
Lickitung Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 38/64 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Colorless HP: 90 Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat: 3 Pkmn#: 108 Species: Licking Lv: 26 Attack: [C] Toungue Wrap (10) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. Attack: [2] Supersonic Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.

One of the best Stall Cards out there. Better then Chansey in my opinion. Let's check out advantages and disadvantages on Lickitung.

Tongue Wrap

One of the excellment things that can really make this card a staller. For a single energy, 10 damage, and a 50% chance of Paralysis is really good. It's also really annoying with the rest of Lickitung's cool stautes.


It's a ok deck. Good if your playing a Pokemon that is Psychic and is weak to Psychic. It takes 2 to use so you can use it with Double Colorless Energy. But there is only a 50% chance of it really working so it isn't that great.


The 3 Colorlss Retreat Cost is really bad. It makes it hard to get Lickitung ou of there. But the 90HP is really high and important for a good staller to take some damage. The weakness to Fighting can make it vunerble to Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. But of course the Resistance to Psychic can stall out Promo Mewtwo.


Good for decks with Pokemon that need time to power up. Works great in a deck with Charizard, or a Energy Transfer deck. But probably works best in a Alakazam Stall and Moltres Wildfire.


One of the best stallers out there. I think it is better than Chansey in a way. I give Lickitung a 8.6. It's really good.

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