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SOUND AND VISION Magazine January 2005
Record Reviews


No, The Breetles aren't actually kicking sand in Brian Wilson's face. As they recently stated on their Web site (, they love the Beach boss, really. They just feel that, after you've listened to SMiLE enough times, you might want to hear Don't Smile (Shuss/No Fault).

When it comes to the Breetles, "they" is mostly "he": Chris Breetveld, a Jersey guy whose love of everything Fab embraces not only the Beatles and the Beach Boys but also latter-day arts-and-craftsmen like XTC. But wait, there's more -- R. Stevie Moore, to be exact. The legendary man-about-pop is just one of the friends showing up for Don't Smile tracks like the timely "Take Freedom, Give Me Security" and the bovine "Cows In Your Brain." Breetveld may not be the best singer on the planet (hey, just like Brian!), but he writes and plays so well, the surf's always up. "This is not your standard three-chord group," a press release points out. "They know all four."

But wait, there's more more! Order now and get a free 70-minute disc of outtakes and live tracks. After you've listened to Don't Smile enough times, you might want to hear a bonus track of moody electronics -- which just happens to be called "Sloop Jon Benet."

--Ken Richardson
