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I found myself being bored, so I thought I should maybe do something creative and productive and I thought I'd make a webpage. So here it is...This is all I could think to make it about. But these are my damn animals. I love my damn animals. I love any damn animal.


He's about a 10 week old veiled chameleon. He doesn't like to be handled much, he mostly just chills out up in high trees. But he'll get about 13" long not including his tail so he'll get good size and crazy ass colors. He doesn't move much. He just hunts crickets from up in a branch and his tongue should get about 6-8" long. And his eyes can look in two completely different directions at once. When he gets stressed out, he get all sorts of crazy dark green colors in a matter of seconds.
This is what he'll get to look like


This is slater. He's a 6 month old jackson chameleon. He pretty much stays this solid color, bur his horns are fuckin cool. He likes to be handles a lot more than my veiled and he eats crickets out of my hand. His tongue's about 6" long. He pretty much just hangs out up in the trees and looks around. His eyes are the same as the veiled. He'll also only get about 13" long, but that's including his tail. So he's almost fullgrown. His colors don't change as much as the veiled, but he gets a darker color when he's pissed off.


This is Sheeba, my emperor scorpion. She's about the size of the palm of your hand. She really doesn't do much but borrow and hide. She only eats like 2 crickets a week, but she'll grab them with her claws and sting them. It's fuckin cool. She also glows under a blacklight.

Fat Shit

Of course I couldn't foget my cat. He's the best damn animal of all. He also weighs exactly 20 lbs. and eat ANYTHING I feed him.