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August 23rd, 2004.


Do you people think I'm not paying attention? That I'm dead or no longer online? You think I don't find out when you STEAL MY ARTWORK AND USE IT ELIGALLY without my concent? ART THEFT IS AN INTERNATIONAL FEDERAL CRIME people! You do NOT have the right to right-click and take my art, edit out my signature and claim it as your own artwork! How would you like it if I could find you and suck out your soul through your eyes? Wouldn't be very nice now would it??

HOW THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE THINK I FEEL WHEN YOU STEAL MY ART??? HUH? DO YOU THINK I LAUGH??? NO....I get ANGRY. SO angry I leave the fandom and limit access to this place, forcing the innocent fans out there to suffer because a few STUPID people go online and make ASSES of themselves by stealing artwork.

Well that's the END of it. I'm taking parts of this site completely OFFLINE. I might ever relocate the place somwhere else, with HUGE copyright watermarks all over the damn images to keep ASSHATS from stealing 'em.

Congadulations! You've pissed Jaxx of SO much that she's pulling up stakes and walking away from the pokemon community FOREVER. (most likely).

BE ADVISED however, that I STILL OWN THE COPYRIGHTS to ALL MY ORIGONAL artwork! So that means, just because I go and take parts of this site aren't entitled to start peddling the artwork as your own. I STILL OWN IT ALL. Even if it's just sitting on your hard drive... GET IT?

I have people ALL throughout the fandom that know my stuff. THEY KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. I've been around since BEFORE Pokemon was a FAD....damn n00bs think you can just walk on into the fandom and steal the work?!

I now have new homes, new fandoms where I'm respected.

Those of you who are loyal fans, who've looked out for me and my artwork, I send you my heart-felt thanks. And urge you to look for me. Look for me in the HALO: Combat Evolved Fandom, the ALIENS fandom, the Anthro/Furry Fandom....that's where I am. That's where I'll be for the forseeable future.

I have new galleries for my new (or OLD now) interests. I have a deviantArt account, and a Furnation Account. Feel free to go there. Feel free to enjoy what I create. (Just don't be stupid enough to try and STEAL it....I've already delt with plenty of assholes who've tried...and they all got BURNED.) (not yet up)

Thank you once again gang, it was a blast.

~Tina M. Leyk. AKA Jaxx BlackFox/BlackMew/Scar