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stuff to read when you're stoned

links and stuff like that

how to roll a joint

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Last updated on March 5, 2000.

Hey doods!

Welcome to my page and all. So like, I'm a stoner. And there are stereotypes about stoners, like that we're stupid or whatever. But as you can see, I know how to build a web page. As a matter of fact, it probably took me less than 5 minutes to construct this one. Like just this page. Just this one page, the index page. The whole thing is going to take longer to make. Oh and by the way, I know I'm under the directory called "pokemon" because I thought it would be cool to have the word "pokemon" in the web address. Pokemon. Hehehehehehe

That's funny.

So like, come back soon 'cause I'm gonna put some new features on this page, like how to roll a joint and links and everything.

People just don't understand that smokin' weed and being a chronic weed smoker is a life-style choice, dood. Yeah. The purpose of this page is to rpovide stoners/chronics like me with shit to read when they're stoned. So like, keep coming back there's more to come this is nothing, you ain't seen nothing yet. Yeah I'm gonna go get high.

Yeah so like, you can e-mail me at or at