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Howie's Reef

Holding a basketball while drinking juice
Playing the guitar in QPG
Wearing Tommy Hilfiger overalls
Hot and sweaty with an open shirt
Wearing a white jacket
Singing and giving a peace sign
Wearing a red plaid shirt and giving a peace sign
Wearing a football jersey
Holding a b-ball and juice while outstretching his arms
Dancing with an open shirt
Millennium pic
Wearing white
In water with a dolphin
Smiling and autograph
Singing in a concert
Dancing in a concert
On The View
With Tweety Bird
Chin in his hand
White silk

Pointing with his shirt off
In water
Holding a rose
On the beach with a smile
Lounging in an orange shirt
I dunno
In overalls pointing
Hands behind his head
Holding a rose
Wearing a ski jacket
Shirt off looking down
Dancing with shirt off
Hand over his heart
Scared face
On a beach
Wearing sunglasses and giving a peace sign
Hug me
Smiling some more
On motorcycle
Surprised in concert
Closeup with a city behind him

Wearing silk
Pointing in Canada
Sitting ina blue plaid chair
Squatting with his hands on his head
Resting head on his hand
In concert