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Kindness and Cruelty: Chapter 3


<< How long have I been here? Where is here? Somtimes I can feel things, using my powers, I can feel ... almost sense other presences. I can almost hear the whispers.. it is difficult to discern what is my own thoughts and the thoughts of others... Others?!! >>


The tank. How do you describe to one what it is like being stuck in a cylinder tube night and day? Unable to move, unable to relax. Your muscles so tense they spasm uncontrollably. In pain from the IV's, feeding tube and the catheter?

I have been this way since Dr.Neumars death. After I had passed out, I was re-inserted back into the tank and left there; I woke up several hours later, noticing that my body felt like it was on fire. I awoke to see about a dozen grim faces staring at me, including Emily's and Giaovannis. I blink slowly and stare back quietly.

Giovannis voice penetrates my thoughts. "MewTwo, you don't know how close we came to destroying you. But you have someone here who believes you can be... retrained. They feel your agression and violence can be curbed a little. You have two choices. Either cooperate and you'll live; or we destroy you now."

<< Why should I choose? Are my choices not already made for me? Am I not already forced into .. "choices" as you call them? Did I have a choice to be here? To Exist? You, Emily.. all of the doctors have said I have choices, yet I do not find myself given the chance. I have done as asked... until I am pushed too far. I did not mean to kill Dr.Neumar, I didn't mean to but she gave me no choice!! She inflicts pain on purpose.. she created false reports to make me look bad! She was cruel and sadistic!! >> I try to thrash in the tank, it's too small, I only suceed in thumping the side of the glass a little.

Giovanni shakes his head and frowns. "MewTwo, you are too important for us to lose. You are years of work.. millions of dollars. One scientist is inconsequental.. trivial.. but your agression and violence MUST stop!! You mean quite a bit to us.. now, your choice... what will it be? "

I look at him through the tank glass. << Again, what choice do I have Giovanni? I must obey, or be destroyed. I have no choice but to comply with your wishes. I will do what is asked of me. >> At that moment I fee like I've signed my living death warrant. << Just promise me something... promise me that I will not have to be treated cruelly any longer. That I will be allowed to move about more freely..You all may consider me monster and just a lab experiment, but I would like to be treated a little better than I have been.. no more pain, no more.. torture. >>

Giovanni smirks at me while I tell him my demands. "You will be treated as the doctors see fit to treat you MewTwo, you forget that you have caused quite a problem for us. You have killed our top doctor and costed us a small fortune in repairs from damages you've caused. But, we will allow you more freedom and time out of the tank."

Dr.Usher speaks up, his tone sharp. "Giovanni sir, is that a really good idea? I mean, christ.. he killed Dr.Nuemar!! You give him time outside the tank and expect him to behave and do what he's supposed to?!" Ushers voice rises to a wincing pitch.

Giovanni glares at Usher. "Let's get one thing straight right here and NOW Dr.Usher.. who pays your salary? Who is funding this project? WHO is the one that could make sure you never work in pokemon research again?" He taps Ushers chest angrily. "MewTwo is MY project and My pokemon!! You'd do well to remember that. MewTwo is at a stage where he needs more rigorous training and more focused time on his psi-powers. He needs to develope muscle and concentration. He cannot do that inside a tank!" I watch Giavanni turn and leave, unsure if he is on my side or what.

I look over at Emily, she just stares at me back. I twitch my tail in a small wave.. hoping.. yes! She smiles faintly and waves back!! I press against the glass and send a private thought. << You are the one who stopped them from killing me. You are the one who talked to Giovanni.. and got me out of the tank. >>

She merely nods and brushes her hand through her hair. I smile faintly at her. She doesn't hate me, not like the rest of them. She will train me!! I fall into the first peacefull doze in weeks.


"Good job, now I want you to levitate that boulder M2." It's a nice warm day, the sun feels good on my shoulders and back. Emilys voice comes from the speaker to my right. I nod and concentrate on levitating the boulder. I suceed rather easily. "Now fling it towards the target." I do as commanded, I managed to hit the target from about one thousand yards off.

<< Dr.Stranton, what is the point of this? I've hit that target over 100 times; it's easy now. I could do it with my eyes closed. >> I look up towards the soundbooth and tilt my head questioningly.

"You really think so tough guy?? " I can her in her tone that she is teasing me, I merely smirk and nod. "Allright then MewTwo if you think you can really hit the target from one thousand feet blind folded.. then be my guest."

I watch as the door opens from the side of the training field and a young intern comes out holdig a blindfold. He sidles up to me and holds out the blindfold for me to put on. Out of a sudden streak of oneryness I levitate the intern and turn him upside down, making him scream and drop the blindfold. I thrust my face into his and look him in the eye, I know I have an evil grin on my face. << Goodmorning Brian.. did you bring me any treats? >>

Brian, who is now used to this merely shakes his head and thumps me in the nose, I jerk back and drop him suddenly; hitting the ground with a thud he groans. "Dammit MewTwo.. your going to break my neck one of these days!!" He gets to his feet rubbing his back. "As a matter of fact, yeah.. I brought you something.."

Fishing in his pocket, he pulls out a twinky. I smile as I see the treat and wait for him to hand it to me. He holds it in front of me dangling it. "You can't have it until I see you blindfolded and hurling rocks at the target.. while the target moves.. "

I give him a cocky smile and nod. Allowing him to place the blindfold on me, I focus all my attention on the target and rock. Lifting it up, I concentrate as I hurl the boulder towards the moving target in the nearby lake. I wait for the familiar Whap! to reach my ears. What I hear disappoints me, instead of the Whap, I hear a splash way far off to my right. Pulling the blindfold I see that I missed my target, rather pathetically. I was off by about seven hundred feet.

<< Well.. >> I shake my head and grumble.

" Awww c'mon M2, you at least gave it a shot.. here.. have the twinky for effort." He tosses me the treat and heads back into the lab. I catch the twinky and hold the cellophane wrapped treat in my hand. I look up towards the spot where Emily stands.

"MewTwo, we'll try again tomorrow. Okay? Don't sweat it! You just need to visualize. Giavanni says he's rather impressed with the progress your making. Your just having trouble with finding targets without looking." Emilys voice issues from the loud speaker trying to be reassuring.

<< Usher will think differently, you know that Emily. He will say I am being lazy and difficult. >> I snort and squeeze my eyes shut,feeling a head ache coming on. << He will say that I am not doing 110 percent.. like he was a soccer coach.. or I'm in boy scouts. >>

Emily chuckles into the microphone. " Well you have the sense of humor down pat. Don't worry about Usher, he's read the reports and he's going to whine no matter what. Why should you care what he thinks anyways MewTwo? "

I shrug non commitaly. << I don't care, I just grow weary of hearing him whine about how I'm out to destroy his work, and how I'm out to get him next.>>

By now Emily is out on the practice field with me, she sighs. "M2, you've not exactly been compliant with Usher.. and telekinetically crushing his convertable was NOT a point maker. Extremely funny, but not productive."

I shrug again and chuckle mentally. << He was asking for it. I grew weary hearing about his mating ritual in the damned vehichle. Not my fault I lost control of my abilities and crushed what he was discussing. He distracted me. He's lucky I was only thinking of his car and not his girlfriend. >>

Emily gives me that 'yeah, sure' look I chuckle again. "Yeah and if I recall he nearly killed you. "

I frown remembering how he injected me with muscle relaxers and beat me with a metal baton for nearly an hour. Leaving me untied, but unable to fight for myself; too groggy and out of it to decently protect my body. I can still remember the pain from when my arm snapped and as he collapsed a lung. << It was worth it.. >>

She gives me an odd look and shakes her head. "No it wasn't. Not what he did to you, that was uncalled for."

I shrug my shoulders and look away, changing the subject. << When will this.. project be over? When will you and the other scientists go back to your lives? >>

We're half way across the training field when she stops. "Why? You afraid of what's going to happen to you after this is over? " Her tone is not mocking or teasing, she knows I am serious.

<< I just wonder.. after I am trained.. after.. whatever happens that is supposed to happen.. where will you go? What will happen to me, to you.. >> I look down at her, into her eyes.

" I really don't know MewTwo; I can't really say since I'm not sure myself. I know that the project is supposed to last five years, including your training. We've only been here a coupld of years. Giovanni tells us what to do and we do it." She opens the door to the building and lets me enter first. After we are in the building she continues. "As for you, you'll be given over to Giovanni. Probably used to battle tournaments in the pokemon battles. I on the other hand will probably move away from here and work on field research on muscle structure of various species and be a therapist to trainers in a town. It's all I really wanted."

You on the other hand will go to Giovanni for tournament purposes. You will be trained to become the most powerful pokemon out there, undefeatable."

I walk down the hall with her in silence, pondering her words and the situation I'll be faced with, until I reach my room. I wait for the gaurd to unlock it and allow me inside. << Emily I.. >> I hear a cough and look to see Dr.Usher and Giovanni sitting in a couple of chairs. Something in their posture and emotions make me stop short.

Giovanni stands up and smiles at me. "Hello MewTwo, I saw your performance in the practice field today and I must say, I am quite impressed. I would like to congratulate you!! " He motions to Dr.Usher. "Dr.Usher here has offered to give you some private lessons. We both feel that it will be a good thing for you to interact with humans a bit more and to have one on one training in human knowledge."

I glance over at Usher and I know... I know that this will be a treat for him, but torture for me. My heart sinks as I hear Giovanni speak further. "He will work with you alone 5 days a week for about 6 hours a day. He will teach you history and human etiquette. You will spend the majority of your time with Dr.Usher and occasionally with Dr. Krandle"

I look over at Emily she gives me a sad look, she knows as well as I that this is going to be nothing but a living hell for me. << I ... >> I swallow and continue. << I appreciate the offer of this ... gift; but I learn quite a bit from being around Dr.Stranton and all the scientist. My education is quite extensive Giavanni. >>

Giovanni chuckles and pats my chest with a hand. "You need to know more than what you glean off the scientists mind. You need to know world history, how to interact with humans properly and in the best manner possible."

I have no choice, again my decisions made for me. I merely nod and move over to the sleeping mat. << Is there anything else? >> I look at Usher and Giovanni expectantly. << I am weary from my exercises and I want to sleep. >>

Usher stands and shakes his head. "Sorry MewTwo, you'll have to go back to the tank for a week. Just to get you rehydrated and to heal the fatigue and wounds you've gotten from your training. C'mon, I'll hook you back up." He gives me a warm smile, the kind you'd see a weasle give a baby chick before devouring it.

Too tired to argue and knowing that if I put up a fight in front of Giavanni, it wil just create more problems for me. I give Emily a pleading look and send her a private thought { << Emily, ask if you can put the IVs and stuff in .. >> }

She nods and speaks up. "Dr.Usher, since you have paper work to do and your pretty busy, why don't I get MewTwo here settled and tanked?"

Usher looks at Emily then to me suspicion in his eyes. "No thanks Emily. MewTwo is going to be spending a lot of time with me from now on. He may as well get used to it. I'll take it from here. Why don't you go ahead and go on home and rest? You've had a long day you know." Usher motions for me to move for the door. I do so quietly and quickly. Giovanni raises his brows in approval.

<< Goodbye Dr.Stranton.. I shall see you ... later. >> I move out the door and for the lab, Usher scrambling to catch up. I wait by the tank for him.

"Don't you EVER do that again MewTwo, you understand me?! Don't yo EVER leave before I say you can.. you Have to learn to obey people other than Dr.Stranton." Taking the IV's he inserts them into the usual spots, roughly but accurately. I sigh and close my eyes.

<< Just hurry,I am tired.. >>

Placing his hand over my jaw he feeds the feeding tube down my throat, again accurately but roughly. I gag as usual at having the tube forced down my throat. << Why did you volunteer to teach me Usher? What have you got planned? >>

He tapes the tube into place before responding. "Let's just say I wanna bond with you more. " Smirks up at me as he gathers the catheter equipment. "I think it's time you learned your place MewTwo, and I'm just the one to do it."

Making sure I'm secure, he slides the catheter into place, all of this so routine by now I no longer feel anything. He motions for me to enter the tank and I comply.

<< I know my place Usher; I know my place and I'll fight it as long as I can. I will be slave to no one.>>

He taps the glass with a finger and snorts softly. "Get some sleep MewTwo, tomorrow your waking up bright eyed and bushy tailed. I've got a meeting with someone. Tomorrow is your first test in an arena setting."


<< I grow weary of this state, not awake.. but not asleep.. I feel as though ... I am being held in between wakefullness and sleep on purpose.. where ... am I ? >>


Okay end of Chapter 3. I know that things are kind of violent and tense, but it does serve its purpose. Hopefully Chapter 4 will be better.

Disclaimer: Mewtwo nor Giovanni belong to me. All the doctors and such do so.. Nyah. *chuckles* I'm sure someone out there who sees how mean I am being to Mewtwo is probably mad and saying "hey you can't treat him that way!!" But.. since no one knows his life before the movie, I took liberties. *chuckles*

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