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Name:Sarah Inks
Alias: Inkers, The Cautious One, Woman!
Favorite Suit: Birthday Suit (He He He)
Favorite Bower: N/A
T.E.D. Rating: Marginal, varies depending on whether or not A-Train is playing
Special Moves: The Cautious Play - This actually just consists of just sitting there and not calling trump even if her life depends on it (Even if she is holding a loner hand)
The Sit In - Sarah is always the one we call when we need to take a short break from the game, usually when mother nature is calling
The Meandering of the Halls - Sarah seems to enjoy wandering the halls of our ALL MALE dorm. I think she was sheltered when she was young. (And it is not just with guys either, she has this whole G rated movie thing going on too!)
Quote: "Hey Nick! When are you cutting that thing?" (Referring to Nick's hair which he had let grow for three months and then when he did cut it off she tells him she was joking, NOT COOL!)
Quote: "Anthony, You are such a jerk!"
Quote: "I'm just going to wander the halls now."
