
Pidgeotto Type: Stage 1 < Pidgey Card#: 22/102 Rarity: Rare Color: Colorless HP: 60 Weakness: L Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 1 Species: Bird Lv: 36 Pkmn#: 17 Attack: [2] Whirlwind (20) If opponent has Benched Pokemon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the defending Pokemon. (do damage dealing before switching Pokemon.) Attack: [3] Mirror Move () If Pidgeotto was attacked last turn, do the final result of that attack on Pidgeotto to the defending Pokemon.

Expensize and I don't think is really worth it! It can get KO'ed pretty easy and dosen't do alot of strong dependable damage like it should! Let's take a closer look.


2 Colorless for 20 and your opponent chooses who they want to switch in. Not as good as seeing that you don't pick what Pokemon you want to bring in. The damage for it is ok but nothing really good at all. This attack is semi-useful to say the most

Mirror Move

Mirror Move is ok, but it just dosen't work real well with Pidgeotto's HP. You won't ever be able to take advantage of Mirror Move completely before it is Knocked Out. This attack just isn't that good with a Pokemon with such low HP. It is also pretty expensize. It takes 3 Colorlesss to perform.


Most of these bird Pokemon people things mini miniture Pokemon have a free Retreat (don't ask where I got that phrase from!). This one has only 1 to Retreat which isn't to terrible. Pidgeotto does have a strong Resistance to Fighting which I think is unless cause your either going to switch him with Whirlwind and Mirror Move you won't work cause you wasn't damaged. Pidgeotto does have a terrible Weakness to electric which is bad making him Electabuzz food. The 60HP dosen't help much at all either.


I don't think this card has alot of strong Combos. Might be ok with Dark Muk or Rocket's Instrution Gym with Whirlwind, but this Pokemon just seems so Weak I don't know if it can really do any strong damage at all.


I give Pidgeotto a 5.3. It just isn't a good balanced card.

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