matt's freestyle videos

Part of the Exodus skate team, visit the website at or click the, the choices are endless

7.3.04 - Well...i really have neglected this site havnt i gonna do anything about it? no...well i just noticed (im a bit slow really) taht a lovely lad called Nick Cooke has a link here on his i thought id link to his...and without further ado here it is , what a nice site it is
8.2.04 - Oh my, havn't updated this in a while...well i'll be off to dorchester and newhall (its up north, near derby) soon to film for the exodus video which will be out the meantime check out the exodus site the video's very own website, brilliantly hand crafted by Ryan F have fun
NOTE - To see more videos visit my other site by clicking here
30.12.03 - skated at southbank, london yesterday...might get some footage from that soon. Uploaded another video of a short line and a video of a rail kickflip...
19.12.03 - skating on my nackered old board...4 new videos added
7.12.03 - Added 3 new video, all casper variations...enjoy...i should get a proper casper to casper on video soon...

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whos this fool?

50-50 -> tail -> fingerflip
1 3/4 varial rail flip
twisted rail flip ...
rail flip -> cross footed rail
rail flip cross footed landing...
toe side rail flip
double ts rail flip body varial...with slow mo to see the full flip
another ts rail flip...this one spins
drop hop -> casper flip out
boneless 180
tail stall -> switch casper ... flip out
2 footed nose fingerflip
a bad ladderwalk with a fingerflip out
50/50 1/2 fingerflip out
double fingerflip
50/50 fingerflip
drop hop casper ->hand casper 1/2 flip out
backside fingerflip
a switch varial fingerflip (i cant do them normally)
boneless bigspin
some kind of hand casper transfer
a fingerflip over a stella artois box
reintges flip :) :) :)
hand casper -> 5050

more videos

boneless christ air
a little combo
godzilla rail flip
ts rail cooperflip
a very short primo slide
(a bad) cross footed cooper flip
pressure flip to rail
a 1 footed ts rail flip and a 1 footed hs rail flip
50/50 to hand casper
rail to rail
varial rail flip to rail
360 rail shove it
ts rail shove it underflip ...(led-invented by ryan f)
casper flip to 1 foot
casper to casper attempts
casper fingerflip out
50/50 half flip to 50/50
very short line
50/50 to rail