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Good Enough

Have I done it yet?
Have I reached your status?
Am I good enough for you?
I've spent my life looking good enough
To be seen with you.
I've spent my time sounding pleasing enough
To be heard by you.
Do I wear the right things?
Do I say the right words?
Do I have the right mind?
Am I only wasting my time?
What more can I do?
What else can I change for you?
I've transformed so many times
I'm not even sure who I am.
Who is this living inside my skin?
I've trained her to be your perfect girl.
But I'm not so sure I want to lose myself for you.
I don't want to lose my identity
Just to find you.
No matter what I do,
I'll never be good enough for you.
I guess I should search my soul
And find the spirit I left behind.
I'm going to stop wasting my time.
Maybe I've got to stop having you on my mind.
Am I good enough for you?
Are you good enough for me?
Maybe you'll never be
Good enough for me.

This poem is copyrighted and any and all copying is illegal and subject to applicable laws.

By Lisa (webmaster)
These Moonlit Skies