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Type: Basic Pokémon Card #: 24/111 Rarity: Rare Color: Darkness HP: 50 HP Weakness: none Resistance: P -30 Retreat Cost: none Pkmn#: 198 Species: Darkness Level: 25 Attack: [D] Mean Look The Defending Pokémon can't retreat as long as Murkrow remains your Active Pokémon. (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.) Attack: [1D] Feint Attack Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokémon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Pokémon Powers, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.

Well looky here. Here is a reason not to play Cleffa. This Evil bird is something you don't wanna fool around with because it can do alot of damage or even beat you in a snap. Let's take a closer look at Murkrow.

Mean Look

Traps your opponent's Pokemon leaving them helpless. That is why this card is so good. Here are the Pokemon Murkrow can take advantage of.

Cleffa Trap it with no where to go. It is kind of ridky since Cleffa has Free Retreat and the Baby's Rule to back it up, but it is still a good combo. Cleffa can also use multiple Eeeeeek's to get itself outta there. Same with the Promo Cleffa also.

Promo Pichu or Pichu Same thing with Free Retreat and Baby Rule but these Pokemon can be helpless for awhile. But once you trap one of these it's harder to get out then Cleffa.

Promo Mewtwo (Notice a Pattern with Promos?) Especially good if you have a Gold Berry on Murkrow. With Mewtwo only doing 10 damage a turn, Murkrow can destroy the entire Bench by then.

Erika's Dratini With a Bellsprout Tower out, Murkrow has E. Dratini trapped like a...ummmm...snake thingy I don't know. But Mukrow can win a game quickly against this card too.

Ditto Get a Fossil Muk out and bye bye Pokemon Powers. This leaves Ditto completely helpless without many options.

There are alot of other cards to. This combo can be a easy win if your playing Slowking or Dark Vileplume to stop there Trainers. Murkrow can pop in and out and win games in one short Turn. Also, Mean Look only takes "1" Evil Energy to use.

Feint Attack

Yes, it is spelled "Feint". I don't know why but it is. Bad thing is that Evil Energy dosen't to more damage to the Bench. But it does to the Active. This attack dosen't cost alot for an Evil and Colorless. Just slap an Energy down, wait a turn, and then put the Evil down and start hurting the Bench.


This card is a must with Dark Vileplume and Slowking. Trap there Trainers so the only way to get out is evolve. Very Evil combo and it wins games easy. Mukrow can also work with Chaos Gym and Trap decks. This card has alot of uses. Not very bad with PokeFlute either. Also good with Smeragle.


Pretty tough Pokemon. No Weakness is really good, and so is the Resistance to Psychic. The 50HP dosen't matter alot when you know how to play him, and the Free Retreat is always good. Very nice Stats.


I give Murkrow a 9.3.It is really just a gamebreaker card and has alot of uses.