Old Testament Bible Study - Page 7 (Exodus/Numbers/Amos)

First things first. Please read this important message - click here.

"There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." (John 3:1-8).


Here are prayer request that yours truly have at the present time. (1) My family - for their salvation. (2) My co-workers at Newark Liberty International Airport - for their salvation. (3) And for the LORD's chosen ones who work at EL AL Airlines - that they may hear the good news and receive the LORD JESUS as their MESSIAH, (4) Plus please pray for my co-workers at Papa John and Federal Express - that the LORD would send labourers their way to tell them of the SAVIOUR.




DATE: January 2, 2021 (Saturday) -- "To GOD be all the glory in CHRIST JESUS." So, I just want to start this new year with thanksgiving to the LORD GOD for all HIS many blessings in CHRIST JESUS.

It has been 1 year and 10 months since the blessed LORD GOD allowed yours truly to do this ministry - the gospel tracts distribution - which the LORD GOD had me start March 2019.

The pictures above was when the LORD granted me grace to start the ministry. The lady was one of the people who got the gospel tract I was giving out. And the car with the Papa John sign on top was mine. I was still working at Papa John and Fed Ex.

NOTE: To go to the next page (year 2021) click here.

DATE: January 3, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in CHRIST JESUS. Yours truly is posting this picture of the missions in Burma (see picture below).

Soe Naing - missionary to Burma (picture above). And she has an interesting article (albeit outdated) of her work there at Burma - click here.

The picture above is the LORD GOD's grace and tender mercies for the Bible study ministry.

DATE: January 6, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Last night, yours rtuly was invited by Edgar Madarang to attend the Daniel Life Group on Tuesday's - from JIL (JESUS is LORD). There was the elder guy, Reynaldo Leona who gave an encouraging insight/testimony.

Also, yours truly has been trying to memorize scriptures. I re-write the verses that so that I can use the new pad for doing memorization - snce the old sheets were wearing out.

These scriptures (picture above) were from Cash Willis' bus preaching video from YouTube. All of these good and perfect gifts are from the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS.

Then there are the many, many blessings from the LORD GOD which HE showers me with every day - the golden jewels of HIS HOLY WORD. Those from Marge's Facebook posts (see picture below) - click here.

There are also other ones that are just too wnderful for words. There is the In Touch Ministries by Dr.Charles Stanley.

NOTE: The video above is my second attempt at animation using Krita apps, and Huion digital pen/tablet. All by the blessed LORD GOD's grace in CHRIST JESUS.

DATE: January 16, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in CHRIST JESUS. Just updating this one thing that the LORD GOD allowed me to do - namely the gospel animation. See below.

And LORD willing I might make more, as the blessed LORD GOD allows. I know that Amber and Tony Reyes are happily serving the LORD GOD there in Tagaytay City. And Tom Pennington is being mightily blessed by the good LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS in the ministry as the pastor of Countryside Bible Church for a good 40 plus years now.

DATE: January 17, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Just as a postscript, I am posting this picture of the next gospel animation using Krita.

And if the LORD GOD wills it/allows it, then yours truly will go ahead and continue this means of sharing the good news of the LORD JESUS through the social media.

Also, there is the current event happening here in the USA, with the closing days of the presidential next term for the year 2020. I am trusting in the LORD GOD for the second term of HIS appointed - namely Donald Trump. Me and pastor Albert are trusting the LORD GOD for the sovereign hand of the LORD GOD to win/rule over the whims of men. As the patriarch Abraham knew about the LORD GOD, that the JUDGE of all the earth does do right.

DATE: January 22, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all thingd in CHRIST JESUS. I thank the blessed LORD GOD for today for HIS faithfulness - in providing for my every needs (in CHRIST JESUS). By the way, Avan, my nephew is a believer in the LORD JESUS - got a text from him a couple of days ago saying he is reading the Bible. And he was instrumental in providing for my every need - even financial ones, like my bus fares for the week, which this guy was almost out of. And the blessed LORD GOD has faithfully proiveded again through my nephew, Avan.

My GOD , FATHER in heaven, in CHRIST JESUS, is ever faithful to me. I remember what Paul Crouch used to say, that GOD is never ealry, HE is never late, HE is just on time!

DATE: January 23, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Below is Joni and Friend video:

One more blessing - the blessed LORD GOD has allowed me to do gospel animation. And I am doing one now for pastor John - for the church (of the LORD JESUS).

DATE:January 30, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CRIST JESUS. The blessed LORD GOD (I thank the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS) has given me another ministry - the Bible animation - to work on.

I made the video above for Jersey City Church CRC. The blessed LORD GOD gave me the grace and tender mercies to do this ministry. Yours truly started with just the dry erase board and progressed to the Huion digital pad and pen with Krita apps.

DATE: February 1, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. It's snowing outside continuously for the entire day, and yours truly is stuck iinside. But I thank the blessed LORD GOD for this time off (a time of rest for me - like Tom Pennington said in the SHEPHERD's CONFERENCE of taking time off - and the good LORD GOD gave me one today). But I did get to study/read Exodus on the life of Moses in chapter 3 when the LORD GOD showed HIMSELF to Moses. Yours truly had been doing Bible study/reading with my friend at Banana King on Exodus (the Old Testament), and once in a while the blessed LORD GOD gives me time to really study the passages. And today, I was reading over the unforgettable providence of GOD in Moses' life - Exodus 3. When the LORD GOD revealed HIMSELF to Moses - Exodus 3:1-2, "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flockto the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of GOD, even Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed." I am not sure but I think this is the frist time Moses has actually encountered the LORD GOD, HIS appearance in the burning bush. He must be so amazed. But at the same time, I think that the unspeakable peace of the LORD GOD must have kept him from fearing the LORD.

I was jst mauling over the passage in the HOLY WORD of the LORD about Moses (as me and my friend are studying ths book - Exodus) as he was hiding in Midian when he found out that Pharoah wanted to kill him - Exodus 2:11-15. Exodus 2:11 tells us that Moses knew he is a Hebrew, when he "went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens...".

NOTE: I just found out that Midian is several miles from Mount Horeb. It wasn't a walk in the park. From MIdian to Mount Horeb must be at least 50 or so miles! But I guess he has the whole day to go over there. I wonder if this is the ony time Moses had gone that far to tend to the sheeps. Then at that very day, the LORD GOD appeared to him. It must be some spectacular view - the "back side of the desert" (Exodus 3:1).

This is GOD's sovereignty at work - "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of GOD, even Horeb." (Exodus 3:1). It is by GOD's sovereign providence that Moses just happens to go to Jethro, who is a priest, who is the priest, in Midian. Midian is an awfully LONG walk from Egypt. And if he did walk to Midian, it must have taken him days to get there. So the LORD GOD must have sustained him on his journey, on his travel to Midian through the desert.

NOTE: And I just learned from Studylight Albert Barnes commentary that "the backside of the desert" (Exodus 3:1) was by the wilderness that is a district supplying pasturage, and not a barren wasteland. And that Jethro, Reuel's son, and brother-in-law of Moses, must have lived west of the Gulf of Aqaba.

So, it could have been easier for Moses to tend the flock coming from the western side of the Gulf of Aqaba. And when the LORD GOD shows HIMSELF to anyone (human), it always displays HIS HOLINESS, HIS glory - as was described by Isaiah - Isaiah 6:5, "Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips: for miine eyes have seen the KING, the LORD of hosts.".

NOTE: The video above by Dr. Charles Stanley is about Exodus - with the calling of Moses, and the account of the redemption of the people of Israelites. And it has a lot of GOD-inspired messages to the hearer of HIS HOLY WORD. So take the time to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT inspired message of Dr. Charles Stanley on the book of Exodus.

DATE: February 3, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the gory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. It is still snow covered mess outside. And yours truly hasn't gone out for two days now to do the gospel tracts distribution ministry.

NOTE: This is what it looks like here today, Wednesday - see picture above. Anyway, I thank the blessed LORD GOD for it nonetheless. It gives me more time to study/read HIS HOLY WORD. ANd I am going through the book of Exodus (like back-tracking from the Bible study that I am having with my friend).

Two major characters/persons in the Bible representing different aspects of GOD's character, namely, HIS holiness, and HIS grace - and these are Moses who represent the LAW; and the LORD JESUS who represent GOD's GRACE/MERCY/JUSTICE.

Exodus 3:2 - "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed." First thing, if it were me, I would really be amazed. I might think that someone or something must have started the fire probably for some reason. And maybe I will probably wonder if it will cause a wildfire. But as Moses got nearer the bush, he realizes that it wasn't getting toasted (consumed) [Heb akal aw-kal = burnt up, devour]. The bush wasn't touched. (Kind of reminds me of the clove of fire that appeared at Pentecost among the disciples/apostles). It was the ANGEL of the LORD, the LORD HIMSELF - JESUS CHRIST in HIS incarnate form.

Then we read that Moses "turn(ed) aside" [Heb sur soor = call back, turn off, leave undone, turn (aside, away, in), withdraw, be without.] He dropped everything, and checked out this amazing scene. And Moses (he) left the Jethro's (his brother-in-law) flock, and climbed up (?), or walked towards the burning bush. Flash back to Jacob when he fell asleep and the LORD GOD appeared to him in a dream - Genesis 28:10-16. It must be an awesome experience when Moses heard the LORD call out his name. Like Moses must have been stunned/astonished to hear the LORD, much less see the burning bush. You don't really see these great appearances/works of the LORD now a days, but we shall see them again when the LORD comes back in the air (at HIS second coming).

Well, there was the resurrection fo the SAVIOUR but mostly, HIS miraculous life.

NOTE: The above picture is from Studylight Joseph Benson commentary - which verifies what I was trying to capture when Moses was approached by GOD ALMIGHTY. That a voice came from the burning bush is astonishing enough, but when the voice calls you by name is something else. The burning bush and the voice is really amazing (jaw-dropping).

DATE: February 8, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. I thank the blessed LORD GOD for giving me another day of HIS infinite grace in CHRIST JESUS.

DATE: February 11, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The great CREATOR (GOD the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT) came down here on earth to reveak HIMSELF to a human, named Moses.in the form of a flame. The GOD who is beyond the whole of universe, who supersedes time and space, took a form.

The great CREATOR GOD who made the immense universe and everything in it (including microscopic forms of life) has shown HIMSELF sovereign over elements (fire), to communicate to a human (Moses). And I was just thinking (it dawned on me) that if some voice calls me frm a burning bush, then I might get a little scared - and would probably be besides myself - "And when the LORD saw that he truned aside to see, GOD called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I." (Exodus 3:4).

DATE: February 12, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Moses must have been momentarily stunned or not, when the blessed LORD GOD called him. But Moses (him/he) answered the LORD - Exodus 3:4.

DATE: February 13, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The GOD of the universe chooses to have us (HIS creation) participate in HIS ministry (to behold HIS magnficent glory) - when HE called Moses. The call of Moses - Exodus 3:4. Moses had to tend to sheeps before the LORD GOD called him to do HIS good and perfect will; plus this was where the LORD GOD needed him to be for the LORD to get his attention - even in GOD's holy mount - Exodus 3:1. To the LORD GOD be all the glory, honour, thanksgiving, and praise - for all HIS blessings and great goodness in letting us share HIS goodness (all because of CHRIST JESUS) - the GOD of the vast universe, who is also the GOD of the smallest particle (molecule).

DATE: February 23, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in CHRIST JESUS. The LORD's message for me for today - Dr. Charles Stanley, "Before You Step Out Of The Will Of GOD".

I am now, by the infinite grace of GOD, in the LORD's revelation of HIMSELF to us through Moses - Exodus 3. The people of earth (different nations in that time) are lost in sin and shame. And the good LORD GOD continues to show HIS care for all the people of the earth - through HIS chosen people. All of these things that the LORD GOD is and has done through HIS chosen people is to make HIMSELF known to all the earth - who are blinded in sin and the evil one.

It is GOD who chooses - the sovereign over all of creation - Exodus 3. From the unierse in it's vastness, to the microscopic sub-atomic particles, the LORD GOD is in complete/all-power over all things. And the LORD GOD chose Moses out of all the children of Israel/Jacob (Exodus 3).

DATE: February 24, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The burning of the inanimate object (the bush) but is not being singed/scorched, is an incredibly impossible sight - but not with GOD! When I set a paper on fire, it burns and gets scorched, but this bush wasn't touched by the fire - goes against natural process. SUPERNATURAL.It's like what the LORD JESUS did at Cana of Galilee -when HE turned the water into wine (the original natural wine). GOD ALMIGHTY controls the very elements on this earth that HE created.

DATE: Fberuary 26, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. We had a Bible study today with my friend on the book of Exodus. And my friend read, and this is by the blessed LORD GOD's grace in CHRIST JESUS, and discussed Exodus 15. The LORD GOD has to show Moses a little of HIS glory (soveriegn power over creation) to let him know of the LORD GOD's reality (also this is for us as well) - we are people of little faith.

DATE: February 27, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So far, I have read in the Old Testament, of one appearance of the LORD GOD in a very different supernatural way (in a burning bush) only in here (Exodus 3) - in Abraham, the LORD GOD talked with him and showed HIMSELF in HIS pre-incarnate form when HE talked with HIM before going to Sodom and Gomorrah; and with Isaac continuing HIS promise to his father, Abraham; and to Jacob, in the dream.

The different ways the LORD GOD talked to the people HE chooses - to the first humans, GOD spoke face to face (with Adam and the first family); then with Noah; then with Job; then with Abraham, etc...

What are the things that the blessed LORD GOD talked about when HE conversed with us humans? GOD our FATHER in heaven through the LORD JESUS, blessed SAVIOUR/CREATOR/KING, comanded Adam to til the ground (as a grounds keeper only), and to multiply. Then to Cain about his brother, whom he killed. And Noah about HIS judgment on the whole earth because of the great (and you can't even imagine - Dr. Charles Stanley) sin/violence. NOTE: All these the LORD GOD has in HIS eternal MIND from since the foundation of the world, even before time began; rom eternity past.

March 13, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly was given by the blessed LORD GOD "wisdom" as we were studying the Bible on the book of Exodus - that before Moses, there was no LAW. People do what is right in their own eyes.

The LORD GOD hasn't given HIS standard for HIS character, HIS holiness, the LAW (the ten commandments) to those whom HE chose (anyone , to HIS own chosen ones). From since the beginning of ceation, Adam and Eve, the people of earth are basing their actions on their GOD-given conscience. Several thousands of years since creation when the LORD GOD had placed in us mainkind, HIS image; and since Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - losing their innocence - up to the global flood (Noah) with the people of earth having one language, to the time of the tower of Babel.

But the people had the sense of right and wrong, like having a wife (Abraham), and the introduction of circumcision. Also, in the time of Isaac, when he did what his father did before Pharoah (Abraham) about his wife Sarah. Then there is Jacob's first generation (children), Judah, who had relations with other females. And even Jacob who had relations with four different women.

But Joseph was an exception in all of the children of Jacob. Joseph is (he) of a different way (GOD's grace). He had respect to the inner law of the LORD GOD - like when confronted by Potiphar's wife.

DATE: March 14, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all thing in CHRIST JESUS. GOD is the GOD of the living and not of the dead! Mark 12:27. The LORD JESUS said this telling us of the ever-existing LORD GOD the FATHER. GOD is eternal; HE is forever. As in Exodus 3, GOD calls Moses to tell him of the fulfillment of HIS promise to Abraham (who is dead), and to Isaac, and to Jacob (who are all dead) - but the LORD GOD is still alive, and (HE) is alive for ever. See Exodus 3:6.

DATE: March 15, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. One of the reasons - to make HIMSELF known to the whole earth - the one true GOD; and I am sure that some of the Egyptians believed on the LORD GOD even though it is not recorded in the Bible. The Egyptians must have their own gods - false gods - that they worship. And the LORD GOD cares for them too - in giving them a front and center view of HIS majesty (in the miracles).

I heard Dr. Charles Stanley say that the LORD GOD does not say Y'ALL, because HE treats us inidivually (which is true); but the LORD GOD deals with HIS chosen people as a group of people - Exodus 3:7, "And the LORD said I have surely seen the affliction of MY PEOPLE which are in Egypt, and have heard THEIR cry by reason of THEIR taskmasters; for I know THEIR sorrows;".

Then there is the one thing that the LORD GOD mentioned, and that is the "PRIEST", Exodus 19:6. That office of being a PRIEST is mentioned in Abraham's day, with Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18). Even in the image of the LORD GOD in us, HIS creation, there is the need for fellowship to GOD (HIMSELF), thus the need for a priestly office.

NOTE: Click on the image above to go to the link.

There were priests even also in the time of Moses, like his father-in-law (?) (Exodus 3:1), and even in the children of Israel in Egypt (Exodus 19:22, 24). So the people in Moses time, even in Abraham's time know of the priestly office.

DATE: March 16, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. I was just musing about how Moses was like - as in comparison to our current day people - like Moses was an executive in the business world, or a member of the presidential family.

DATE: March 19, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Well, the blessed LORD GOD has been gracious to me. Even though this "situation" is happening (my needing to move to another apartment), the blessed LORD is my refuge in CHRIST JESUS.

The LORD GOD gives man the wisdom (ingenuity, creativity, nventions) as HE sees fit to fulfill HIS purpose (HIS divine, perfect. good WILL) in HIS own good and perfect time.

TIME: 8:19PM Thank the blessed LORD GOD for the abundant grace in all things in CHRIST JESUS - in giving the wisdonm in my study of HIS HOLY WORD. I have just remembered/ and am reminded of the work of the LORD here on earth in fulfilling HIS sovereign and good, perfect paln for the world; for all mankind.

I am always reminded of the big picture of the LORD GOD eternal plan of salvation of mankind (us) through the LORD JESUS CHRIST. From eternity past, to the beginning of human history, creation, to Noah, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the 2 million decendants of Israel. And now Moses. Something that I noticed from my other reading of the book of Exodus, that after the LORD talked with Moses and told Moses to go back to Egypt (Exodus 3:10) that he asked permission from Jethro, Exodus 4:18.

Also, the second thing that the LORD GOD said to Moses after HE told Mses to take his shoes off because the place is holy

NOTE: The video above of Dr. Chrles Stanley coincides with the Exodus study above (on Moses) with the LORD GOD at Mount Horeb.

The book of Exodus shows of the LORD GOD's unfolding eternal plan/will for that time - as HE is presently unfolding HIS eternal/perfect will/plan for us - humankind in this very time (in CHRIST JESUS). Exodus 3:6, when Moses realizes that it is the LORD GOD of ll glory, eternal and holy ONE, CREATOR, he (Moses) turned his face/covered his face from the LORD GOD. So, Moses knew about not looking straight at GOD.

DATE: March 20, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Exodus 3:6b, "And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon GOD." Fear of the LORD GOD's holiness struck Moses, as the LORD GOD revealed HIMSELF to Moses. Shame in our sinfulness makes us turn away from the LORD GOD. But that didn't stop the LORD from calling Moses to fulfill HIS eternal plan for humankind through HIS chosen people - Exodus 3:7-10.

Also I noticed that the promised land has at least six different nations existing during that time, Exodus 3:8b. The Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. NOTE: See Hittites map below

DATE: March 27, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, in the Banana King Bible study, yorus truly went through the history of mankind from the beginning of creation to the time when the LORD GOD gave the LAW to man (through Moses). The Banana King Bible study got to Exodus 26 in our Bible reading. Here in this chapter is the instructions of how to make the materials for the ornaments/designs for the tabernacle. In chapter 25, the instructions for the ark of the covenant and holy things were given.

DATE: March 28, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The holy THINGS of the LORD are types of the LORD JESUS; and what the LORD GOD would have us to approach HIM - through the LORD JESUS, the LAMB of GOD.

NOTE: The LORD JESUS is the lamb of GOD that was pictured at the Passover, and at the sprinkling of HIS blood in the tabernacle.

NOTE: The picture above is the ark of the covenant that is placed in the holy of holies - where the high priest goes to offer the blood for the remissions of the people sin. In the picture are the holy items - the manna, the stone tablets, and the wooden staff.

So, and Moses is introduced here as GOD's chosen to reveal HIS holiness to mankind (through HIS chosen people). I am just thinking just how some one can lead two millioin people from slavery - and the LORD GOD had the solution - HIS ALMIGHTY POWER. The LORD GOD shows us the life of this chosen by GOD's life from birth to death.

And moving forward a bit, GOD's WORD tells us of the implements of the LORD GOD to free HIS people from Egypt - by means of the 10 plagues (which were the river turning to blood, the frogs, the lice, the flies, the disease on cattles, the boils on both man and beast, the hail, the locusts, the darkness in the whole land, and finally the death of the frst born). NOT just one, but TEN (the number of completion). And at the fifth plague, the children of Israel weren't affected by the plague - disease of the cattles.

Here in this time in human history - in GOD's creation - the LORD HIMSELF has shown HIMSELF sovereign and real - the ONE true and living GOD. Even all the events and holy items were symbols of the one true and obedient LAMB of GOD, the LORD JESUS.

So, Moses went to confront Pharoah twice - Exodus 7:14. NOTE: Interesting conversation between Moses and the LORD GOD - Exodus 3-4. In Exodus 3, the blessed LORD tells Moses what HE wanted him to do - commissioning Moses to speak on the behalf of the LORD GOD, the one true and living GOD. NOTE: And an inspiration just came to yours truly about the LORD GOD talking to a human/creation Moses. I am not sure if Moses realizes his insignificance compared to an ALMIGHTY GOD - when he hid his face from the LORD Exodus 3:6b.

Yours truly just thought of something - the parallel of the slavery of the Israelites as compared to the slavery of unbelievers to sin, and the freedom form slavery like the freedom in the LORD JESUS (from sin).

DATE: March 29, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. I am encouraged that the blessed LORD GOD cares so much for HIS own - "And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;" (Exodus 3:7).

DATE: May 30, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Just a mental note - I logged on my other web site for this personal Bible study on the Old Testament. As I mentioned before at the other web site that the blessed LORD GOD has shown HIS infinite compassion to us HIS creation in initiating HIS plan of salvation (from time immemorial - from since eternity past) in HIS SON, the LORD JESUS. It is the LORD GOD's prerogative to do what HE wants - HE is GOD, and HE owns everything. We are but creatures, and we should obey, worship, and praise our CREATOR - specially when HE is a good GOD.

So, in Leviticus, we are told of the LORD's requirements of the sacrifices/offerings the people were to offer the LORD GOD for the burnt, grain, peace, sin and trespass offerings - with a selection from the flock/herd, which the LORD HIMSELF has even provided. The LORD GOD owns everything, and yet HE lets us use them out of HIS benevolence.

Then there is the graphic picture of the display of how horrific our sins are as the people offer the sacrifice (burnt offering) to the LORD in front of the tabernacle of the congregation - Leviticus 1:4-6, "And he shall out his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the preists, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. And he shall flay (skin) the burnt offering, and cut it into pieces." I can just imagine when an Israelite would go to offer to the LORD, and he is holding or guiding the animal to the gate to kill it, he probably would hold on to the animal who might move and buck. Then you go in front of the gate and the priest, and you slit the animal's throat while holding it to keep it from moving. Then the priest would catch the blood in a bowl or a container, and go to the altar and sprinkle it around the altar. Then the person offering the sacrifice has to cut the animal into pieces, after skinning it - which take time. And it has to be done in a clean surface, like maybe a wooden block of cloth (?).

Also, there are different types of sacrifices(animals) for the offerings - bullocks/cattle (Leviticus 1:2), sheep/goat (Leviticus 1:10), and turtledoves/pigeons of fowls (Leviticus 1:14).

The killing is done by the offerer. He or she takes the animal and kills it himself or herself to show him/her of how horrific his/her sins is.

And all the while, the other parts of the world the people there are busy living life that they know to live in their own way - apart from the LORD GOD and HIS ways.

DATE: May 31, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Then there is the part where Moses had to travel all the way to Egypt (by camel or donkey or by foot) as the blessed LORD GOD called him to do; and he had to confront Pharaoh, with Egypt's mighty army.

The LORD GOD hasn't revealed HIMSELF to anyone, except Melchizedek, until Abraham's time (Genesis 12:1, 7); and the people in the whole world is in darkness worshipping gods that they do not even know. Then in the time of Moses (about 400 years after Abraham), GOD showed HIMSELF to Moses. This is note-worthy/significant because there was not Old Testament back then. Even in Abraham's time. The LORD GOD's appearance to Abraham was significantly novel/new. Click here to read more of Abraham's time - idolatry then.

DATE: June 3, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. To the blessed LORD GOD glory, honour, thanks giving, and praise (in CHRIST JESUS) with HIS everlasting faithfulness to yours truly, in favouring the ministry that HE has given me (with this guy named Kyle, a Bahai believer - at least that's what he says). I got to talk to this guy and shared my testimony of the saving grace in the LORD JESUS. And this was when we (me and my Bible study friend ) were holding or starting the Bible study, and this guy was there with one of my friend's acquaintance, and I asked him that he was the same guy yesterday that I gave the gospel tract to; and asked him if he read it. And the conversation went from there.

Anyway, I can't help but keep thinking of my contemporaries blessings from the LORD GOD, like pastor Tom Pennington who is a pastor of a growing church; and pastor Tony and Amber who also are a pastor and wife both are (team) missionaries in the Philippines, and have their church and different ministries. While I am here with nothing except this lowly ministry of gospel tracts distribution, and gospel door hangers (for two years already), and am getting older.

Click on the picture above for full view.

In the Bible study, which was done briefly, my friend just started to read Leviticus 5, when we were interrupted. But the important thing is yours truly shared the gospel to the guy. But, going back to the study on Leviticus, this is the instructions given by the HOLY GOD ALMIGHTY, the one true GOD, to let HIS chosen people know of HIS HOLINESS. And yours truly is thinking of the setting up of the tabernacle, how long it takes to assemble. But the blessed LORD GOD gives them the strength and agility for the task.

As I read through and think through the book of Leviticus, I can not help but think of those pagans who were outside the community of the chosen people of the LORD GOD.

DATE: June 4, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Just a thought - that if it weren't for the oppression of the Egyptians, the chosen people would probably want to stay in Egypt in comfort (?) - but GOD uses even the evil of Satan to fulfll HIS good and perfect will. Plus, the oppression of the Egyptians must be so harsh, that the LORD GOD had them spoil the Egyptians as a small recompense, "And I have surely seen the affliction of my peoplewhich are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of theri taskmasters; for I know theri sorrows," (EXodus 3:7).

DATE: June 5, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The blessed LORD GOD has only the best for us, "unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey," (Exodus 3:8). But there is the need to actually fight for it - for the LORD GOD's blessing, "unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites." (v. 8c).

DATE: June 6, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Yours truly just had an epiphany (inspiration) from the HOLY WORD of GOD, the Holy Bible - about the LORD GOD having us share in HIS glory by seeing and experiencing HIS abundant grace in CHRIST - as in the case of Moses with the LORD involving him in the LORD's exploits (deliverance of the chosen people), Exodus 3:7-10. NOTE: This was Moses' ministry. The LORD GOD had called him and had him do this task - and the LORD GOD's ALMIGHTY presence was with him; GOD's OMNIPOTENCE was behind the calling.

What we can do is to trust the LORD GOD - the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. "And (but) Moses said unto GOD, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" (Exodus 3:11). Such is our case - cold feet - when confronted with such a great task.

DATE: June 11, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, by the infinite grace of the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD of heaven and earth, I read that Leviticus is literally the continuation in Israelites wilderness journey after the tabernacle was constructed/assembled; and when the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle.

So, yours truly was holding the Bible study this morning at my friend's place and we back-tracked to Exodus last few chapters where Moses and the Israelites finished construction and making the furnishings for the tent and tabernacle. And I told my friend that Leviticus ws a continuation of Exodus in that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY gave the instructions to Moses after all the worship structures were assembled (back in Exodus 38-40).

NOTE: Check out the pictures below - on the chosen people busily working on making the things for the tabernacle, etc...

What materials Moses used to show the craftsmen of the sketch(es) of the tent of meeting and the tabernacle, and the other objects for worship, is not mentioned - but they have available the papyrus and clay.

DATE: June 12, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Exodus 36-ff is when the chosen people, with the skilled artisans, worked on the designs of the furnitures for the tent of meeting and the tabernacle. And with the respite given to them by the LORD GOD, they built all the worship items - "Thus was all the workof the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they." (Exodus 39:32). So when the people of Israel were done building, Moses blessed them (the people and the worship items) - "According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work. And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they had done it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them." (Exodus 39:42-43). Then they stood everything up and arranged them by instructions from the LORD.

DATE: June 13, 2021 (Sunday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, after much deliberating with myself, and reading passages in Exodus about the very time when the Israelites were told by Moses to prepare for their delivery, Exodus 12. When the children of Israel was told by Moses to prepare for their exodus, they must have stocked up on supplies for the journey (tents, woods, ropes, etc...).

The children of Israel was given enough warning/instructions to pack up the things that they needed (and they must have thought ahead of time what they will need for the journey and for the settlement). Besides, metal works (metallurgy) was invented way before the Egyptian empire, even back in Genesis 4 - "And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah." (Genesis 4:19), "And Zillah, she alsobare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron:" (Genesis 4:22). Tent making was inevnted back then too - Genesis 4:20, and wooden instruments (haprs and organs) - Genesis 4:21.

NOTE: Click on the image for a full view (right picture).

So, tent making, stringed instruments, and metallurgy started (was invented - by the LORD GOD giving us - mankind - wisdom/ingenuity - for such tasks) way back even in the very beginning of time -- before the global flood (Genesis 4).

DATE: June 14, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, as I was ruminating over the first of the offerings that the blessed LORD GOD spoke of to Moses, namely the burnt offering, I wsa struck with the thought that the LORD GOD was busy taking care of the other people of the world, while HE was taking care of Moses, and the children of Israel - giving them special attention (with the magnificent miracles, the several plagues, that the LORD GOD performed in Egypt) all the while proclaiming HIS glory in all the earth.

This then brings us to the different offerings that the blessed LORD GOD instructs Moses to offer to the LORD in behalf of the people of Israel, Leviticus 1-7.

NOTE: Click on the image - Leivitcus, the book of sacifice - to view fully.

The last picture should give you an extensive explanation/information on the Levitical laws. Moving on - yours truly will have to go about the study of the offerings one at a time, then comparatively side by side.

DATE: June 15, 2021 (Tuesday) -- And going on ahead to Leviticus, yours truly noticed (by the grace of the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS) that the LORD had Moses set up the tabernacle in a very orderly fashion, Leviticus 1.

NOTE: Click on the first picture for its full view.

Back-tracking to Exodus 40 just before the appearance of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY at the tent of meeting/tabernacle of the congregation where the LORD GOD gave the instructions to Moses, when Moses was instructed by the LORD GOD what to do in setting up the tabernacle for community worship for the first time (in the wilderness), Exodus 40.

NOTE: Just a short video/animation that yours truly made of Moses' setting up the tabernacle for the first time ever (of all the earth).

DATE: JUne 16, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS.

DATE: June 21, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Yours truly is now at Leviticus chapter 1, by the LORD GOD's grace in CHRIST JESUS. As the book of Leviticus starts with the burnt offering, so yours truly proceeds with that part of the blessed LORD GOD's divine instructions for true worship. I heard it said that the going through the motion of sacrificing is an object lesson for the people/individual (us) of the horrific picture of what sin does.

DATE: June 22, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Moses developed cold feet when the LORD GOD told him when HE said that HE will send him to Pharaoh, "Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt." (Exodus 3:10). Here is the answer of the LORD GOD for Moses' timidity, "And HE said, Certainly I will be with thee;" (Exodus 3:12a). This should be enough to give Moses renewed courage, taking GOD at HIS word. But the flesh makes cowards of us all. So the blessed LORD GOD had to re-inforce to Moses HIS all-in-all for Moses' needs, "and this shall be a token unto thee," (Exodus 3:12b). The blessed had to re-assure Moses of a sign/token - that the LORD GOD will give Moses a miracle, as if to give Moses an incentive. "and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee:" (Exodus 3:12c). Moses will see/know/realize that the ALMIGHTY GOD has sent him - which reminds me of what the blessed LORD JESUS said to Peter about the rooster crow - after which the denial (3X) - that when Moses had done obeying the LORD GOD and having delivered the children of Israel to worhsip/serve the LORD GOD there at that very mount, then Moses will know (have his eyes of belief opened) GOD's sovereignty/providence.

Mount Horeb. Here the LORD GOD changed the course of human history - and that through one man, Moses. Even in the time of Abraham, the people of the earth were idolatrous, not knowing the one true GOD, and doing what was right in their own eyes. Then the eternal GOD, CREATOR of the world, reached out and made a covenant with one man (who was himself was an idolater, Joshua 24:2) out of the millions who dwell in earth. It is grace through and through that made the LORD GOD of all creation to pick one man to change the awful course of human history - namely Abraham.

DATE: June 23, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. At this point in time, this one man, Moses, is just learning of the nature of the one true GOD, CREATOR of the universe (Exodus 3:14). All of the LORD GOD's involvement in our history results in a direction change for the good.

DATE: June 24, 2021 (Thursday) To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Thursday today, and yours truly just noticed that the blessed LORD GOD had three assortments/choices for the offerings ranging from the cattle, then the flock, and then the fowls. It's almost as if the classes in the people of Israel consists of three - the rich/wealthy, the middle class, and the poor. Having read through (in Banana King Bible study) summarily, I found out that there were at least five major offerings delineated in Leviticus for the people of Israel to offer to the LORD GOD.

First there is the burnt offering - Leviticus 1. So, yours truly held a Bible study with my friend at Banana King, and pointed out a few things that directed my thoughts to the blessed SAVIOUR, the LORD JESUS. Just the first offering alone directs to the blessed SAVIOUR in the procedures in sacrificing the cattle - like laying the hand of the offerer to the head of the animal, "And he shall put his hand upon the headof the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him." (Leviticus 1:4). The word that is used here for atonement is kaphar kaw-far = a primitive root; to cover (specifically with bitumen); figuratively to expiate or condone, to placate or cancel: - appease, make (an) atonement, cleanse, disannul, forgive, be merciful, pacify, pardon, to pitch, purge (away), put off, (make) reconcile (-liation). The purpose of this offering/sacrifice is for appease and then annul the person's sin. NOTE: The LORD GOD sees everything, so when we follow HIM/when the people of Israel follows the blessed LORD GOD's instructions, HE sees it and grants what HE says would happen - placing the hand of the animal's head for identification.

DATE: June 26, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. "And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD:" (Leviticus 1:5a). This is the reason for sin's awfulness result - how bad sin is. There must needs to be death.THEN there is the spilling of the blood, and sprinkling it around the altar. The blood must go back to the altar - life is in the blood, and life belongs to the LORD GOD.

DATE: June 26, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. "to be an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD." (Leviticus 1:2d)

All of the offerings/sacrifices are to be burned by fire, which is a sweet aroma to the LORD GOD. A holy and perfectly pure GOD must require a punishment for sin, and yet HE is merciful, so HE lets us bring a substitute in our place. ALSO, the ministers/priests who takes care of the burning, getting rid of the ashes, getting the wood for burning, and the general maintenance of the tabernacle and its furnishings, gets a portion of the offerings as their compensation.

Approaching a holy GOD/CREATOR of the universe, by sinful creatures (us - fallen humanity), is impossible, but the LORD GOD has made a way (pay forward) in HIS SON, the LORD JESUS. The LORD GOD's power and GODHEAD is seen in HIS creation (even in the heavens), so (as the apostle Paul has said) no one is with excuse - "For the invisible things from creation of the worldare clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even HIS eternal power and GODHEAD, so that they (us) are without excuse:" (Romans 1:20). And Romans 1 goes on to show the situation of us all apart from the LORD GOD - so the harshness of sacrifices in killing it, skinning it and burning it.

NOTE: The first sacrifice in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:21).

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NOTE: Killing of the animal sacrifice (picture of the killing of the LAMB of GOD, the LORD JESUS as our substitue); and the grain offering. The killing of the animal sacrifice in front of the LORD GOD. GOD sees it anyway - HE sees everything.

The priest then takes the blood (probably letting it spill on a bowl), and takes it to the altar and sprinkle the blood around the altar.

DATE: June 28, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The life is in the blood - Leviticus 17:11. The human soul is of precious value to the LORD GOD - "For shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36). The LORD GOD does not delight in the death of anyone - "Say unto them, As I live, saith the LORD GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;" (Ezekiel 33:11a). And that the priests takes the blood/life and sprinkle it around the burning altar - "And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, SHALL BRING THE BLOOD, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation." (Leviticus 1:5). So, yours truly has been speculating/thinking things through as I read the scriptures, on draining the animal's blood - I imagine that the smell of the carcass is strong, including the blood. It must be an experience that you can not forget soon - butchering an animal sacrifice.

Above is a video of skinning a cow - and this is modern day butchering. Back in the times of Moses, the people of Israel do not have machineries. And it takes at least two people to butcher/skin and cut to pieces. But this process is not for commercial purpose, but for ceremonial, as an offering to the ALMIGHTY GOD.

The above video is instructional on how to cut a cow/beef - in a modern day setting. In Moses' time, it is completely different and things are done differently, I guess. But the blessed LORD GOD gives HIS people wisdom, so they (the Israelites) were trained by the LORD GOD while in Egypt taking care of the cattles - Genesis 46:31-ff. All these things take some time. I am sure that the children of Israel was given by the LORD GOD wisdom from their experiences while in Egypt. So they are not inexperienced in this thing. NOTE: Then there is the responsibility of the priests getting fire woods for the altar for burning - these fire woods was brought by the people as part of their journey.

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NOTE: Click on the second image for a full view.

The worship of the people of Israel is not just ordinary worship, but it is sacred, so the tools and furnishings are likewise avant-garde/polished (see picture above right) - top left counter clockwise to top right: bason, pan, flesh hook, brass shovel, and fire pan.

Then the offerer will wash the entrails and legs with a supply of water (that he brings with him), and the priest will put all of them in the altar to be burned. "an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD." (Leviticus 1:9c). FIRE, a source of cleansing/purging, which the blessed LORD GOD uses to consume the sacrifice - which is a source of sweetsmelling savour to the LORD. And just as a retro from the very start, the sacrifice must be without blemish - as a picture of the LORD JESUS, the sinless SON of GOD - Hebrews 4:15.

DATE: June 29, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD Be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly is now at chapter 2, on the blessed LORD GOD's instructions on offerng a grain sacrifice to HIM.

DATE: June 30, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The burnt offering is for all classes and levels of the people of Israel - all have sinned, so all need forgiveness, and the LORD GOD has provided a way for all people - Leviticus 1:3-ff. So, there is the offering of the flocks - the sheep or goats; and of the birds - turtle doves or young pigeons.

And here yours truly is, back at the apartment. And I have a problem with my computer. Also, my Bible study friend came by today just a few minutes ago. I know that when the children of Israel moved to Egypt, and the LORD GOD had them take care of the cattles that the blessed LORD GOD was preparing them for the offerings/sacrifices at the wilderness. Here at the beginning chapters of the books all of the animals - cattles, herds, and birds are made known to us - those that the children of Israel brought with them.

Now yours truly is going to the next offering (out of the five given by the LORD GOD), and that is the grain offering, Leviticus 2. So they must have pigeons and turtle doves there in Egypt.

DATE: July 1, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly reads the three types of grain offerings in Leviticus 2.

DATE: July 2, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD Be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. First things first, I give all thanksgiving, praise, honour to the LORD GOD, FATHER in heaven - and this because of the LORD JESUS.

Leviticus 2 with the grain offering is what yours truly has been mulling over today. The first type of grain offering is with just the flour (fine flour), verse 1. And the offerer shall put oil and frankincense in it. NOTE: And I just found out a few more things in my study of Levitvicus 2. I learned that Moses had to offer two lambs for the first year, every day - one in the morning and one in the evening (Exodus 29:38-ff). It looks like I might have to back track to Exodus about the offerings - as to what excatly entails doing of the offering explained in detail. Back to Exodus 29 where Moses was given instructions on consecrating Aaron and his sons.

DATE: July 3, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. This book (Leviticus) is of great interest to us because our SAVIOUR, the LORD JESUS, is our great, eternal HIGH PRIEST, as Aaron is designated as the human high priest (the temporary picture of the LORD JESUS). In Exodus 29, we get more details on the offerings - what goes where, as to the animal parts in regard to the altar of burnt offerings and outside of the courtyard.

DATE: July 4, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The three types of grain offerings are: plain, maybe offered in bushels' then baked in the oven; and also fried/baked in a pan.

(NOTE: Click on the middle picture above for a full view of it.)

The LORD GOD loves variety, and HIS creativity is beyond anything.

DATE: July 6, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Leviticus 2 offering (grain) is given by the LORD GOD for us to participate in the LORD GOD's blessings - for the LORD GOD to give us in abundance (more of the blessings).

DATE: July 8, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, the LORD GOD spoke to Moses in the wilderness at the tent of meeting in a pillar of cloud in HIS glory, and told Moses of this other offering (grain), Leviticus 2. The blessed LORD GOD always seek the interest of HIS people, to provide for them, as we see here at Leviticus 2:3, "And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons': it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire." It is a most holy, and yet the LORD GOD shares it with those who ministers to HIM for the people. SELFLESSNESS is what characterizes the LORD GOD's requirements for worship (and for us to approach HIM) - in that the LORD GOD always cares for both the offerer and the ministers, Leviticus 2:1, "When any will offer a meat offering unto the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon:"

So, there are/were at least four different ways to make the fine flour offering - there is the plain, Leviticus 2:1-2; then there is the baked in the oven, Leviticus 2:4; then there is the baked in a pan, Leviticus 2:5-6; and then there is the baked in a covered pan, Leviticus 2:7-8.

NOTE: Click on the images above for full view.

DATE: July 10, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The precious LAMB of GOD, even the LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. The LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS is the LAMB of GOD the FATHER, that HE offered at the cross at Calvary as an atonement for our sins! Romans 3:25, "Whom GOD hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare HIS righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of GOD;" Also, the symbolism of the grain offering to be without leaven depicting GOD's holiness in the sacrifice being offering without sin (the picture of the LORD JESUS, the perfect and without blemish SAVIOUR). NOTE: The sacrifices is to be burmed in fire, which symoblizes the LORD GOD's wrath against sin; and the sacrifice is what appeases the fire (?). And with the grain offering is to be added three items, namely OIL, FRANKINCENSE, and SALT.

DATE: July 11, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day)) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Also, there are two things that the LORD GOD does not want to include in the burning in the sacrifices, and they are LEAVEN and HONEY (Leviticus 2:11). These are not to be included in the first fruits offering.

I am currently watching Dr. Charles Stanley and he was talking about the crucifixion - one time event but good for eternity - of the LORD JESUS. And the LORD JESUS did this for the forgiveness (atonement/payment) of our sins. And this is what I am presently studying in Leviticus. "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation (foolish lifestyle) received by tradition from your fathers; but with PRECIOUS BLOOD of CHRIST, as of a LAMB without blemish and without spot:" (1 Peter 1:18-19).

NOTE: The above video talks of the LORD JESUS as the fulfillment of the Old Testament types of offerings/sacrifices mentioned in Leviticus. The LORD JESUS is the burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, sin offering, and the trespass offering.

DATE: July 12, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. A long time friend and her husband sent me a messenger message and showed me the expansion of the ministry that the blessed LORD GOD has done with two new churches planted (there in the Philippines). And they have been in the ministry since 2016, 5 years already. Which is more than I can say for myself.

The ALMIGHTY GOD is so intimate with HIS creation, specially to HIS own people that HE deals with almost every aspect of their daily life/activity - as we see here in Leviticus in the instructions that the LORD GOD gave Moses.

DATE: July 13, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The LORD JESUS perfectly obeyed all these LAWS/INSTRUCTIONS from the Old Testament - just for us! The LORD JESUS never once did anything sin/disobedience to GOD the FATHER (even in all these instructions in Leviticus) - "And being found in fashion (Gk schema skhay-mah = a figure [as a mode or circumstance], that is [by implication] external condition:) as a man, HE humbled HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:8). All of the revelation of the LORD GOD about HIMSELF, and about us (sinful human being, falling so short - all the time), the LORD JESUS has fulfilled in HIS obedience to all these overwhelming LAWS/INSTRUCTIONS in HIS life and in HIS death. Then with the glorification by the FATHER in HIS resurrection (for us).

NOTE: Click on image above to read the article.

DATE: July 14, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in all CHRIST JESUS. The ONE true GOD desires to dwell with us (mankind), and the LORD GOD shares with HIS chosen (for our sakes/good) people instructions (how) to live with the LORD GOD who is holy and pure, but compassionate and merciful, and would have us with HIM. And the way for human beings (even GOD chosen people) who are sinful to live with the LORD GOD is through BLOODY, COSTLY, and DEADLY SACRIFICES.

DATE: July 15, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, my friend and me were at the 21st chapter of Leviticus in the Bible reading. And at the Banana King BIble study, yours truly as we were studying, mentioned how the LORD GOD requires the offering of sacrifices to approach ALMIGHTY and HOLY GOD.

DATE: July 17, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly has been mulling over the scriptures (Leviticus 2), and came up with the though of how the blessed LORD GOD is involved in every aspect of our lives.

DATE: July 18, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The LORD's day - and yours truly has been going over Leviticus chapter 2 over and over. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but approaching (meaning of the word, oblation/offering) the HOLY, ALMIGHTY, and SOVEREIGN GOD cost us (as it cost the blessed LORD GOD HIS all - in HIS SON,the LORD JESUS). Our cost is no where near what cost the LORD, FATHER in heaven.

DATE: July 19, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory n all things in CHRIST JESUS. To borrow from Dr. Charles Ryrie, "The meat (better grain) offering of fine flour, baked goods (vv. 4, 5, 7), or grain in the ear (v. 14) reminded the people that GOD gave them their basic food and that they in turn owed HIM their lives as a gift or tribute (which is the meaning behind the Hebrew word for this offering). It also prefigured the perfect life of JESUS CHRIST." (Ryrie Study Bible, page 160).

DATE: July 20, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. W. A. Criswell says, "... it foreshadows the person and works of CHRIST in a most remarkable and elucidating manner." All these offerings that the LORD GOD required from HIS people - points to our need for HIM. That we fall short of HIS standard (HOLINESS). This is an every day presentation to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. And for the burnt offering, the peace offering, and the other offerings use animals (living representatives) as our substitutes; that is a life for a life. PLUS the Hebrew word used in Leviticus for offering is OBLATION (Heb qorban kor-bawn/koor-bawn = something brought near the altar, that is, a sacrificial present: oblation, that is, offered, offering).

DATE: July 22, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. I can just imagine the impact in killing an animal for the sacrifice to the LORD GOD for our sins had on the people. Four out of the five offerings were animal sacrifices. And horrific act of killing must leave an indelible mark on the people's minds. Not to mention the smell of burnt skin/flesh.

DATE: July 25, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Below is the baptismal service at Spruce Lake campground, where we (the church) went to over the weekend (Friday to today).

DATE: July 26, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Here is another reference you can use to help study the book of Leviticus, Ray Stedman. Here in this web site of Ray Stedman, he proposes that we use the word WHOLENESS for the word HOLY. "Be ye whole, for I AM whole."

DATE: July 27, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The web site below is a very helpful resource, Ray Stedman, in the picture below.

NOTE: Click on the image above for full view.

DATE: July 29, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly is now focusing on Ray Stedman's notes on the book of Leviticus. P.S. I am just finding out what the offerings stands for - like the BURNT OFFERING represents the total consecration of the worshiper to the LORD GOD's service (Ligonier's Bible); it symbolizes the offerer's voluntary presentation to GOD (Ryrie Bible). Then the second sacrifice/offering, the GRAIN OFFERING, which represents "the worshiper's dedication of himself to GOD." It also connotes (from the Hebrew name) that the offering was a GIFT, "expressing the worshiper's gratitude to GOD - a tribute which underscores the subservience of the presenter to someone greater." (Ligonier's Bible). And then there is the PEACE OFFERING.

DATE: July 30, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. According to Ligonier's Bible, "it is a sacrifice brought when someone is seeking GOD's blessing or celebrating blessings received. It is offered to underline a solemn prayer (such as a vow), when such a prayer is answered, or out of simple gratitude (7:16).".

DATE: July 31, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glroy in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Just to shed a little light on the book of Leviticus, Ray Stedman says that these sacrifies are PICTURES/SHADOWS of things to come (namely of the LORD JESUS) - Hebrews 8:5, Hebrews 10:1, Colossians 2:16-17. And that these sacrifices, rules, reguations, holy days, festivals/feasts are made to make us (people, GOD's chosen) whole/complete - holy, as the LORD GOD HIMSELF is HOLY, WHOLE, COMPLETE. But the only one who can do all these things in complete and perfect obedience is the LORD JESUS, GOD the SON become flesh. So these things are patterns/pictures/shadows of HIM.

NOTE: Click on the image above to get full view.

So, as Ray Stedman says, and as the book of Leviticus shows very clearly but in shadows of futrue things to come (namely, the work of the LORD JESUS), that all these things that the LORD GOD has instituted to the people through Moses, were/are to be done by us (man/people) to restore us to wholeness/completeness as the LORD GOD is complete/whole/perfect/holy. It is the LORD JESUS who is the only one who can fulfill the entire Old Testament law. And it is GOD the HOLY SPIRIT who can live the perfect life through us.

And as yours truly was contemplating the chapters in this Old Testament book, Leviticus, what Ray Stedman said struck me so clearly, that the first few chapters of Leviticus are instructions, and merely instructions on offering the five sacrifices.

DATE: August 10, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, the Banana King Bible study is being maintained by the blessed LORD GOD, and ALden had been reading the book of Numbers, chapter 2-4. And today, yours truly got to study Exodus 3-6, reading carefully the events that the LORD GOD had Moses participated in. I try to keep up with the Banana King Bible reading, but I had to go over previous chapters so as not to get lost. So, I went over Exodus 3-6 to make sure I know what transpired between GOD calling Moses through the burning bush, til the LORD GOD gave Moses instruction (the book of Numbers) in the wilderness.

When the LORD GOD had told Moses what HE was going to do and what HE wanted Moses to do to free the children of Israel from the Egyptian bondage, Moses thought of things that will cause doubt about the LORD's calling of Moses. So, the blessed LORD GOD had to show Moses two miracles as signs of the LORD GOD's omnipotent power - which are the turning of the staff into a snake, and Moses hand to leperous, then back to normal.

DATE: August 11, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The LORD JESUS was always busy doing the FATHER's will - with teaching and making known to the crowd of the kingdom of GOD the FATHER by the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-11), then providing for the physical sustenance (business) of HIS disciples; then here at Capernaum, the spiritual needs of the religious and specially of the sipirtually oppressed (the demoniac) - Mark 1:21-28.

DATE: September 4, 2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Thank the blessed LORD GOD that I got my Angelfire web site back. And so I might just continue using my MeWe web site to update my Bible studies in both the Old and the New Testaments, and Revelation.

DATE: September 5, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD"s day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly has been getting back at my personal Bible study of the Old Testament (Exodus) by means of my MeWe web site. Click on the highlighted "MeWe web site" link to go to the Bible study.

DATE: September 14, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glroy in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly continued my personal Bible study on the book of Revelation, chapter 1. But I read a little bit of Psalms while in the restroom, and that prompted me to study this book/songs/hymns of mostly David, and others.

As for my study on the book of Revelation, I might jump from my web site here to my MeWe web site.

DATE: September 26, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. My bad - -because I haven't done the Bible study with my friend of late. I was watching secular movies instead along with preachings on my tablet. So, now, I am returning to the Old Testament Bible study. But the last Bible study/reading with my friend was on the book of Numbers chapter 14. Nevertheless, and not withstanding, yours truly was doing my own reading/studying the Old Testament in the book of Exodus chapetrs 5-7.

TIME: 8:13AM -- Just sharing the insights/gleanings (blessing from the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS) on the scriptures yours truly read from the book of Exodus chapters 4-7: How the blessed LORD GOD ALMIGHTY revealed HIMSELF to Moses as the great OWNER/CREATOR of all things - GOD owns everything, "I AM the LORD" (Exodus 6:3, 6:8, 6:29). So then Moses' first actual encounter with Pahraoh, the new Pharaoh, wasn't really a pleasant one, Exodus 5:1-ff.

DATE: September 27, 2021 (Monday) -- To God be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. When we are confronted by the HOLY GOD, as Moses was, our handicap is magnified before our eyes, and we are face with the reality of our incapacity, our helplessness, "And Moses said unto the LORD, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since THOU hast spoken unto THY servant: but am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue." (Exodus 4:10).

Speaking of inadequacies, yours truly has been guided by the HAND of my GOD to a page/section of Dr. Charles Stanley's web site, In Touch Ministries - click here for the article; with scripture references of 2 Corinthians 12:10 and Isaiah 58:11. And yours truly was outside today at the Banana King after doing my laundry, by the grace of the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS - for the past weeks to finally do what I had to do. Yours truly has been given by the blessed LORD GOD nuggets of scriptures gold on the life of Moses. Moses had quite and experience when the LORD GOD revealed HIMSELF to him - Moses had an encouter of the HOLY, SOVEREIGN KIND! Moses must have been experiencing extreme euphoria/rapture/bliss with his encouter with the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY - Exodus 3.

I am not sure how I would react when I am confronted with such an awesome encouter with the LORD GOD of the universe - but I have known and experienced a small glimpse of the LORD's glory - and that in itself is more than what my being can handle. Here with the very presence of the LORD GOD manifested in an inanimate but physical object is more than glorious, Exodus 3:2. Then later when the rubber meets the road, Moses' elation must have subsided - when the Pharaoh pushed back against Moses' demand to let the people of GOD, the Israelites, go - be free from slavery, Exodus 5:1-2. Probably not what Moses expected. It must have comes as a somewhat surprise to him what Pharaoh did to push back against Moses/against the LORD, Exodus 5:4-14.

And as for the genealogy of Moses, it was recorded in Exodus 6:14-27. But going back (back tracking) to when Moses approached/confronted Pharaoh for the frist time, Exodus 5:1-5, to tell him to free the people of Israel. I thought that the LORD GOD has all the power since HE created all things (except sin) that HE could have zapped Pharaoh from existence. Instead the LORD GOD showed him mercy to let Moses talk with him - to plead with him in a way. We also see that Moses had to keep going to Pharaoh to ask him to let the people of Israel go (about four times before the first display of miracle). And pharaoh could've reacted differently - let's say, be more lenient - of course, we have to assume/presume/even giess that pharaoh really does not know the LORD. The thing is he was the one who put the people of Israel to slavery. The guy is mean-spirited. But still the LORD GOD is so patient with the guy, even showing him beyond the shadow od a doubt that GOD is the one true GOD!

One other thing I noticed about the situation with Moses and the people of Israel when they were confronted with resistance was how they "passed the buck" to the other guy (Moses), Exodus 5:20-21; and with Moses to the LORD GOD, Exodus 5:22-23. Moses passed the buck to the LORD GOD. Isn't this so like us!??? When the going gets rough, we be gone! We play the blame game. BUT the buck stops at the LORD GOD. HE accepts the responsibility (because GOD is a gentleman), Exodus 6:1-8.

DATE: September 29, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, as was spoken by the prophet Micah 6:1-8, the blessed LORD GOD has soveriegnly given Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the children of Israel as HIS gift to them (to HIS own chosen people). And here in the book of Exodus, that truth is seen in much details. P.S. The people then do not know the one true GOD (as it is today), so whatever the LORD GOD did for HIS chosen people - and HE is NOT obligated to do anything but send us to hell because of HIS pure justice - is so that the other people on the earth will know HIM in close-to-home way (because the blessed LORD GOD displays HIS GODHEAD in HIS creation; it can be known through HIS creation, Romans 1:19-20).

All of these things that the LORD GOD had done in our human history is for our good - for our salvation from our pitiful state of sinfulness - against the backdrop of HIS HOLINESS! The GOD/CREATOR/OWNER of the universe has chosen through HIS own will and good, and only good purpose - a people for HIMSELF. Notice how the blessed LORD GOD dealt with Moses, with the people of Israel, and with Pharaoh - although HE owns all of us, which gives HIM the right to do what ever HE wants with us. But HE deals with us graciously, patiently, and mercifully. The blessed LORD GOD had Moses participate in HIS glory in witnessing HIS presence, and HIS power (even though Moses is just a messenger/servant).

DATE: September 30, 2021 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. "And Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded them, so did they." (Exodus 7:6). The examples of both Moses and Aaron of full obedience to the LORD GOD show of their resting in the LORD GOD. Maybe in another way (human way) when Moses and Aaron should depend on their own strengths things would be so different. The LORD GOD make the only difference when confronting someone or something greater than you. You can sse Moses and Aaron doing excatly what the LORD GOD told them to do several times, Exodus 7:6, 10, and 20. Also you see Pharaoh putting his trust in humans like his taskmasters and officers (Exodus 5:6), and wisemen and sorcerers (Exodus 7:11).

DATE: October 11, 2021 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRST JESUS. So, yours truly has been going over the book of Exodus, chapter 7 where Moses performed the first miracle/sign in the presence of Pharaoh. And that was the turning of his wooden stick into a "serpent".

That Hebrew word "serpent" tanniym tan-eem is defined as a marine or land monster, that is a sea serpent or jackal, sea monster. "And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it." (Exodus 4:1-3). Moses was instructed by the LORD GOD to throw/hurl/cast (the Hebrew is shalak shaw-lak) the rod into the ground, and when he did, it turned into a SERPENT! And this was the first of several miracles that the LORD GOD displayed to/against Pharaoh to make him free Israel, the LORD GOD's chosen people, Exodus 7:8-13. GOD goes to great length to first of all, free HIS people from slavery; and second of all, to extend HIS mercy even to the enemies of HIS chosen ones (iin this case, Pharaoh). Then GOD also shows us that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with HIM! HE has the power to instantly change matter into another matter!

Another thought that came to my mind is the possible memories that flooded Moses' mind when he returned to Egypt. The LORD GOD made sure Moses' and Aaron's safe passage to Egypt and specially to Pharaoh. One other thing that I read about when studying Exodus is that the land that was given to the children of Israel (chosen people), was Goshen, land of Ramses (Exodus 12:37). It is a surprise to hear that Pharaoh let's Moses and Aaron back at the palace where Pharaoh lives (but not really seeing that the LORD GOD controls everything), "And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand." (Exodus 7:14-15). Also the LORD GOD had made Moses as god to Pharaoh and the Egyptians (Exodus 7:1). The blessed LORD GOD ALMIGHTY commanded Moses to go to Pharaoh again and go to where he will be in Pharaoh's morning routine(?) to bathe in the water? (Exodus 7:15).

"Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand. And thou shalt say unto him, The LORD GOD of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness: and, behold. hitherto thou wouldest not hear. Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I AM the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine handupon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood." (Exodus 7:15-17).

DATE: October 12, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly give the LORD GOD all thanksgiving, praise, glory, and honour eternally in CHRIST JESUS, GOD the SON/KING/CREATOR for giving me another day to study HIS HOLY WORD. And yours truly read through several more chapters in Exodus.The LORD GOD chooses to use people to relate HIS will; and Moses was the one who kept telling Pharaoh of the LORD GOD's will on freeing HIS own chosen people.

DATE: October 13, 2021 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Seven days passed before Moses was told to see Pharaoh again after the blood miracle, Exodus 7:25.

DATE: October 15, 2021 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. All these miracles happened way back then in the time of the Egyptians, and we are now in the 21st century, and are still unable to do those incredible miracles. The GOD of glory is the only ONE who holds everything in HIS hands (all powerful) - power over all things, water to blood, multiplying frogs, gnats/lice, etc... So, things do not go as you think they will go (as probably did Moses). Pharaoh just doesn't want to let what hemight consider as his assets (namely, the people of Israel), his slaves/labourers.

Plus Pharaoh doesn't believe in the one true GOD. When Moses performs a miracle, and when the henchmen of Pharaoh, the magicians and sorcerers mimic the miracles, Pharaoh thinks the LORD's miracles were tricks!

DATE: October 16,2021 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. -- "For we walk by faith" (2 Corinthians 5:7), which is what Pharaoh WASN'T doing.

TIME: 8:49PM - I just thought of something while studying Exodus at Banana King this afternoon; Pharaoh was considered as god in that culture, so what the LORD GOD did was magnify Moses in the eyes of the Egyptians to be a god, Exodus 7:1 as a contention against Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Also, the judgments against Pharaoh was getting worst. From water in the Nile turning to blood, to eventually the death of their first born. Here is the event described in GOD's HOLY WORD, "And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shall thou take into thine hand. And thou shalt say unto him, The LORD GOD of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve ME in the wilderness: and behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear." (Exodus 7:14-16).

DATE: December 25, 2021 (Saturday, Christmas Day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. 2 years and the people of Israel were still wandering; and the census was to be taken by Moses and one representative from each of the 12 tribes. And this are the requirements for the census - each male has to be 20 years old or older. That means that the other males that are younger (19 years old and under) will not be included. And the task was given to Moses and Aaron, Numbers 1:3-4; and one out of every tribe the head of his household.

NOTE: Click on the image for full view.

Then the LORD GOD chose the men to help Moses and Aaron do the census, Numbers 1:5-16. I can only imagine just how long it took Moses and Aaron, and the man (who is the head of the household) from each tribe tok to number each man of the millions of people. Just how do you take census of eahc household? You go to the father of the household, and ask of the male 20 years old or older.

DATE: December 26, 2021 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly is switching to another book of the GOD's HOLY WORD, the Bible, namely the prophets (Amos in particular).

The Book Of Amos (a minor prophet):

It is close to the end of the year (2021) with 5 more days left. And by the grace of the LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS, yours truly would endeavour to do this book, if not start it.

While sitting in my throne (in the bathroom), I grabbed the Bible in front of me, and I had it opened to the book of Amos, since I was drawn to it a few weeks earlier. And I strated reading it again. And what I thought was that the people of Israel, having gotten the promised land that the blessed LORD GOD gave them; the land flowing with milk and honey; the HOLY LAND blessed by the LORD GOD with so many things, even when the people got spoiled and forgot about the LORD GOD. "The angel has fallen!" Sin has crept in and it has made it's home in the hearts and lives of the people. The blessed LORD GOD still remains faithful. HE sent HIS servants, the prophets to try and restore the people to HIMSELF.

With all the undeserved, gracious, and extremely generous gifts and blessings from the LORD GOD, the people still continues to sin against HIM with the idolatry, and whatever else that comes with it; yet the blessed LORD is faithful to relentlessly pull them to HIMSELF, and ever showing mercy up until the judgment takes it's toll.

"The words of Amos, who was among the herdmen of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel, two years before the earthquake." (Amos 1:1).

This scathing message from the LORD GOD through Amos was to the people of Israel (southern kingdom) in the days of Jeroboam 2nd.

DATE: December 28, 2021 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in CHRIST JESUS. It is GOD who chooses; and HE chose Amos, an unlikely choice from the sheepbreeders of Tekoa, Amos 1:1. I am just hinking that The LORD GOD's choices are not our choices. HIS thoughts are far above our thoughts.

DATE: March 11, 2022 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And as I was looking at the timeline of prophets chart, I realized that Amos was just the other writing prophets several years later than the earlier ones, like Jonah, Joel, then him. Ever since the kingdom of Israel was divided, the blessed LORD GOD has HIS prophets.

DATE: March 19, 2022 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly was given another day of HIS infinite grace and tender mercies in the LORD JESUS - and so yours truly's mind's eye saw the scriptures (Amos) come out form the pages to show me the "wondrous things out of THY LAW" (Psalm 119:18).

"And he said, The LORD will roar from Zion, and utter HIS voice from Jerusalem; and the habitations of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither." (Amos 1:2).

As I was sitting in my throne,and going over Amos chapter 1 (reading the chapter), I was given the eye-opener from the first few verses. I read in The Reformation Study Bible of the prophet Amos' familiarity of Hebrew poetry which he uses for this declarations of the ALMIGHTY GOD against the land: of GOD's proclamation, "The LORD will roar from Zion, and utter HIS voice from Jerusalem" (v. 2). And what is the LORD GOD declaring? To Damascus, GOD will NOT "turn away the punishment thereof " (Amos 1:3). But that the blessed LORD GOD will SEND a fire... and will BREAK... and CUT OFF" (Amos 1:4-5). Then, as you move on to the next verses, the prophet Amos tells us of the different nations guilty of transgressions, namely, Damascus, Gaza (Philistia), Tyrus (tyre), Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah, and Israel. Then the scriptures declared the reason for the un-prevented judgment to Damascus, and that is because Damascus "because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron" (Amos 1:3b).

"The Syrians of Damascus literally threshed and mangled the bodies of prisoners under heavily studded sledges." (The Ryrie Study Bible, p. 1265).

Consequently, the blessed LORD GOD exacts judgment on this cruel act(s) on Damascus, and it's king, Hazael, "But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael" (Amos 1:4a).

DATE: March 22, 2022 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly is here at the library.I am not sure that I can do this Bible study as good as Dr. McGee, whom I listen to with great admiration in his "Thru The Bible" ministry.This is Orlando type font, size 3. Dr. McGee has a way of placing the focus on the LORD JESUS, as he gave his message on John 8:8 about the woman caught in adultery. And as pastor Matthe McKellar said that GOD is not only the GOD of Israel, but also of the other nations (Syria), and even of the whole world.

DATE: March 25, 2022 (Friday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, we see here of the perfect justice of the LORD GOD, that HE doesn't exact justice for no reason, Amos 1. The blessed LORD GOD shows the nations of their sins against other people (specially HIS own chosen people). The five surrounding nations were dealt with first before the LORD GOD going to Judah and Israel, Amos 1-2.

As the diagram above, the surrounding nations get their share of denunciations for their cruelty, Amos 1:3. First on the list is Hazael (Amos 1:3-5) of Damascus. The LORD GOD's mercies are enduring and long-lasting; but HIS holiness is foremost in HIS character, as expressed here in Amos refrains, "For three transgressions... and for four" (vv. 6, 9, 11, 13, 2:1, 4, and 6). And as the picture above points out, the frst three nations are the outer regions of Judah and Israel.

DATE: March 26, 2022 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. As I noted from my previous study (above), that the first three nations mentioned by the prophet Amos were Israel/Judah's immediate neighbors. Plus, the prophet Amos noted that these surrounding nations were brutal in their conquest over GOD's chosen people (because of their apostasy against the LORD GOD). The Syrians (Damascus) "have threshed" (mangled the bodies of prisoners,Thr RyrieStudy Bible, p. 1265) of Gilead, Amos 1:3.And Tyrus and Gaza/Philistia sold the Israelites activity completely, Amos 1:6, 9. I am thinkiing that after these nations attacked Israel, and captured them as prisoners (as the blessed LORD GOD allowed them), they mistreated them so badly - see image below..

Also, there must have been lots of bloodshed when these following nations fought agaiinst the Israelites (Israel/Judah).

DATE: April 6, 2022 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly has shifted to doing the book of Psalms as a means of comfort for myself from the LORD as I was told of my beloved cousin's passing away.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of the sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the LAW of the LORD; and in HIS LAW doth he meditate day and night." (Psalm 1:1-2).

This is specially dear to those who spends their time in the Bible (LAW - which belongs to the LORD - back then during David's time). The grace of my LORD GOD has shown me HIS faithfulness in sustaining me. HE takes care of those who puts their lives in HIS sovereign faithful hands (in CHRIST JESUS).

"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; and his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." (Psalm 1:3).

The blessed LORD GOD's faithful goodness and promise will keep those who trust and gave their lives to HIM, the AUTHOR of life eternal. I have seen this in my life and in the lives of the Korean and Filipinos/Spanish short-term missionaries who went to the 1040 nations.

DATE: April 7, 2022 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. GOD's infinite grace affords those whom HE has chosen this grace (benefit) of being able to "stand" in the judgment or "stand" in the congregation of the righteous (Psalm 1:5). Come judgment day, only those whom the LORD GOD has declared "godly" shall stand (be worthy to be declared righteous). Then the next chapter (2) shows of the divine majesty of the LORD GOD. That GOD is in complete over and above everything, Psalm 2:1.

I messed up - with Aldo there at Banana King. The guy was there but I left to go to the library. I was a little irked because he kept having to use my tablet for the Bible reading instead of his own Bible. And now I tried to clean the lens on the camera and I broke the moveable covers/lids. Anyway, I am still reeling over my cousin' passing away. I have been continuing my personal quiet time/(GOD's HOLY WORD) study.

No human nor human group, nations, or coalition(s) can do anything against the LORD GOD, Psalm 2:

DATE: April 9, 2022 (Saturday)-- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, yours truly just got back from the Vision Camp at Bridgewater, New Jersey. Evangel Temple church. And yours truly has returned from the meeting with a severe stomach ache, but the blessed LORD GOD has healed me - in the LORD JESUS.

DATE: April 12, 2022 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The video below is from Staurt Townsend's "How Deep The FATHER's Love." Lyrics included.

DATE: April 13, 2022 (Wednesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. Busy week this week with the Vision School tonight; and FACRC's church retreat on Friday until Sunday. P.S. The blessed LORD GOD has faithfully sustained me in doing the ministry daily. NOTE: The pictures below were from the Vision Camp at Bridgewater, NJ.

DATE: April 14, 2022 (Thursday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. We (FO team - Emily, Germie, Fred, Lenny, and myself) had a blessed time last night as we went to listen to Sandy give the message at the Vision School - see picture below.

And yours truly is in the library doing my regular/daily posting. And am slowly getting my personal Bible study going.

DATE: April 30, 2022 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly is given by the blessed LORD GOD another day of HIS infinite grace in CHRIST JESUS; and I am carefully using HIS gift of time to study HIS HOLY WORD. Yours truly is at Old Testament prophet Amos.

DATE: May 1, 2022 (SUNDAY, the LORD' day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. NOTE: So, I thank and give the blessed LORD GOD all praise and thanksgiving in the LORD JESUS for this one more infinitely blessed day - to include this current event in my lifetime of the war going on in Ukraine by Russia's attack on February 27.

DATE: May 2, 2022 (Monday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly is in the library again, by GOD's infinite grace in CHRIST JESUS. And has been trying to follow through my personal Bible study on the book of Amos. Amos must have noticed the inhumanities done by the neighboring nations. Amos uses this expression several times, For three transgressions of..., and for four...".

DATE: May 3, 2022 (Tuesday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. And yours truly is back to the prophet Amos on the LORD GOD's judgement on the nations by the two divided kingdoms.

DATE: May 15, 2022 (SUNDAY, the LORD's day) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. The picture above (by the blessed LORD GOD's infinite grace in CHRIST JESUS) is the graduation/commencement we had yesterday at Lighthouse Of Faith church.

DATE: September 3, 2022 (Saturday) -- To GOD be all the glory in all things in CHRIST JESUS. So, it has been a bit while since yours truly has posted here, and yours truly has been reading up on the book of Amos. And I also post my regular personal BIble study at MeWe web site. NOTE: I thank the good LORD GOD for helping me with my request for taking care of my weight problem which I wanted to remedy to help me with my regular/daily travel/transport (and for the missions trip to the 1040 nations). I weight 335 lbs, and I just checked my weight and It showed 329 lbs. That is a big graceful change from the blessed LORD GOD in CHRIST JESUS.

And as was mentioned before by yours truly, I have been reading/meditating on the following verses of chapter 1 about the LORD's condemnation of Hazael and his family and people, the Syrians, vv. 3-5. And as I menioned in my earlier post, that the righteous LORD GOD sent this vicious desctructive element called fire to devour the magnificent palaces of Benhadad, Amos 1:4. I was curious about the palaces of Benhadad, so I looked it p at Google and this was what I found out from Biblicalcyclopedia - Benhadad the name given to three kings of Syria (Damascene-Syria). But for further stdy on this passge, read up in this link, BibleHub.


Here is a collection of links that I found helpful to my everyday life. I hope and pray that these will be helpful to you also.

(1) King James Bible Online (click here). (2) Bible Gateway (click here).(3) TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) (click here). (4) WMCA 570 Radio Station (click here). (5) Daystar (TV Station) (click here). (6) Family Radio (click here). (7) BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) (click here). (8) RC Sproul Ministry (Ligonier) (click here). (9) Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (click here). (10) Andrew Wommack Ministry (cre). (12) I Met Messiah (click here). (13) Bob Jones University (click here). (14) <">(13) Bob Jones University (click here). (14) Sermon Audio (click here). (15) Gospel Tract and Bible Society (click here). (16) E-Sword, for public use (click here).. (17) Amazing Facts (click here). (18) Associates for Biblical Research (click here). (19) David Jeremiah Ministry (click here). (20) Genesis Science Network (click here). (21) Moments With The Book (MWTB) - click here. (22) One For Israel (click here). (23) Street Preaching (click here). (24) Precept Austin.