Overseen By God's Servant - Don - Bottom
In Explanation To

This is the Home Page of God's First Web Site and it's about 8 pages long. Check the Links at the bottom of it. They Link to The Books of Don that constitutes this Site, plus other writings which seeks to Explain the Book of Revelation. Those Books are introduced and Linked below according to number and Subject matter. For the sake of reading and printing, the approximate number of pages is given in each Book. This Site is under a Perpetual State of Revision as Spirit Reveals Greater Truths. It's also under a Perpetual State of Construction, therefore help proof read it. The present attempt is to put all the Books of Don on the Site to be read freely, and they can also be produced in Printed Form. This Site uses a size larger font and it shows up so dark that one can't see the difference when bold is on, so blue is used for bold.

Book One is about: "OLD TESTAMENT TRUTHS - PLUS." This Book shares various O.T. Truths, including Who God is, and the O.T. Part of the Subject: "Spirit Communication According to the Bible." This Book also contains the Writing about my Girl Dog "Daddy Girl," because the Lord taught me much about the O.T. Record of God's Creation, in conjunction with Her.

Book Two is about: "SPIRIT COMMUNICATION ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE." This Book contains the N.T. Part of the Subject: "Spirit Communication According To The Bible," Through Spiritual Mediumship. This Book explains how to Communicate with God as Spirit.

Book Three is about: "EXPLANATION TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION." This Book quotes and explain the whole Book of Revelation. This Book of Don is the Final Book that's to be added to the Bible Record. That's because it explains the Symbolic Language in the Book of Revelation, the Lord's way of giving Guidance at this time. This Truth is the way He's coming back, and those who miss this Truth, will miss His coming.

Book Four is about: "DON'S BOOK OF JUDGMENTS." This Book deals with "The Ministry of Reconciliation," giving "The Word of Reconciliation" for some who has shown that their time of Judgment has come. This is in reference to the books of Judgment in Rev.20:11:15. Personal cases is shared in the beginning of this Book, then following with non-personal cases. These latter cases apply to various religions and groups that have their own prophets or teachers whose decisions override those of the Prophet/Teacher Jesus The Christ. But these Judgment Principles apply to everyone, for God's Promised Day of Judgment has begun. This Work is just sharing what's already "Written in Heaven" as the Lord moves, showing binding examples.

Book Five is about: "JUDGMENT FOR CHRISTIANITY." This Book gives Biblical proof that Christianity is the false prophet in the Book of Revelation. It's tome to exercise Rev.18:4.

One has to type in the URL, for when I make a Link to it, it carries the visitor's number on the counter from one Site to the other. However, that Site is still under construction, but it's main intent is to offer a Spiritual Translation, and Explanation to the "Twelve Steps." The Site also seeks to share some of "My Story," as it seeks to give my literal and Spiritual Autobiography. The Site presently has on it the finished Work: The Progressive Steps.

2 PETER 1:15
The first century Apostle Peter said in 2 Peter 1:15, "Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance." And so, Peter's Work become a part of "The Everlasting Gospel," in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible. And so, I, God's Servant - Don, says the same thing, that: "I will endeavor that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance." And so, these Works are shared in the Eternal Display of the Internet, and can be produced in Printed Book Form.

The following is known as: "The 1619 Prophecy," and therein it refers to: "The Tabernacle of Wisdom." That's where the name of this Site comes from. It must have been about 15 years ago that someone sent me a writing with that Prophecy in it. I read it, but it didn't mean much to me then, but I was moved to put it into a box with other papers, rather than throw it away. Then, I ran across it a couple of years later and read it again. That time it made more since to me. I could see that some of the Writing I was doing, fulfilled some of the Prophecy in that Work. It impressed me so much, that I was moved to change the name that I was writing under. For years I had been writing under the name: "The Spiritual Truth Center." But I concluded that I had gained all of The Spiritual Truth I needed, and it was time to learn Wisdom. Therefore, I was Moved to pick up on the statement in the Prophecy concerning "The Tabernacle of Wisdom" and begin to Write under that name.

Then, after writing under the name: "Tabernacle of Wisdom" for several years, all of a sudden, Spirit put me into the Internet Works to establish a Web Site. Then, He moved me to go for a .com address, and low, and behold, to my surprise the name: "Tabernacle of Wisdom" was available, so I got it. And thus, God's First Site, "The Tabernacle of Wisdom" for the world was born. Anyone who has tried to get .com address, knows that it's practically impossible to get the exact name you want. I share this to show how God Guides. First, I had to exercise faith in conjunction with the Message to switch my Writing, to Write under the name: "The Tabernacle of Wisdom." At the time I know not to what end the Lord Worked, but I knew to step out on faith accordingly, and now I know to what end He was Working. This is what you call exercising faith with your Communications. One can see that the Wisdom of The Tabernacle of Wisdom, centers around the Bible. Wisdom is what God seeks to share in this Final Age, for it Works in conjunction with His Judgment, of which this Final Age is, God's Promised Day of Judgment.

(Author - Unknown)

"There shall be a total and full Redemption by Christ. This is a hidden Mystery not to be understood without the Revelation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at hand to reveal the same unto all Holy seekers and Loving Inquirers. The completion of such a Redemption is withheld and abstracted by the Seals of Revelation. Wherefore as the Spirit of God shall open Seal after Seal, so shall this Redemption come to be revealed, both personally and universally. In the gradual opening of the Mystery of Redemption in Christ, doth consist the unsearchable Wisdom of God which may continually reveal new and fresh things to the Worthy seeker. In order to which the Ark of the Testimony in Heaven shall be opened before the end of this Age, and the Living Testimony herein contained shall be unsealed.

The presence of the Divine Ark (Christ) will constitute the Life of this Virgin Church, and wherever this Body is, there must the Ark of necessity be. The unsealing of the Living Testimony with the Ark of God must begin the Proclamation of the Testimony as the sounding of a Trumpet to "alarm" the nations of professed Christendom. Authority shall be given by Christ to the putting an end to all controversies concerning the True Church that is Born of the New Jerusalem Mother. His decision will be the actual sealing of the Body of Christ with the Name (or Authority) of God, giving them a Commission to act by the Same. This New Name, (or Authority) will distinguish them from the seven thousand names of Babylon.

The election and preparation of this Virgin Church is to be after a secret and hidden manner, as David in his Ministry was Chosen and Anointed by the Prophet of the LORD, yet was not admitted to the outward profession of the Kingdom for a considerable time afterward. Of the stem of David a Virgin Church which hath known nothing of a man or human constitution is to be Born, and it will require some time for it to get out of the minority and arrive at a full Mature Age. The Birth of this Virgin Church was typified by St. John's Vision where the great wonder appeared in Heaven, bringing forth her first Born, that was caught up to the Throne of God (or identified with the Authority of God). For as a Virgin woman brought forth Christ after the flesh, so shall a Virgin Church bring forth the first Born after the Spirit, Who shall be endowed with the Seven Spirits of God. This Church so brought forth and Sealed with the Mark of Divine Authority will have no bonds or impositions; but the Holy unction among these New Born Spirits will be all and all.

There is not at this day (1619) visible upon the earth such a Church; all profession being found light when weighed in the balances, therefore they are rejected by the Supreme Judge, of which rejection will be for this cause, that out of them may come a New and Glorious Church. Then shall the Glory of God and the Lamb so rest upon this Typical Tabernacle, that it shall be called, `The Tabernacle of Wisdom,' and though it is not now known in visibility, yet it shall be seen as coming out of the wilderness within a short time. Then will it go on to multiply and propagate itself universally, not only to the number of the first Born (144,000) but also to the remnant of the seed, against whom the Dragon will make war continually. Wherefore the Spirit of David shall revive in this Church and most especially in some Elect Members of it as the Blossoming Root. These will have Might given them to overcome the Dragon, even as David overcome Goliath and the Philistine army.

This will be the standing up of the great prince Michael, and it will be as the appearing of Moses against Pharaoh in order that the Chosen seed may be brought out of hard servitude. Egypt doth figure this servile creation under which Abraham's seed groans, but a Prophet and a most Prophetical generation will the Most High rise up who shall deliver His people by the force of Spiritual Arms; for which there must be raised up certain head Powers to bear the First Office, who are to be persons in favor with God, whose dread and fear shall fall on all nations, visible and invisible, because the Mighty Acting Power of the Holy Spirit shall rest upon them. For Christ will appear in some Chosen Vessels to bring into the Promised Land the New Creation State.

Thus, Moses, Joshua, and Aaron may be considered types of some upon whom the same Spirit will come; yet in greater proportion. Whereby they shall make way for the ransomed to return to Mt. Zion; but none shall stand under God but those who have become "tried" stones after the similitude of Christ. This will be a fiery trial through which a very few will be able to pass or bear up in it; whereby the waiters for this visible breaking forth are strictly charged to hold fast, and wait together in the unity of Pure Love.

This trial will be an absolute necessity to all for the clearing away of all remaining infirmities of the natural mind, and the burning of all wood, hay, and stubble, for nothing must remain in the fire, for as a Refiner shall He Purify the Sons of the Kingdom. There will be some who will be fully Redeemed, being Clothed upon with a Priestly Garment after the Melchizedek Order. This will qualify them for Governing Authority. Therefore, it is required on their part to suffer the Spirit of burning and fanning of the fiery breath, searching every part within them until they arrive at a Fixed Body from whence the Wonders are to flow out.

Thus, upon this Body will be the fixation of the Urim and Thummin that are the portion of the Melchizedek Priesthood whose descent is not continued in the genealogy of that creation which is under the fall, but in another genealogy which is a New Creation. Hence these Priests will have a deep inward search and Divine sight into secrete things of Deity; and will be able to Prophesy in a clear ground, not darkly and enigmatically, for they will know what is couched in the first originality of all beings, in the eternal anti-type of nature, and will be able to bring them forth according to the Divine Counsel, and Ordination. The Lord sweareth in Truth and Righteousness that from Abraham's line, according to the Spirit, there shall arise a Holy Seed, produced and manifested in the last Age. The Mighty Spirit of Cyrus is appointed to lay the foundation of this Third Temple and support it in building.

There are characteristics and marks whereby this, Pure Virgin Church shall be known and distinguished from all others that are low, false, and counterfeit. There must be a manifestation of the Spirit whereby to edify and raise up this Church, bringing Heaven down upon earth, and representing here the New Jerusalem State, in order to which Spirits are thus Begotten and Born of God, ascend to New Jerusalem above where their Head in Majesty doth Rein. None but those who have ascended and received His Glory can condescend and Communicate the Same, being there by His Representatives upon earth and subordinate Priests under Him now. He that has ascended and Glorified has made Himself as it were our debtor, consequently He will not be wanting in qualifying and furnishing certain high and principle Instruments who shall be most Humble. And as little regarded as David was, whom He will dignify with honor and Priestly sovereignty for drawing to them the scattered flocks, and gathering them into one fold out of all nations.

Therefore, there should be a Holy emulation and ambition stirred up among the bands of Believers, that they may be of the first fruits unto Him that is risen from the dead, and so be made principal Agents for Him and with Him, that they may be, if possible, of the number of the First Born of the New Jerusalem Mother. All True Waiters of His Kingdom in Spirit ought to be numbered among the Virgin Spirits, to whom this Message appertains. Therefore, be Watchful and Quicken your pace."

Note, the first three sentences said: "There shall be a total and full Redemption by Christ. This is a hidden Mystery not to be understood without the Revelation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at hand to reveal the same unto all Holy seekers and Loving Inquirers." Therefore, let none commit the eternal sin by condemning this Work according to their religious convictions. - Check the Links below, but be ye advised, that if you can't handle Truth and Wisdom, then: `Set your sights on another Site.' For it is as the Prophecy says, "that few will hold up." That's because this is the most Spiritually deceiving generation that the world has ever known. Even the "Elect would be deceived if it were possible," (Mat.24:24). The Elect are those on this side and those on the other side who pass the test by Working with this Work. I'm one of the Elect, this Work is for the Elect, but I'm the only one I know of on this side at this time, but it's time for Them to assemble. And when they cross over, they'll become some of the Elect Angels the Scriptures refer to.

The Last Revision, April `2002

Don Register - God's Servant
Tabernacle of Wisdom
P.O. Box 1048 Bell, FL 32619-1084



Book One

Book Two

Book Three

Book Four

Book Five

The Diabetic's Dilemma

Form Letter

Eight Letters To The President