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Chapter Two-Heart Aches

~*~********************************~*~(Living Room) "Nick! Nick! Wake up!! I heard a scream I think that someone is up stairs!" Tina said while trying to wake Nick up. "What?" Nick replied half awake. Tina punched him in the arm. "OK I'm up no need to get all physical!" "we gotta go upstairs and check on Brian and Kim!" "Ok. Don't you think those two make a good couple, anyways? I mean they are always together anf flirting and stuff like that why don't they just hook up?" Tina asked half talking to Nick half talking to herself. "Ya like us!" Nick mumbled under his breath hoping that Tina didn't hear. "What was that Nick?" "Nothing." They made their way upstairs. ~*~***************************~*~(Kim and Brian's Room) "Baby what wrong?" Kim asked. "OOOwwwwwww it's my heart it's hurts you gotta go call the ambulance!! It's coming back!!Owwwwwww!!!!" Kim just stood there frozen. Frozen with shock and frozen with fear. "Kim? Kim? I need your help Kim!!!" "Omigawsh Brian!! What's wrong???" Tina asked rushing over to Brian. "My ooowwww h- oooowwww--ha heart oowwww ca-call th-the ambu-ambulance!! Hur-hurry p-pl-ple-please. oowww!!" "Ok." Tina rushed to the phone. "Kim get your ass moving!!" Nick screamed at Kim. She just stood there. "Nick take BRian downstairs I will take care of Kim. Tina finally got Kim to go downstairs and Nick and Brian were downstairs. They could hear the ambulance sirons coming nearer and nearer. ~*~**************************************~*~(Ambulance) By now they were all in the ambulance and Brian was screaming in pain. Kim was holding his hand. And NIck and Tina were worrying their asses off and watching this dramatic scene. They finally arrived at the hospital and they were wheeling Brian into ER. Kim was ging until she felt someone hold her back. She quickly turned aroung to see Nick and Tina. "I'm sorry Kimmie but you can't go with Brian right now." Tina said regretting that she had to say that. " What the hell? NO you cannot just tell me to stand here and wait for the manI love for all I know he may be dying and you are telling me that i cannot go see him?!" Kim replied her voice getting higher and higher. She had already tried to walk-off but Nick was holding her back. Nick did all he could but obviously he needed Tina's help because Kim was kicking and screaming and crying very much. She finally gave up and went into the waiting room and cried that's all she could do anyways. "Did we miss something or did she just say that she loved Brian?" Nick asked. "No we didn't you know that they love eachother but I guess that this was the right time to say it. Well not the right time because Brian is in a bad condition but that sounded better in my head." Tina replied. " Ya I understood what you just said!" Tina playfully hit him. "Hey I should go call the guys and tell them that Brian is here, huh?" "Ya go I wiill go talk to Kim." Nick was off and and Tina went over by Kim. "Hey girl!" Kim answered with sobs. " It's ok Kim it's ok. To think the night started out with night mares and now all of this is happening what a awy to start the day! Hey!?! That rhymed!!" Tina tried to lighten the moment but it didn't work. "NO! It's not gonna be ok! I just stood there when Brian needed my help! I just freakin stood there!! I didn't do jackshit!!" It's not ok!! If you guys didn't come he could've died!!" "NO! Don't say that! It's not your fault. We came anyways didn't we!" After awhile Kim calmed down alittle bit. "Brian said that it's coming back. What is coming back?" "Well Kim. When Brian was younger They found a hole in his heart. And the doctors said that while he is growing up, that it will get smaller. But I guess now it has grown bigger." "Oh ok.." Kim was ust staring at the floor now. Nick came in the room. "The guys are on their way now." All Tina did was nodd. There was a silence in the room until the guys and their girlfriends showed up.Melanie was Howie's g/f, Shereen was Kevin's g/f, Edrea was Aj.'s g/f, and as of 4 hours ago Kim was Brian's g/f. Tina, Kim, Melanie, Edrea and Shereen were all close. And were best friends in the whole wide world. Monica was like everyone's big sister. She even helped Kevin. So when she had passed everyone payed their respects and some of Monica and Tina's friends stayed with Tina for awhile. When the guys came over they met Tina's friends because Monica's friends were with their husbands. They each had a click and they hooked up. Everyone knew that Tina and Nick would hook up someday. But there was a huge problem. IN Tina's past relationship she loved the guy very very much. He said he loved her too. Until one day he broke her heart because he heard gossip that Tina was purposely flirting with other guys and he was also playing on Tina. She was toltally heart broken. Only Monica Edrea, Shereen, Kim , and Melanie weer there to help. They all had lived at San Francisco at the time. SO then they decided to move to Orlando. They moved to Orlando for other reasons also. Since then Tina built frozen walls around her heart and she promised her self never to fall in love again. Well every time she saw Nick she was breaking her promise. Nick seemed to melt those frozen walls of hers. It was like she was ice and Nick was her fire.When anything was wrong Nick was always there to comfort her. Just like earlier. It's like all he did was be there and comfort her. Tina knew it. She even tried to become stronger but Nick made her weaker. Tina was powerless. She knew that she had fallen for Nick and she had fallen hard. Deep down inside she knew it was love. But yet she was still unsure. Nick on the other hand was already head over heals for Tina. He always wondered why Tina never let him love her. He knew that she had feelings for him, because ehr friends told him. But it seemed like she was scared, He thought that Tina thought he was gonna hurt her. She didn't though. He always wondered what she as so scared of. Every couple was in their own little world. Tina Nick and Kim were just talking. ~*~***********************************~*~(A.j. & Edrea) "Baby I'm so worried about Brian." Edrea said to A.j.. While she took his hand and squeezed it. A.j. was just staring at the floor. Edrea and A.j. were going thruogh rough times lately and it was really screwing them up. First of all Denise practically hated Edrea second Rumors were going around that A.j. was cheating on Edrea with Amanda, and lastly One time they were at a club and ther ran into Amanda. Edrea went to the restroom and Amanda was all over A.j. Edrea saw and oohh was she mad. A.j. always found a way back to edrea's heart. And for some odd reason he was thinking about how happy he was that Edrea trusted him and didn't listen to Amanda. "J? What are you thinking about J?" Edrea asked A.j.. He peplied "Amanda." "What? You're thinking about Amanda? Why the hell are you thinking abut her?" Edrea said with her voice getting higher and higher and then she ran off. All they seem to do is fight lately and everyone was very concerned about their friends. "Did I just say Amanda?? Holy shit!!!" A.j. said running after Edrea. ~*~*********************************~*~(Kevin&Shereen) "Kevin are you ok? I just want to let you know that I'm always here." Shereen said to Kevin. "No I'm ok." They were interrupted by screaming. Sure enough it was A.j. and Edrea. They used to be so luvey duvey but now you get killer headaches if you listened to them argue. They saw Edrea run out of the room crying. "I'm gonna go after her kay bye." Shereen said to Kevin. But before he had a chance to reply she was gone. ~*~**********************************~*~(Howie&Melanie) "Howie look at those two always fighting don't they ever get sick of it?" Melaie asked Howie. "Damn they are at it again? Now I have to listen to Bone whinning all day." Howie replied. "Hey it's not that easy on us girls either we are worse. We even listen to songs in bed all day that reminds us of them and then we don't take showers fr weeks and then uuummm we stay in bed and lock ourselves in and-" She was intturupted by Howie, " Ok I get the piont." Then they saw Edrea run out of the room followed by A.j. then Shereen. "I guess I better go too." Kim was gone just as fast as Shereen. ~*~*********************************~*~(Nick,Tina,&Kim) "Damn those two never stop!" Nick said kinda annoyed by the constant fighting. "Hey give them a break things really aren't that eaasy!" Tina shot back. Just then they saw Edrea run out of the room followed by A.j., then Shereen, then Melanie. Tina and Kim looked at eachother and ran off. LEaving Nick all alone. ~*~****************************************~*~(Hallway) "You guys wait up!" Kim and Tina said. Shereen took A.j. and told him that he better not follow because he already coused enough problems so he was off back to the waiting room. They already knew where Edrea was going sot hey decided to give a few minutes alone, so they started talking. "Nice job Shereen!" Melanie said. "No one messes aroung with my best frineds and is able to casue more damage!" Shereen replied. "Well let's hurry and go help Rea so that if there is any reesults on Brian then we will know!" Kim said, "Oh ya we are hooked up!" That information didn't take them by surprise so they just kept on walking on their way to the Hospital chapel. They were all very religous girls. Except for Shereen. Shereen was muslm. Everyone else was Catholic. So they were off. ~*~***********************************~*~(Waiting Room) Howie, KEvin and Nick were atlaking to eachother intil they saw A.j. walk in. "So what did you do this time?" Kevin asked A.j. "Well she asked what was I thinking about and then I said Amanda," He knew he would be intterupted so he continueed," LEt me finish first. I said Amanda because I was thinking about how faithful she was about all the rumors going on she still belived me through all that Amanda crap." "And then why are you back here?" Howie asked. "Shereen told me to go away because I cause to many problems." A.j. replied. "Hahahahaha Bone got told!!" Nick said. A.j. was already pissed and he didn't need none of Nick's crap, so he grabbed nick by the collar and pushed him against the nearest wall. "Listen you little twirp I don't need any of your shit right now so shut up!" "HEy!! Bone get off of him now he was only playing around ! You always pick on him!! Say sorry now!! Both of you!" Kevin said. "Sorry NIck I kinda snapped." A.j. said. "It's ok dood I'mm sorry to." A.j. accepted. "Did you guys notice that there are only guys ion this room?" Howie asked out of nowhere. "GUY TALK!" They all said in unison. Just then the doctor walked in and they all started to shake. "What's up doc?" Kevin asked afraid of what the answer was goona be. "Well the doctor started," Brian is not dead but he in in very bad condition. His heart was lacking blood. So he felt pain. We are unsure if he could make it through the day. it would be a miracle if he could though. You may visit him." With that the doctor left. ~*~*************************************~*~(Chapel) As the girls walked in the chapel they could hear loud sobs. They followed them and found Edrea. "Rea what's wrong?" Shereen asked. "He.....said....I...asked...he....Amanda...then..I.." She cried more. "What the hell did you just say?"Kim asked. Melanie was laughing hysterically. She noticed that she was the only one laughing then she asked,"Why aren't you guys laughing?"Tina hit Melanie playfully, "Because that was an actual question the kind where you're not supposed to laugh. We really didn't know what she said!!" "Oh, sorry." With that everyone was laughin well Edrea only had a smile on her face. "C'mon you know that was funny Rea!" Shereen said. "Well ya but I'm used to your guys stupidity!" They all hit Edrea. "Well anyways what happend?" Kim asked getting straight to the point. "Well. I was talking to A.j. and he was like in lala land. I mean he was just staring at the floor. So i asked what was he thinking aobut. He said Amanda-" Edrea was cut-off by Shereen. "That son of a-" "Hey Hey Hey just because you're not our religion doesn't mean you can't respect it!" Tina already knowing what Shereen was going to say. "Sorry. Anyways sorry. Rea go on." "Anyways this is what I was trying to say after I was rudely intterupted by someone,"She said looking at Shreen And Tina,"I got mad and then I stormed out of the room, and then here I am." They all looked at Tina for something. You see Tina was the youngest but when they were younger she went through the rough times,boy problems, heart aches. What ever you wanna call it pretty sure she went through it. So she knew what to say because she knew what you perspective was. Like if she was helping with a break-up she never took sides if they had a good reason to break it off she would back off. But she would only back off if that reason was good or they told her to back off. So Tina was like the big sister. Always knew what to say. She could also make you laugh. But she knew how to act when the time was right. She was mixture of everything. She could also box. Shereen she would always make you laugh. When you just got heart broken and were crying you ass off. She would pull you out of bed and make you laugh. Even when she was crying she would make herself laugh. Shereen could box too. She had 3 brothers and one sister. So she had a few pointers from her brothers. Melanie well what can I say she was Melanie. She also helped you with problems. But sometimes it could be wrong because she hasn't gone through that much. On boys or what have you. She concentrated more on her studies. I mean she was smart but she also had a lot of fun. Edrea she was spontanious. But she wasn't that bad she knew right and wrong. She was well tamed. She also had a fragile heart. When she is heart broken. She would think that it was the end of the world. So when she and A.j. broke up once. She was crazy. She would lock herself up in her room. She would not communicate with anyone. She even tried to commit suicide. She knew the price fr that. She would stay in hell. but luckilly her supportting friends were there to stop her. Kim. She was the bad one. She would tell you off if she thought you were acting bitchy. If you had a wierd outfit. Or if you jsut looked real bad that day. She would tell you. She was brought up in a good family but when you messed with her. you messed with the wrong person. Kim could bow also. She had mostly boy cousins and she had two brothers she was the only girl. "What?" Tina asked half already knowing the answer. "Well we're ready for your great lectures!"Edrea said. "Ya what do you have to say about this little issue?" Shereen asked. "Well-" Tina was cut-off by Kim "GO girl!" "Anyways what I have to say is that. If you guys break up, I will do something and it will really hurt you. But if you want advice I say that you guys know you love eachother so then if you guys break you guys will get back together. Just give love time. And I know that you aren't gonna break it off because you guys will be miserable and then all of us will go through hell with you guys. And that's not nice. But we are all here you. And I feel your pain because if you get hurt we all do. But I know what I told that I would hurt you well I know that didn't help but here is what I really have o say. A.j. never intentionally hurts you. He never even knows he does. He knows that you have a fragile heart but he can't control what happens. I'm sure he didn't mean what he said. It was probably somehthng like he was thinking about how much he hated her for hurting you and him. And you just probably misunderstood. Member that time when you thought A.j. liked Amanda all over him at that one club. Anyways if you do decide to break it off or you guys break up some way which I hope you don't if you do not give me a good reason then I promise you that I will hook you two up. Sorry if I sound kinda biotchy it's because I'm stressin over Brian." Tina was done. (I know that that wasn't the greatest advice in the world.But would you be thinking straight if one of your friends could be dying? didn't think so) "That was so touching!" Shereen said pretending to wipe away a stray tear. Tina hit her. "Well can we get back now I wanna go see the results on Brian!" Kim said. Edrea fixed herself alittle. And they were off. Not knowing that what they were about to find out was so bad.

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Chapter Three-Promises Made & Surprises
