These are our stories, written by us, therefore they belong to us. They may not be used, unless you ask nicely, and maybe we'll let you have it. Enjoy!
=*= Obvious =*=
Written By: Monica
=*= Heartbreaker =*=
Written By: Nicole
=*= Stay =*=
Written By: Monica
=*= Breaking My Heart =*=
Written By: Monica
The following are chapter stories based on songs:
=*= Born To Fly =*=
Written By: Nicole
Summary: Two people who can't find love suddenly realize they are indeed in it.
=*= Vanishing =*=
Written By: Nicole
Summary: I think I was on crack when I wrote this...but anyway, it has to do with kidnapping, Justin, and JC. Delicious combo.
Wanna see stories that AREN'T based on songs? Then click here.
E-Mail Monica
E-Mail Nicole