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Within the Ketchum's House, the telephone starts to ring loudly, but oddly enough, no one is coming to pick it up, until one member of the house gets so irritated they run straight over to the phone, picking it up.

"Hello?" A male's voice says through the phone on the other end. The red-head female who had picked up the phone blinks, recognizing the voice as someone she had met before. "Uh, is anyone gonna answer?" Once again, the voice speaks through the phone to Misty, as she stands pondering on who it could be, not remembering their name at the moment.

"Yes, who is this?" Placing the phone where the person can hear her, she asks them.

"Well, uh, it's someone you'd know..." Beating around the bush with Misty, he tells her, not exactly answering.

"Ok, then..." Getting a little peeved at the mysterious person, she tightly wrings the phone cord with her fingers, while popping a vein. "Who are you then, because right now, my paitence is nearing its end..." After growling at the person, she hears their name being yelled out.

"RICHIE! And please, don't...hurt me..." Gulping as he speaks to her in a fearful and nervous tone, Richie then begins to wonder something. "Hey, how come you can't see me?" Knocking on the Video Phone screen, he questions her, with a sweatdrop, with her turning around, forming her own sweatdrop.

"Oops...! I didn't see it there!" Blushing from her own embarassment, then falling over into the floor, Misty squeals. Witnessing the girl trip over herself, Richie gets even more nervous, blinking down at her.

"Uh...are you okay?" Asking Misty, Richie continues to look at her with worry. Misty stands back up in a snap, smiling.

"Yeah! I'm okay." Rubbing her head from the fall, the red-head tells the dark-red headed male on the other end, slightly waving to him with her un-used hand.

"Ya sure about that?" Having a need to scratch the side of his own head, the boy gives her a confused look, nervously grinning a bit. Blinking at Richie, Misty tilts her head, raising a brow up at him.

"Okay, forget it, Richie." Holding a hand out as a 'stop asking me that' motion, Misty calmly mutters, adding, "Tell me why you called. Oh, yeah. You're looking for Ash, well, he's out shopping for Pokemon items with Brock." Shrugging, she then makes a sympathetic look for Richie. "I'm sorry."

His eyebrows slightly moving down with more confusion, Richie keeps looking at Misty. "Hey! Wait a minute, Misty!" Still holding the phone near his ear and trying to get Misty to hold before hanging up, Richie shouts to her, with her halting the phone, not setting it down on the reciever on the side of the inside of the Video Phone.

Misty: *Blinks at Richie, wondering why he was so impatient about her hanging up the phone* "What is wrong...?"

Richie: *Shows a bit of nervousness looking to his left and right, without moving his head, then back to Misty.* "...I didn't want you to hang know why you were about to hang up."

Misty: *Tries to keep her nerves stable, looking at Richie with very much confusion.* "What are you talking about?"

Richie: *Stares at her with sincerity, although still figeting.* "Remember when you nearly beat me up?" *hangs his head some* "I'm...sorry."

Misty: *Sees how sorry he is, then tries to cheer him up.* "Hey, Richie, I seriously forgot about it..."

Ash: *Walks back in the house, though he hasn't been in for a while.* "Oh, so now you're awake?" *Sweatdropping at Misty, he says, then blinks seeing Richie.* "HEY! Richie!" *Smiles and waves*

Richie: "Uh, heh, hi, Ash..." *Gives Ash a small modest wave, forming another sweatdrop.*

Misty: *Decides to let Ash talk to Richie, not really having anything else to say to him.* "Here, Ash, you can talk to him now."

Richie: *Scratches his head watching Misty give the phone over to Ash, but lets that go, getting ready to talk to Ash.* "So, how're you?"

Ash: "Ah, I'm doing okay. It's been a while since we last saw eachother."

Richie: "This is a Video Phone though. We can talk AND see eachother! Wonder who came up with it..."

Ash: "Who knows? But they must have been real smart to come up with this kind of idea!"

Richie: "Yeah, real smart..." *Nods.*

Ash: "Richie, what made you call? Did I even give you my number? I don't remember..."

Richie: "Uh..." *Thinks back to how he got the number, but can't remember either.* "I-I don't happen to know myself. I called to talk to you, catch up on things, you know I can't forget to call my buddy!"

Ash: "Yeah, I guess. How is Sparky and the others?"

Richie: *Holds Sparky up to the screen.*

Ash: "He looks the same as when I last saw him."

Richie: "Yeah, but sometimes change isn't good."

Ash: "Guess you're right..."

Richie: "Oh! Now I remember why I called!" *Grins wide*

Ash: "Telling by how happy you look, it must be something good."

Richie: "You bet, Ash! Since I'm calling you from the PokeCenter near Viridian, so I think it'd be awesome if I could come to Pallet and visit you! What do you think?"

Ash: *Grins also, raising one arm up* "Ha-ha! You don't have to ask me twice! I'm stoked!"

Misty: *Comes back to the room, even more confused than before she left.* "Uh, Ash, what're you so thrilled about?"

Ash: *Places both of his hands onto her shoulders, grinning at her.* "Richie's coming here! Aren't you excited?!"

Misty: "Really? Wow..." *Steps away from Ash, going towards the kitchen.* "I have to feed Togepi."

Ash: *Keeps looking the same way he was when Misty was next to him* "Wonder what's wrong with her..." *Shrugs it off*

Richie: "Probably just wasn't expecting it so soon, I guess..."

Ash: "Yeah, maybe. But there was something weird about the way she said that."

Richie: "Concerned?"

Ash: "Well, of course. She is my friend. Friends worry about their friends and she has me worried right now."

Richie: "Are you trying to say that she made an excuse to leave the room just now?"

Ash: *Rubs his head* "I...wouldn't know."

Richie: "I know we have met eachother for only a few times, but in those few times you seemed to have snubbed her. How is it that you suddenly start to show you care now?" Ash: *Lowers his head, gritting his teeth some, but restrains from getting upset.* "...It's...confusing, Richie. Not even I can explain it..."

Richie: *Sighs* "Look, I'm sorry for getting onto you like that, but it concerns me even more when my two friends seem to be farther than they really think. One day, you might start showing her you care and she won't listen..."

Ash: "...It's okay, Richie. It did...make sense."

Richie: "Just do what you think is right. We'll talk later."

Ash: "Okay. See ya.."

Richie: "Bye." *The screen turns off as soon as Ash and Richie both hang up, leaving Ash to think.*

Misty: *Walks back into the living room, then sees Ash, sitting by himself and with his head lowered.* "...Are you okay?"

Ash: *Lifts his head up some, then puts a smile on.* "What makes you ask that? Of course I'm okay!"

Misty: "...Oh, nevermind."

Ash: "Misty...before you leave the room again, please, tell me..." *Close-up of Ash, then of Misty, Misty staring at him and not knowing what to think.* "...If there's anything bothering you right now."

Misty: "I'm...okay."

Ash: "It never helps to keep it in.."

Misty: "No, really...I'm fine, Ash." *Quickly walks out of the room again, crying.*

Ash: "...Rrr, I've lost her." *Lightly hits his fist against the wall, placing his forehead just above it.* "Now I'm asking myself why I didn't care before." *As Ash is trying to cope, his mother comes in.*

Delia: "Ash? Something wrong, honey? You know you're gonna wind up having to pay for that..." *She scolds him, seeing the small lil scraps in the paint from Ash's fist.*

Ash: "No, mom. Do you see me being happy?" *He mutters, turning around to show her his rather angry and sad expression.*

Delia: "Well, we could talk about it. It would help a lot since we don't talk as much as we need to be."

Ash: *Forces himself over to his mother, sitting down again.* "Sure..."

Delia: "Okay now, tell me what the problem is and I'll try my best to help you through it." Ash: "For the first time in my life, I have just now realized how much I have ignored my best friend and how wrong I am for doing that to her. It's...awful. I tried to get her to tell me what was wrong with her...she left the room, crying."

Delia: "Oh, Ash, you have to accept that you made a mistake. She won't hate you for it, if you are sincere in how you tell her what you just told me." *Rubs Ash's shoulder a bit, giving him a warm smile* "It'll be okay, you'll see."

Ash: *Forms a small smile, feeling a little better.* "Thanks..."

Delia: *Gives a nod* "Anytime. You know where to find me."

Ash: *Smiles a bit more.* "Over in the garden with Mr. Mime or somewhere with Professor Oak."

Delia: "I'm going to the store. Sure you don't want to come with me?" *Stands up from the couch, looking at her son, Ash.*

Ash: *Waves his hand in a 'you go ahead' way.* "Nah, I'm gonna just sit here."

Delia: " shouldn't let this thing get to you. Go do something!" *Shows a big grin*

Ash: *Sighs, knowing he can't possibly argue and win with her.* "Okay...okay."

Delia: "Okay. Need anything from the store?"

Ash: "Um, coke, perhaps?"

Delia: "You're hyper enough. Anything else besides coke?"

Ash: "Hmm, uh, some more ketchup for Pikachu?"

Delia: "Well, that sounds better than coke. Okay, I'll be back in a little while. Please, don't just mope. Bye!" *She calls, going out the door, with Ash looking to the door, still sitting on the couch.*

Ash: "She said to go do something, but what is there to do?..." *Lies on his back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.* "Brock is out somewhere and Pikachu's with him...Misty...she's probably still upset and I'm down here wasting time." *He sighs out again, getting ready to lift up when he sees Misty approaching him.*

Misty: "I'm sorry about...walking away like that. I can understand why you were about to leave..."

Ash: *Shakes his head a little.* "No, Misty, you misunderstood. I was about to get up to go talk to you, but it seems you came to me instead." *hestitantly forms a small childish grin*

Misty: "Looks like it."

Ash: "Can I-Can I try to talk to you now?"

Misty: "What do you mean? We are talking already."

Ash: "No, no. I mean, about what I wanted to, before you ran away."

Misty: "Sure. I'll try to contain my urge to walk out this time." *As she says that, Ash puts his arms around her, holding onto the back of her head, tightly( o_o No, he isn't hurting her.)*

Ash: "This is gonna sound like it's not the truth, but it is. Misty, when you walked out, I seriously believed I had lost you as a friend and I hate that you feel like I don't care, but I do care. I" *Starts to tear-up now, while embracing her in his arms still.*

Misty: "...I...don't know what to say..."

Ash: "Just...don't leave..."

Misty: *Looks in front of her, staring over at the wall with much shock, but places her arms around his sides.* "Ash, I'll try to stay."

Ash: "I really hope you do." *Pulls his head back, looking into her blue-greenish eyes and dropping his arms along the back of her neck.*

Misty: "What's most surprising're being serious about it, too, Ash." *Looks back into his darkish brown eyes, with a smile.*

Ash: "Glad you believe me. I'd hate for you to not trust me."

Misty: *Blinks, pulling away from their embrace.* "Why wouldn't I trust you?"

Ash: "Uh, don't worry about it..." *Suddenly, he gives her a kiss on her cheek, adding.* "Your arms tired?"

Misty: *blushes* "Yeah, but I'll be fine."

Ash: "Oh, come on, Misty. If your arms are tired, just rest them."

Misty: "Ok...I guess."

Ash: "Here we go!" *Laughing, Ash shouts, picking Misty up and setting her onto the couch, then he sits beside her.* "That wasn't too bad, was it?"

Misty: *Shakes her head, holding it, too.* "Nope. It wasn't. It"

Ash: "Good! Now we're both happy and everything's okay!"

Misty: *Continues to smile.* "Yeah."

Ash: "Never thought I could pick you up, huh?"

Misty: "It's not that..." *Blushes more.* "The kiss..."

Ash: "What kiss? Oh...Uh, I can explain! I was so caught in the happiness, I thought kissing you on the cheek would be less forward than kissing know, my mom really should be getting home soon!" *Jumps up from the couch, going to the door window, staring out it like a paranoid animal waiting for their owner to come back.* Misty: *Blows out a mushroom cloud, relieved he changed the subject* "Uh, yeah, she should. Where did she go, anyway?"

Ash: "She went to the grocery store to pick up some things."

Misty: *Blinks some, her blush clearing now, walking over to Ash.* "But doesn't she shop on the weekends? This is a weekday..."

Ash: "Wha, you're right..." *Sweatdrops again* "She's up to something." *As soon as Ash says that, Delia Ketchum/Mrs. Ketchum's car drives up.* "Ohh, she came back and it hasn't been that long, either."

Misty: "Ash, shouldn't we step away from the door, before we both get hurt?"

Ash: "Oh yeah!" *Moves out of the way and Misty nearly trips backwards from being behind him.* "Sorry!"

Delia: *Comes through the door, after opening it.* "Ash, Misty, I'm home!" *Then finds Ash and Misty sitting back on the couch, playing cards the wrong way.* "Oh, there you two are!"

Ash: "It's okay, mom, you don't have to be so loud." *Placing a hand over his ear, Ash whines to his mother.*

Delia: "Sorry about that, but you'll never guess who I saw at the grocery store!"

Ash: "Who?!"

Misty: "Who?!"

Delia: "Well, they'll be in here in a moment, oh, and they're helping bring in the groceries! They're such a sweetie!"

Ash: "Just like mom." *He says, looking over to his side, giving a glance to Misty.*

Misty: "I wonder who she saw..."

Ash: "My guess is Professor Oak, but he is also our neighbor, so she wouldn't be that excited..."

Misty: "Could it be..." *Before she says her guess, a boy with spiked up hair and slanted eyes comes in, with about two bags in each arm, another hanging by his foot and the other three on his head, balancing them all.*

Ash: "BROCK!"

Misty: "That was going to be my guess after the one I was about to say."

Brock: "Hey! You two,"

Ash: "Okay!" *Goes over to Brock and takes three bags from him, going into the kitchen.*

Misty: "Ugh, Ash! You didn't leave an equal amount!" *Growls, taking the other five bags and dragging them behind Ash.*

Brock: *Sighs then sets one hand on one of Misty's shoulders, giving her a sympathetic look.* "Get used to it. When you two get married, you're gonna both be messing things up for the other."

Misty: *Swipes Brock in the head with the grocery bags(ouch...canned items...o.o; ).* "Ha! Married?! Never will I marry such a-a..."

Brock: "Man?"

Misty: "Not even close!"

Brock: "Hey, we're human beings, too!" *Frowns*

Misty: "He isn't even seventeen yet, heck, he's barely fifteen! How can he be a 'man' ?" Brock: "Misty, Misty, have got a lot to learn about men."

Misty: "All I know is most of them are disrespecting, woman-chasing, non-negotiating...Oh, forget it! I have to put these groceries up!!!" *Stomps over into the kitchen, since she never really made it in yet.*

Ash: "Mom, wanna know who called today?"

Delia: "Someone called? Yeah, I want to know."

Ash: "Richie called!"

Delia: "Oh, how wonderful!"

Ash: "He was thinking of coming to Pallet and visit and..."

Delia: "Now what am I going to cook for our guest? No, no, no..." *Starts looking through her book, looking for something to make.*

Ash: "Calm down, mom. It probably won't be for a while. But really I don't know when he's gonna come."

Misty: "Don't you think you should try to call him back?"

Ash: "But he called not so long ago, it'd disturb him, probably."

Misty: *Hits Ash in the back of the head with her wrist, then drags him over into the living room.* "Call him. Here's the phone and don't be nervous." *Smiles in a happy way, then walks back into the kitchen.*

Ash: *Rushes into the kitchen, clinging to Misty's shoulders, hiding behind her.* "I can't! You call!"

Misty: "Fine!" *Growls slightly, not very happy with Ash's babyish attitude, leaving the kitchen to go to the Video Phone.* "Argh, where is the number..." *She then sees a button on the phone that will call back whoever called last, then presses it.* "I'm gonna bring my mallet onto Ash's head if Richie doesn't pick up..."

Nurse Joy: "Hello? What seems to be the problem?"

Misty: "Oh, hi, Nurse Joy. Uh, is Richie still there?"

Nurse Joy: "Are you sure you're..."

Misty: "Never-mind...thank you anyway..."

Richie: "Nurse Joy! No!" *From behind Nurse Joy, Richie jumps up, waving his arms to get her attention.*

Misty: "Umm, never-mind that last thought now."

Richie: "Hey, didn't expect you to call back...but what the hey. How are you?"

Misty: *Smiles some, losing her mad look* "Well, this isn't really a call about me..." Richie: "Oh? What is it about then?"

Misty: "Ash couldn't find the courage to call you back, so I volunteered to call for him." Richie: "How nice of you. What's wrong with Ash, though?"

Misty: "Oh, he must be anxious about you coming here. I'm calling to ask you when you will be over in Pallet."

Richie: "As fast as I can."

Misty: "A specific time?"

Richie: "Uhh, whenever my Charizard wakes up."

Misty: "Oh, you have a Charizard now?"

Richie: "Yep. Zippo evolved into a Charizard."

Misty: "You must be proud."

Richie: "Proud and lucky, since Charizards can fly! Whoa! Talk to you later! Nurse Joy's done. Bye!"

Misty: "Bye, Richie." *She hangs up the phone.*

Ash: "So, Mist, what did he say?"

Misty: "Zippo's evolved into a Charizard."

Ash: "That's great! But what about the time he'll be coming here?"

Misty: "According to him, when Zippo wakes up. They're still at the Poke'mon Center in Viridian."

Ash: "So, he'll probably be here, uh..."

Brock: "Did I over-hear you two talking about Richie coming? Ha-ha! This is GREAT!" Misty: "Yeah. We better get ready."

Ash: "Wait. Hold on a minute. Why is everyone gettin so antsy for?"

Misty: "When someone has a guest, they usually try to impress them."

Ash: "Misty, this is our friend! We don't have to impress him. He'll accept the house the way it is."

Brock: "No, Ash, I beg to differ..." *Getting on his apron, Brock begins to pick some things up.*

Ash: "I can live like this, so Richie could, too!"

Delia: "You don't mind if I go pick some more things up, do you?"

Brock: "Oh, no, Mrs. K, go right ahead."

Ash: "Yeah, I just noticed you forgot Pikachu's ketchup, so another trip to the store would be good."

Misty: "Don't worry, Mrs. Ketchum. I'll make sure they behave!" *Pulls on Ash and Brock's face-cheeks, grinning.*

Delia: "I know you will and I know my Ash will be on his best behavior as well..." *Narrows her eyes at Ash, making him blush from being embarassed by his mom in front of his friends.*

Ash: "Y-Yes, mom. I promise..."

Delia: "Good. Have fun, but not too much." *Walks out to her car again, leaving the three alone in the house to wait for Richie's arrival!*

Ash: "Alone...again. Wonder what she's up to..."

Misty: *Gets a pillow from the couch and smacks him in the face with it.* "Ok, that is it! Look, Ash, she got groceries, when you said she probably didn't! What do you suppose she is up to, then!?"

Ash: "Probably meeting Professor Oak for coffee?" *Pulls the pillow from his face, sweatdropping.*

Misty: *Hits him with it again* "No! She's buying food from the grocery, you imbecile!" *Repeats.*


Misty: *Continues* "NO, NOT UNTIL YOU SAY I'M RIGHT!"

Ash: *Sees another pillow, a smirk forming on his face as he whaps Misty in the back.* "HA! I GOT YOU BACK FOR WHAT YOU DID!"

Misty: *Screams slightly from the hit, holding her pillow over her head and hitting Ash right on his head.* "TAKE THAT!!!"

Ash: *Growls a bit, then swings his pillow around, with it smacking her in the back again, this time making her fall over.* "AHAHA!" *Still playing around, Ash laughs aloud, before sitting on her back, the pillow still in his hands.* "GIVE UP YET???"

Misty: *Uses her palms to try and raise up, but can't since Ash is sitting on her.* "Grrr..." *She raises both of her arms up somehow and tugs Ash down from her back, making him fall as well.* "Ha..."

Ash: *Gets his cap out, putting it on backwards, before putting his hands in front of him, protectively.* "OKAY! Let's see who can get who onto the floor first!"

Misty: "DEAL!" *Smirks, distracting him for a minute and then shoving her hands into his chest, making him fall over with one hit but she falls as well just as Brock comes back into the room.*

Brock: "Oh! I didn't know...I'll be leaving now..." *Sweatdrops, snickering to himself, before Ash and Misty both raise up and tackle Brock for what he said.*

Ash: "YES! WE WIN!"

Misty: "ALRIGHT!"


Misty: "With what?"

Ash: "FOOD!" *Starts to head for the kitchen, when Misty grabs him by the tail of his shirt.*

Misty: "Let's wait until your mom gets back."

Ash: *Sulks a bit* "...What do we do instead of eating?"

Misty: "We're going to sit here..." *Sets Ash onto the couch, up-right.* "...And wait for Richie or your mom. Got it?"

Ash: *Nods* "But she didn't want me just sitting last time..."

Misty: "Argh, don't make me sit on you, mister!"

Brock: "This is so sad. I'm gone for not even a year and you two seem to be flirting more than ever! Why do I miss EVERYTHING!?" *Falls to the ground, hugging his knees.* Ash: "Brock..."

Misty: *Goes over to Brock, dragging him over to the couch as well.* "And YOU are going to stay over HERE!"

Ash: *Whispering over to Brock* "Just follow my signal and when I say 'three', push her..."

Brock: "WHAT!? NO WAY! You're a devious boy!"

Ash: *louder* "Man!"

Misty: *Elbows Ash in the stomach.* "Not even close!!!"

Ash: *Blinks, hearing something outside, turning his head over towards the door.* "...Do you hear something?"

Misty: "I'm not scared!" *Jumps up and gets to her feet, growling with her hands into fists.* "I can take them!"

Ash: "What if it's mom?"

Misty: "Then I'd get my..."

Ash: "Hush a minute. That doesn't even sound like a car..."

Brock: "Who could it be...?"

Ash: "You don't think it would be him, do you?"

Misty: "No, so you two stay over there while I attack the enemy!" *Ash and Brock both scoot back away from the couch and go into the kitchen, as Misty stays by the door, ready for anything to happen.* "Alright, show yourself!" *As the door is knocked on, Misty pulls it open and quickly jumps the person, making them and her hit the ground as the ending result of it all.*

Richie: "M-Misty?! Why'd you..." *Before he can finish, Misty lifts him up from the ground, quite embarassed with her actions.*

Misty: "I'm...err...sorry. I thought you were an attacker here to kill us."

Richie: *Brushes himself off, blushing as well* " must have been because of Zippo's Flamethrower. He used it on a trash bin that was made of metal, so we could land softer." Misty: "If I were you, I would have got even with me. What I did very rude." Richie: "It's okay. You just made a mistake." *Smiles a bit.* "If it'll make you feel any better, I could give you a hug?"

Misty: "That'd be nice, since you're asking."

Richie: *Smiling and hugging her* "Think nothin' of it!"

Misty: "Near impossible to not think of it."

Richie: "What're you trying to say?"

Misty: "You called me nice, not so long ago, now I give almost the same compliment and you say think nothing of it. Well, I'm going to think something of it!" *Laughs, returning the hug.*

Richie: "Guess I can't change your mind."

Misty: "You're correct on that."

Richie: "Didn't really think you'd take my apology, Misty."

Misty: "Why is that, Richie?"

Richie: "Because you were just so up-set that day. Can you blame me for thinking that?" Misty: "Well, I guess not...I did kinda go off on you more than I should have..."

Richie: "But it's okay now. So, we don't have to think about it as much as we do."

Misty: "Yeah..."

Richie: "Um, do you think we should go in, now?" *sweatdrops, seeing he and her are still holding onto eachother.*

Misty: *Blushes too* "Y-yeah, that would be a good idea..."

Richie: *Still looking at their arms and then to her, continuing to redden* "Oh! Sorry...Forgot about that..." *Unwraps his arms from her, looking slightly to the ground.* Misty: "It was only a friendly gesture..." *Blinks, thinking about how Ash or Brock could twist the situation to something suspicious, then drops her arms.* "...But just to be safe!"

Richie: "R-Right." *Slightly swallows some, before opening the door, both Ash and Brock standing in the doorway, smiling at him.*

Ash: "RICHIE! Haaa, you said you'd be here and here you are!"

Richie: "Yeah. I can keep a promise and you of all people should by now know that!" *Laughs, slapping one of Ash's hands with his own.*

Misty: "That's what the noise was, Ash."

Ash: "Richie made that noise?"

Richie: "N-no, Ash, my Charizard, Zippo, he made the noise from burning a metal trashbin..."

Brock: "That explains it now." *Starts to face-fault* "I'd cook, but your mother isn't back yet!"

Misty: "Brock, calm down! She'll be back. Now go do something that'll keep you from being so emotional."