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Welcome to my Website! Narrrr!!!

What's New?

7/20/03 - Late Nite, New Site!

All right! First off, let me be the first to say that my little title there is the stupidest rhyme I have ever come up with. Why did I move my website here? Who knows? I guess I just didn't want to bother changing the other one or something. Anyway, this is the new place and it is going to be MUCH better. I am also not going to focus so much on trying to be like the other sites...this will be all personal and what-not. I guess the only thing to say this week is plans for the future of this website...Pretty soon, if I can get working, we will have a Me page, a TMBG page, an art gallery, a library and a lot of other cool stuff! Check back with me to see if I've actually done anything!