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Welcome to HTML Help!

How Do I Make a Hyper Link?
How Do I Add Images?
How Do I Change The Colour Of My Font?

How Do I Make A Hyper Link?

All you have to do is put this in your site:

<a href="http://address you want text to link to">Text Goes Here</a>

It should come out like this if you did a Neopets Link:

How Do I Add Images?

Before you add a picture, you have to save a picture you like on .gif or .jpg. I you find one on the net, right click the picture then click 'save picture as'. Then save the picture as a .jpg or .gif. When you find a picture you like, just add this:

<img src="your filename.gif(or .jpg)" width="yourwidth(optional)" height="yourheight(optional)" alt="my image name"(optional)>

Here's a pic I got from the Neopets homepage:

How Do I Change The Colour Of My Font?

To change the colour of the font, just add this:

<font color="The colour you want goes here">Your text goes here</font>

It should come out like this if chose the colour white:
Hey, i'm white!

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