123mm.com is designed for influential people who want to work together in reshaping our world.   

Our objective is to make a difference and provide information on excellent products and make recommendations on how to improve others.  We want things designed to better suit and serve our needs as a community.  

Our site seeks to highlight the following topics: 

  • Need - products that are great; 

  • Wish - items we wish we had or, had and want them back or, products we like but could be better if... ;

  • Bookremarkable - sites we think need to be included on your list of favorites;

  • Sponsored - as a form of accountability, the groups we sponsor will have a place to add their notes of gratitude;

  • More - we are always under construction; and

  • Links - we welcome influential people with outstanding views to be linked.  We are looking for people who want to help make a diversifying difference in our universe

Join in and link with us.

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Please become our sponsor.  email us at: melanie@123mm.com


 under construction


Please buy our sponsor's products.


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 under construction


Please become our sponsor.  email us at: melanie@123mm.com




Please buy our sponsor's products.


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Home | Need | Wish | Bookremarkable | More | Sponsored | Links

Please email Melanie or Michele at  melanie@123mm.com .  We are happy to answer or post any questions or comments that you may have and can have your emails posted usually in 3-4 weeks.  We will need your name/city/state and make emails interesting and to the point if you want them published.  

We welcome links.  We want influential people with outstanding views to be linked.  We are looking for www sites which want to help make a diversifying difference in our universe.  

Reviewer information listed is not intended to be used to sell products but to heighten product awareness so people can try and test them, if they haven't already.  We have no intention of recommending something that hurts or offends others or other product.  Nor do we want to inflate product price and if it does, we will remove it from our list.

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