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Atilla the Hunt!!!!!! The Second Coming!

The list!

Additional objectives!!
Confirmed Teams

Welcome, to the webpage for the scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt is a battle for hundreds of dollars for small teams, for honor and pride, and money. Anyone can join, so please sign up by emailing me. My email's at the bottom of the page!


IT'S FRIDAY = June 11th

PEOPLE LIMIT = 50 People

From: 12 PM - 12 AM

Where? Send an email, or ask me online

EXTRA: If you want to watch some of the old tapes, come at 11 AM, and they will be watched on the big screen!

1. No complaining if you lose
1(part two). No telling your parents where you're going, because mine will be gone, and this doesn't help the game if you do.
2. Any point questions, email me.
3. All high school people are welcome not just malvernians.
4. I take that back, no emo kids allowed, except J and O'Keefe
5. 10 dollars are necessary for the pool
6. From 12noon to 12Midnight.
7. Every five minutes after midnight is 10 points deducted.
8. No stealing opposing teams cameras, or erasing the footage. cause we wanna watch it
9. No revoking money, even if your team loses
10. All things must be done to strangers, unless specified otherwise on the list
11. Limit of 5 people per team.
12. Only one car is allowed to be used at a time
13. An opponent's car is to be returned to them after at the most 2 hours of its captivity
14. An opponent tied up or stolen, is fucked.
15. At least one team member must be in each shot
16. Every member must be in a shot at least once, no 100% camera man
17. You can't pay people to do the stuff on the list
18. Each team is to have at the least, one cellular phone.
19. Each team is to also have a sheet of paper with all the other teams phone numbers,
20. No less than 3 per team!!
21. If a female participant goes topless all day, you get an extra 200 points.
22. If you place in money and your team quits, then your money is left in the pot, no matter what!
23. Team must have at least one Malvern Participant!
24. NO college participants are permitted, this one isn't just my rule, all people partaking in the even agreed on it, so don't bitch at me.
25. There will be video testing done before to be certain that all footage was shot that day!!! No cheating!
26. I need have some form of affiliation with you to join(like your a friend of my friend or something)!!
27. Anyone uninvited shows up, I'll lock the house and call the cops, and no going in my refridgerators, cause they'll be duct taped
28. Only 5 pairs of tits/vaginas will be allowed for points, any more is just for your own amusement!
