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This site and the others with similar naming conventions will be used for google-bombing certain people.

Right now I plan to bomb a girl at my school and a boy at my school. The reasons for my desire to do so are that the girl calls herself "azn", which i find annoying, and the boy plays ddr, nuff said about him. see ya soon.

and we're gonna google bomb my friends snow penis page:">

snow penis

annoying azn

ddr n00b

The Plan!!!

"snow penis" will the the penis one

the azn girl will be "annoying azn"

and the ddr kid will be "ddr n00b"

    things to do
  1. make links on index.html(snow penis is done)
  2. add pages to google
  3. create more pages until the names are near the top

hopefully all this can be accomplished with maybe 5-15 webpages ill see as it goes, so far ive created 6 webpages, i hope i don't have to create more, just cuz im lazy