and the bedeviling "practice of racial classification"? And please read my conclusion to "The Debt -- One America Cannot Pay Reparations To Herself" Hope to hear from you. George Winkel

dear george, thanx for visiting the site which is STILL under constructon ..that explains all the spelling errors:( i can surely give you the doctors email address lemmie check with him first... we do not how ever support the so called multi racial activist sites because of their cry for yet ANOTHER racial classification (ie multiracial) which is exactly what we are trying to abolish all together ---this would also explain why we spread so much propaganda on "mult racial" or "bi racial" sites....and also on certain seperatist sites such as "black" or "black" but more importantly we are trying to end the federal, state and medical clasiifications for race, simply they will not EVER be asked(it will be illegal, canada) OUR site is not a separast thing or a group but rather an intelligent and educated fourum. We belive to make a powerful movement you need to get powerful (educated) people behind you..this is why sites such as PROJECT RACE enrage us. PROJECT race: Reclassify All Races Equally DID you read that???!!! made me laugh..To reclassify is to ACKOWLEDGE a DIFFERENCE which cannot be EQUAL the whole mission statement is absurd and juvenile..all im hearing from that site s a bunch or waa waaa im not black im not white both but i need(because of the prevalence of RACE CLASSIFICATION in America) my own special fluffy name to make myself feel better so i wanna be multiracial so dammit give me a box to check. Its a web site that made up of people crying for a classification based on their parents racial classification or rather the sad concept of race itself, which does nothing but seperate people based on such absurdity. OK as for your answer... RACE- a psyco-social concept of differences among human beings based on Morpology. Race Classifing is simply the practice of putting everyone into colors or categories or names or pre fixes before their name and classifiyng them as differnt types of does nothing but continue to seperate society and build so called "racial tension" so IF classifications were done away with all togther it would be a short and i mean short time when little kids would grow up and mature into adulthood not thinking a bit about skin color ..a true color blind society. ANYway, ive rammbled, the site will be perfect when it is a .com please share with me your feelings. jeff

On Thu, 09 Mar 2000 17:50:22 James Landrith wrote: Hello. I see you've visited my site, The Multiracial Activist and signed the guestbook a few times. I just wanted to introduce myself by giving you a little background on why I started The Multiracial Activist. I am against racial classifications. That is why I lobbied for a multiracial category which has advanced the goal of no categories further than it had ever gotten before. Please remember in your work that not everyone who lobbied for a multiracial category did so because they liked categories. I and many others did so because fighting categories outright had failed repeatedly in the past. The addition of check all that apply seems to have created a heightened awareness, and rejection of the concept of racial categorization, which was exactly the point. A wonderful side effect of this is that the Census Bureau is in turmoil over these categories now and taking a lot of heat from many sides. This year, The Multiracial Activist in conjunction with INTERRACIAL VOICE and led by the American Civil Rights Institute, run by Ward Connerly, will be working to rid our nation of these repulsive categories with a ballot initiative in California for starters. The outcome in California will determine the course of action we will take in other states. The political climate if finally ready to start addressing this issue. I hope you will be >able to join us in this fight. It will be ugly and the "civil rights" community will be committing defamation on us left and right, which is, of course, what they already do now. I will be doing link updates this weekend and will add a link to your site. Sincerely, James A. Landrith, Jr.

dear sir. thank you for clarififying what it is you stand for. I did read into your page but at first it looked as if it was another bi-racial seperatistist site. But i see how your trying to make people aware of the absurdity of classifications through the invention of a multi-racial/check all that apply etc..i will do everything i can in conjuction with others to help you in Cali. Tell me what i can do. I made my site because i have yet to run into a web site on the net that specifically addressed ending racial clasiification straitforward. I want it to be a site where college students, teenagers, or even grade-schoolers can go to learn about this vital issue in american society without feeling they were reading seperatist or group-related propaganda. Im trying to make the site as raw as possible. I am however afraid that lobbying for a bi or multiracial classification MIGHT actually bring about such a thing and-- just that. Then socially 2 'bi-racials' that have children will be 'bi-racial' then we would have, if you will, yet another classified 'race' in america. This is exactly what we dont want. I believe that polls and petitions asking simply "do you support ending all racial classifications/ categories federally in America" 90% of Americans would answer yes. Please tell me who or what parties you could see stoping this movement? I dont see how in a Nation legally color-blind any "civil rights" community could make a valid argument... I hope we will collabarte and cooperate in the future... as for now thank you for putting links to this site. jeff taylor
