Sabrina's Gastly Lv. 10

Sabrina's Gastly Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 97/132 Rarity: Common Color: Psychic HP: 40 Weakness: none Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 1 Pkmn#: 92 Species: Gas Level: 10 Power: "Gaseous Form" Sabrina's Gastly gets +10 HP for each P Energy card attached to it. This power works even if Sabrina's Gastly is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. Attack: [PP] Suffocating Gas (30)

Really interesting card, it has advantages and disadvantages. Like it can be killed by a Goop Gas Attack or a Super Energy Removal. Let's take a better look at Sabrina's Gastly Lv. 10.

Gaseous Form

Really good Pokemon Power. In my opinion, Wizards (or the people who made Pokemon) made this card fair unlike most others. Well anyway, each Psychic Energy attached to Gastly gives him 10 extra HP. Also, S. Gastly Pokemon Power still works with stautes effects such as Confusion and Posion. Drawback is that it can be killed by anything that stops Pokemon Powers or removes energies. Cards such as No Removal Gym and Chaos Gym can help fight against this. Cool power overall.

Suffocating Gas

Really solid attack. With a PlusPower it can Knock Out a Hitmonchan or a Muk. With Resistance Gym, it can do 20, which isn't to horrible. Might have trouble with Wigglytuff, but a really good attack.


The 40HP and single Retreat Cost is the only bad thing about this Pokemon's stats. The no Weakness is good and the Resistance to Fighting is gold.


There are alot of Stadium Cards this card is good with. Such as Resistance Gym, Saffron City Gym, No Removal Gym, or Chaos Gym. Phew, alot of Gyms. Also, S. Gastly can be used with any Sabrina cards as well.


I will have to give Sabrina's Gastly Lv. 10 a 6.7. A little slow, but really cool.

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