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Love From Lisa

I would like to send my love and sympathy to all of the victims and their families.  I would also like to say thank you to all of those “ground heroes” that have worked so hard to find survivors and to give medical help.

I wrote the following poem as a message to everyone that not only is God here to help us get through this situation but there are many people around the world who wish desperately to help in some way whether it is to give blood; send monetary or material donations; give support by listening or talking, or to simply use whatever means they have to reach out to people and show their support.


Those of you who lost a loved one

Those of you who lost a friend

Hold God’s hand within your own

His loving touch will help you mend

Those of you who were injured

 Those of you who cannot sleep

 Prayers go out to ease your pain

May they bring the rest you seek

Those of you who lost your innocence

Those of you who lost your dream

 Don’t lose sight of all that’s good

Rebuild your hopes with new wisdom

 Those of you who cry for others

 Those of you who feel their pain

Reach out your hand in comfort

Lessen their load the best you can

Those of you who are there to listen

Those of you who want to be heard

Use your gifts to help heal the world

Share your love and spread the word



Lisa Jo Ewert

October 2001



I believe that the one positive thing to come out of these horrible attacks is the fact that the people of this country as well as around the world are showing a unity that has not been seen in too long.  It was truly inspiring to see the dedicated people in New York City and Washington working beyond exhaustion to do everything in their power to help the victims of this crime; to see people lined up for blocks to give blood; to see the many poems and sites dedicated to those who have suffered due to these attacks; to see people from other countries crying for our losses here and showing their support through moments of silence; to see the renewal of patriotism and the flying of flags in every corner of the United States; and to see donations of every kind pouring into New York City.  I believe we need to focus on these positive things to help us through this.


For those of you who may have to be away from home at some point in the future in this fight against terrorism, I want you to also feel free to contact me at:





God Bless America :


 you can reach the beginning of my site at:

Words From The Soul :


~ Louis Nizer ~

Words of comfort,

 skillfully administered,

 are the oldest therapy

known to man .