Welcome to My QueenDom!

Please Leave Now If..

What's up? First, let me introduce myself. My name is Justin and I am 15 from Oklahoma City. I am gay, so if you have a problem with that, leave now. Since I'm not femme, I usally go for femme guys, but if there's a REAL man out there, I can go for that too. I like to skate, go shopping (I LOVE AE and Abercrombie!), meet people with similar interests, cook (brownies, cakes, pies), talk online, and watch porn (R.I.P. Kip Tyler!). If you have similar interests IM me: PrdgyGuitrist182 (Please, no bashing!) That's me on the right in the pic! The girl next to me is my best friend, Alicia, and let me tell you, if I was straight, she'd be my type! She's been really supportive of me. I love you hunny! You can check out my other page at https://www.angelfire.com/music4/jmanspge/ I'm not done with it, but it shows some pictures of me rocking out, so it's neat.

Some of My Favorite Links

This page really helps you when you're first coming out
Here's my favorite site--hot guys!