
Charizard Type: Stage 2 < Charmeleon Card#: 4/102 Rarity: Holo Color: Fire HP: 120 Weakness: W Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 3 Species: Flame Lv: 76 Pkmn#: 6 Power: Energy Burn As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may turn all Energy attached to Charizard into R for the rest of the turn. This power can't be used if Charizard is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.. Attack: [RRRR] Fire Spin (100) Discard 2 Energy cards to use this attack.

This is a card that we all talk about and everyone thinks that it is a horrible terrible card. Well, we are going to find out in this Deep Analysis of Charizard


I usually don't start off with stats, but I will on this card. It has a very strong and tough 120HP, which is really cool. He also has Resistance to Fighting which is also very very helpful to this card. He has a huge and ugly 3 Retreat Cost, but that can be easily solved by cards like Wrap Point and Switch. The Weakness to Water making him a easy KO to Blastoise and hurt really bad to Articuno hurts Charizard too.

Energy Burn

This Pokemon Power makes Charizard even better then what he was. A Double Colorless can becomes 2 Fire and you can use Recycle Energy along with it also. This Pokemon Power is very helpful when powering up Charizard for his final attack.

Being a Stage 2

The fact that this Pokemon is a Stage 2 isn't really all that bad. Both Charmander and Charmeleon are very strong in many different ways, including solid HP.

Fire Spin

100 damage for 4 energies and you have to discard two. Why do people say this is bad? It is like ever two turns you take a prize! Since when was that ever considered bad? The discarding 2 Energies can just be solved by Recycle Energy or Ecola Gym (Ecogym). This attack I think in my own opinion is a good one and really should be used alot more often.


This card is great and can be quick to kill with Double Colorless Energy. Also works good with Ecogym, Recycle Energy, Rocket Charmander, and taking prizes evey two turns! This card is way underrated in my own opinion!


(Drum Roll Please) I give Charizard a 7.9. Taking a prize every two turns with 120HP and Resistance to Fighting this card is actually a really good game card.

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