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Free money can be obtained from get paid to surf the web companies like AllAdvantage, Value Pay and Desktop Dollars. My site goes into depth on Alladvantage which is my personal favorite, this article explains in depth how they work and that all the free money comes from advertising. I was a bit doubtful that it worked until the first cheque arrived since then a lot of people have signed up to my AllAdvantage team so my income is a little better. I use the free money to keep my computer upgraded. Though I do spend a little more than what actually comes in.

Free Shares could give you a little wind fall, MyAd seem to have the best plan and Target Shop seem to be performing well. If these companies float on the stock market it will result yet again in free money.

Other free stuff on my site includes free web page at and they pay you 75 cents for each new member they receive through you, which yet again gives you more free money. You could set up a free web page like this and offer links to free stuff and make a bit more money for your efforts. 

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Thank you for looking at my site, I hope you get some free money soon.

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