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Energy Charge

Energy Charge Type: Trainer Card #: 85/111 Rarity: Rare Text: Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle up to 2 Energy cards from your discard pile into your deck.

This is another one of those cards that are only good in certain decks. Like Pokemon Center in an Alakazam deck. Let's take a better look at Energy Charge.

What Kind of Deck

Really good in a deck with Evil Energies and Evil Pokemon like Sneasel and Mukrow. Also good with Steel Energies and Steelix. Just because this is the only Trainer that can grap these Energies from your discard. 1 or 2 of these in a Colorless deck that has alot of Full Heal Energies and Double Colorless Energies wouldn't hurt either.

Remember, Nightly

If your using Energy Charge just to get Energy, your using the wrong card. Both Nightly Garbage Run and Time Capsule are good are getting non-basic Energy back. So just keep that in-mind. :)


The reason this card isn't all that great, is because you have to flip a coin. If tails, nothing. If heads, you get some Non-Basic and/or Basic Energy back into your deck. I suggest only around 2 of these in a Sneasel or an All Colorless deck. Having only a single copy, won't help your deck out to much because if it fails, there is nothing left. 3 or more is just to much.


I give Energy Charge a 5.0. It is ok if you get heads, nothing great, but it is the easiest way to do it.