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between a blue stained glass mummy
and a red stained glass mummy
today's society has just gone to pot..
there's no hope left in this world,
preach it brother. stick it farther up
Violent muscle spasms
slam your head into the wall
cramped style and misrepresented outgrowths
of your union workers
union for blind persons striking for an equal opportunities workplace
and then, here it comes
strait at your head
pointed as a dog does for the kill
gushing madness hope for a better tomorrow
Driving at night,, slowly turning and avoiding the thoughts that raid your mind
driving in blackness, no headlights..
Nobody knows you are out here.
nothing owed to anyone
watching the fog roll by,
phone rings and;
signs you may have choke disorientation;
1] discomfort with friends and family
2] uneasiness in public places
3] feelings of guilt when confronted with young girls marked by pop culture
4] need to stop yourself from laughing when around handicapped persons
5] finding yourself wearing makeup when no persons are around
6} a cornucopia of bad smells
supplied: bad ideas
like the look on the child's face when its head first hits the wall
like the look on your face as you watch-
your friends and neighbors conduct satanic rituals
You can find hope here.
We Are C.H.O.K.E.
here to do every politician's dirty work,
heck, we'll even do your dirty work
for the correct sum.
your soul-- grinded up in a steel vat
with other souls.empty.lost hope.and searching
you wont find it
We watch as they cut holes in your chest
through a one way mirror we laugh
emotionless and staring
eyes wide open.. wanting more
there is no better tomorrow
you want to make a difference?
Hitler made a difference...
you may want to be more specific
Submit your proposals to us
they will be handled by one of our robots
then spit out onto the street
moaning and wailing,, wanting to be loved
America's great disaster
new edition... over 80,000 meanings
translations,, empty but happy
More than 40 tragedies of gigantic proportion
in each of the disasters examined, you will find stories of=
Damage, Death, Destruction,
bravery and survival..[the ability to look through jaded eyes]
pricetag labeling the untold story of misery
watching your family burn in the city
a university for you,, for us
Ten cent millionaires..,
Let them eat cake
baked with sweat and tears of pigs hit by cars
Serial number: 8356856
your whole life summed up into a series of digits
lost hope, empty tomorrow
There is no tomorrow.
secretions of a bitter past
secret thoughts of revenge
Easy Language Conversational Skills
yes more, we want more... we want to see you cry
unhappy and fearful
another name for evil
another face of evil
of what is to become of us
broken, molded, tainted, Folded
half eaten, distrust moreover
Tarter fields of your love.
No longer
a sort of revolution.
"Acheiving success, without failing your family."
we boast stories of success,,,
of assembly line tactics and work ethics.
carousel transview round and round until you vomit
into the air
caught in the mouth of a demon child.
Blue stained glass mummy:
"That's absolutely horrible..."
Red stained glass mummy:
"I know, but dont you just love it....?"
unmarked by pop culture,
and attaining more distrust everyday for our friends and family..
we are: C.H.O.K.E.
a sight for sore lies
the schizophrenia movement.
project; schizo
violent muscle spasms, bleed for a better tomorrow..?
"Like the look on an infant's face as it realises its mother is not coming back."
we are: C.H.O.K.E.
have a nice day
