
Noctowl Type: Stage 1 -- Evolves from Hoothoot Card #: 42/111 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Colorless HP: 60 HP Weakness: L Resistance: F -30 Retreat Cost: none Pkmn#: 164 Species: Owl Level: 23 Power: "Glaring Gaze" Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. If your opponent has any Trainer cards there, choose 1 of them. Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck. This power can't be used if Noctowl is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. Attack: [3] Wing Attack (30)

Really annoying card considering you can use it as a Rocket's Snek Attack every turn. Just leave it on your Bench and let the mayhem begin!

Glaring Gaze

The reason this Pokemon is cool. Get it out on turn 2 and destroy your opponent's trainers. One or two of these little devils can make sure your opponent dosen't hold any trainer cards. Drawback, your opponent isn't going to be deck any time soon. Also, if you get heads, you can see their hand and you HAVE to put a trainer back.

Wing Attack

The three Colorless for 30 isn't that bad. But, I wouldn't suggest using it as a main attacker, unless against something it was Resistance against like Gligar or Hitmonchan. But remember to watch out for those Electabuzz's!


Stats are cool about this card. It kind of, evens it out. The Weakness to Lighting makes it vunerable to Neo Pikachu and Electabuzz. The Resistance to Fighting help cancel out Hitmonchan and Gligar. The 60HP makes it easier to kill, as the Free Retreat is good because you can get in and out freely. Pretty darn good stautes.


Of course, this card is a gimme in a Trapper deck. It's a 100% Trapper card. Also good with your Basic Haymaker Pokemon like Erika's Jigglypuff and TR Zapdos. Even better with a Chaos Gym out, making sure you try to completely get rid of all your opponent's Trainer support.


It is a Stage 1, it has good uses, I'll give Noctowl a 8.4. It's a really good card.

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