Scott. Scott or SCOOOOTTTTTTERR BOB is a dumb hippy who should put his hair in a pony tail . hahahaha scott. Hes a hardcore skateboarder whos got a bad ass style. Scotts a bad bad man! GO SCOTTY!

Matt. Shwieny is a good skater. He likes to bang on his drums and stick stuff up his nose for fun. matt is a micheal jacson superstar. He takes super long showers to make sure he doesnt get the crabs OR WORSE!!!!

Dylan. Dylan is a hardcore afro skateboarder. He is a crazy kid and skates for fun everyday.he does one foot crooks like the breeze. for shizzle ma nizzle.He's really kool and has a hairy butt. He likes to pick his but n lick it

Max. New member on the team. total rad sk8er all bout da pink socks. He goes big or goes home. He lives in darien and is dam dirty like a hobo. He is also obssesed with George Carlin

Dave. The maker of this failure of a website. He enjoys skateboarding and has a beer belly and a brown mullet.

Pics of team coming soon check back fo shizzle ma nizzle do you want to know why poop is green? WELL I have consulted with a doctor, a physiologist and a microbiologist on this question, and the following summarizes their answers: Healthy people can have green poop if they eat a diet rich in leafy green vegetables, or if they consume large quantities of food coloring (in ice cream, cake frosting etc.). Green poop can also be caused by excess iron in the diet, from dietary supplements, for example. If the body does not absorb all the iron consumed, the iron may stain the poop green, the color of iron (II) salts. Ordinarily, the green color may be masked by the normal brown poop color, but if digestion is thrown off by illness so that bilirubin is less concentrated in the intestine, the green color may become apparent. This can happen when a person is afflicted with diarrhea. Green poop in sick babies may come from iron in baby formula not being properly absorbed, or by green pigments in bile salts (again, green from iron).

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