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Blastoise's Pokemon Center
(Past Update)

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Here is my past update!
Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I have been tied up with school. Finally what everyone has been waiting for has come out. Pokemon Gold&Silver. Plus the new Pokemon season has started. The Jhoto journeys. On this new season Brock has returned and Tracy has stayed with Professor Oak. Now Ash and his friends go to Jhoto and try to win the Jhoto league and catch new pokemon. The new Gold and Silver game ties in with the show. On the Game you start in Jhoto there you meet Professor Elm, who Ash also meets on the show. Then you get to meet tons of other people and see tons of brand new pokemon like Totodile. Once you beat the Elite Four you get to go to Kanto. This is where the Red,Blue and Yellow games took place then you have to get 8 more badges. It looks just like the other three games but now there are new pokemon and the Gym Leaders are stronger. I think Misty has a level 40 pokemon. I will try to add a Gold and Silver section to my site soon.

Great news Hey You Pikachu! will be coming out soon. This game will be unlike anyother game because you will be able to speak with Pikachu. Plus if your mean to him he'll get mad. I heard that if you say Playstation he'll get mad,but that's a rumor. The game should come out around November 6,2000. Here is a picture of the box.

I have just found out that my prediction about the other half of Gym Heroes coming out is true, but this series is called Challenge. This series features Giovanni, Blaine, Koga,and Sabrina. This new series has 126. You can get om October. You now can also get Pokemon Puzzle League in stores. Pokemon Pikachu 2 will also come out on October 15. I don't have much information on Pokemon Pikachu 2, but I do know that it is in color and you watts form your pokemon gold and silver game to it.I won't be updating for a while because I start school tomorrow (What a bummer!)That's all for now!

I have started to change my page layout. I have changed from using frames to using tables. SO far there is no new pokemon news.

It's here. The new Gym Leader Heros cards! They were released this Monday August 14th. The new series has 132 cards and 4 theme decks. Each card has a Gym Leader name. There is Misty's ??, Brock's ??, Lt Surge's ??, Erika's ??, Sabrina's ??, and Team Rocket's ??. I think that there will later be a second gym leader's series coming out because those of you who have a price guide know that in the Gym Leaders series there is Koga and Giovanni also, plus there are double's of some pokemon but the picture is different. So I think that a series with Koga, Giovanii will later be released. I also found a site with a all the gym leader cards in English, plus you can buy them.
Go here for the American Gym Heros Pictures

I have also found out that around July there was another series released in Japan. It's Neo 2 which has more of the new 100 pokemon. There is also a new pokemon promo out it's Team Rocket's Meowth. I have pictures of both. I would greatly appreciate it if you would sign my guestbook or add a link!

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