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d o n ' t  s m i l e 2               "don’t smile" at the breetles

Once upon a time there lived a fancy babe
dressed in shine and ju-ju undertow
just about to break within a passing day
she was showing shadows, would the morning know?
No no no no no

All around the world there was an interest, yeah
those with richer circumstance would come
just upon arrival they would form a line
she was showing shadows, would the music go?
No no no no no
I don't know

How about a big one? She would ask you then
on the screen the graphics would not move
put your money there inside the estrus box
she was showing shadows, would the texaco?
No no no no no

During the October season she was closed
and the lines of customers would sleep
while the king was eating one day he found out
she was showing shadows, would the evening grow?
No no no no no

Yesterday the fun came to an end for sure
fancy babe was found heaped on the floor
she created shadows til they did her in
she was showing shadows when they did her in
no no no no no
lyrics printed by permission
©1975 r.stevie moore

Korzun-keyboards, bass, percussion, vocals
Breetveld-drums, rhythm guitar
Lucas-lead guitar
recorded & mixed at Just In Dreams, So. Orange, NJ
engineer: Tom Lucas

             goofball & dickwad compare symptoms

6) LONESOME BILLY (breetveld)
1- It happened on the road to this old town
The sheriff was dispatched
to put the fear of God in his cold heart
It ended with the sheriff in the ground
And lonesome Billy runnin' like a hound

What does he know about the numbing pain
of seeing someone's lover killed in vain?
No words can soothe
The images remain
Lonesome Billy's wife died for their claim
Lonesome Billy's wife died for their claim

2- Upon her palomino so she rode
alone to county court
to file for rights to pan for gold
She got lost maybe two miles east of Town
They found her in a creek,
Looked like she drowned

How could they know it was an act of fate?
His beloved lying in a watery grave
No words can soothe
The anger never died
Lonesome Billy rides into the night
Lonesome Billy rides from dark 'till light

3- Sometimes you'll hear an echo in the wind
Some say it's just the ghost of that old sheriff,
moving in
Some say that he let ol' Billy win
Now Billy cannot show his face again

What can he know about the guilt or shame
carried around for years in profit's name?
Nothing can soothe for all the damage done
His conscience was made quiet by a gun
The sheriff put to rest for work he done

Lonesome Billy rides into the night
Lonesome Billy rides from dark to light
©1992 the breetles

Breetveld-acoustic guitar, bass, vocals
Priester-pedal steel guitars
Tomlinson-lead guitar
recorded & remixed at Soundcheck studios, Caldwell, NJ
engineer: Steve Szymanski (below L with Breet)

7) ALL FALL LONG (ferguson/ moore/ breetveld)
All fall long I thought about how it happened
All fall long or at least how I imagined
All fall long I thought about how it happened
All fall long or at least how I imagined it to be

I let my mind float
on a leaf in the wind
and I wonder if it misses its tree
not nearly as much
as I’m missing you
we gotta deal with this sensitively
All fall long I thought about how it happened
All fall long or at least how I imagined it to be

But solitude and silence
and the frost are all I have
along with too much time to remember you

What went wrong? I’ve been waiting for a phone call
All fall long or perhaps a thoughtful word or two from you

I can tell the smell
just a warm scent of
summer's multicolored breeze
I can feel how real it's
bringing those fragile
feelings back to me

But solitude and silence
and the frost are all I have
along with too much time to remember you

(kaleidoscopic glow
of autumn hues
fill my eyes along
with overflowing tears)
©2001 lyrics-roger ferguson music-r.s.moore/c.breetveld
lyrics printed by permission

Moore-guitars, bass, vocals, handclaps, tambourine
Breetveld-drums, vocals, handclaps
recorded & mixed at Just In Dreams, So. Orange, NJ
engineer: Tom Lucas

                                         breet/ rsm / timkorzun