News and Updates

Old Updates


Sunday 22, July 2001
Today I made new buttons and banners and updated a few more pages with the new layout.

Wednesday 18 July 2001
Yea! I have the new lay out for the home and main pages! yay!

Sunday, 15 July 2001
I am updating the Cardcaptor Sakura section, it will be complete in a few days, i gradually will go to each section till i re-do the whole site! yay!

Wednesday, 4 July 2001
I'm sorry i've been negleting to add updates! I've had a lot oging on, but that is not a good justification, anyways, we have two new affiliates! yay! and the kaps are now a part of hte site, we are officially one year old! (as of june 10th) YAY!

Sunday, 20 May 2001
I got the anime pages up to the new 5.0 standard :) I also updated the pokemon episode guide.

Saturday, 13 May 2001
Version 5.0 up and running. I think this is my favorite of them all! I'm going to keep the message boards in the old format because I like them, but all the other main pages and bravenet pages are updated. YAY! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2001
Yay! Time for the beach this weekend! Yay! N E Wayz....I updated the main page once again :P and the home sakura image :P New Affiliate :P lost an affiliate :( but that is about it! HAve a good day!

Saturday, 14 April 2001
New Main image on index page, 8 new buttons made too! woo woo! joined a few hentai free sites and made our own, see it here

Friday, 13 April 2001

Sunday April 8, 2001
What'd I tell ya? New Version 4.0 is now up and running! WOO HOO! (ketch pops open a bottle of non-alcoholic champange and starts the party!) Hope you like it :) ENJOY!

Sunday March 25, 2001
We got a new update! A new version of KAP is now under construction :) to come in teh upcoming month!

Saturday March 10, 2001
I made a banner of sorts for each anime section of the site. New Main Page Lay-out. Re-did Web Ring Section. Deleted People section, and replaced it with the site bar on the home page.

Saturday March 3, 2001
EZboard is down so i can't update there right now, but I took away the frames version, I hope everythig still works okay. I also added a new background, hope that's okay too. Um.....that's about it :) BYES

Friday February 23, 2001
We now have an awards you can win section! YAY!

Friday February 9, 2001
WE GOT A NEW AFFILIATE!!!! YAY!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH CS.....from, everybody be happy!

Wednesday February 7 2001
Updated pokemon episode guide with the upcoming episode names, also added character pictures for CCS, and some new characters.

Sunday February 4, 2001
New Fanfiction section! Up and ready to go!

Thursday February 1, 2001
New Digimon Section!

Saturday January 27, 2001
I FINISHED THE UNCENTERING AND THE BACKGROUNDS AND COLORS FOR EVERY PAGE! IT TOOK THE WHOLE DAY! YAY! I'M DONE! I also updated the gundam wing pics cuz they were all broken, what else????? nuthing so now i can start on my next project :) YAY!

Friday Jan 26, 2001
I told you I could do it! I finally got rid of the scroll bar! If the new navigation does not work for you let me know. I also edited the main page, hope that's good too!

Friday Jan 19, 2001
Updated the pokemon episode guide and main page....eventually i'll get the others too :)

Sat Jan 13, 2001
We got a New Affiliate today! Katt's Insane Page! YAY!

Sat Jan 6, 2001
Although i despise it, i added a scroll bar for the netscape users.....i don't like the scroll bar cuz it looks ugly....but o well....eventually i'll figure a way to get rid of it.....

Fri January 5, 2001
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Added a new poem to the fan fiction section and updated the main page!