You park your car out front. I can see it gleam in the moonlight.
I get in. You shut the door. You say to hold on tight.
As you back out of the drive way, you speak to me sarcastically.
You lean over to kiss me, but instead you start to laugh at me.
While looking out your car window, I see blurs for scenery.
I can almost taste it. The smell of alcohol smothers me.
You switch gears carelessly. I think of destruction.
I'm so eager to get away. My body can't function.
I grasp tighter for comfort, my toes curl up in my shoes.
You push the gas faster, our lives we may lose.
I smile to show no unsteadiness, and to show no uncomfort.
I say to slow down, you don't listen. Are we done for it?
I feel trapped. The car's dimensions are shrinking.
When I stepped in, what was I thinking?
My heartbeat is racing. It's trying to match the speed your going.
I start to panic. 110mph. That's all my eyes are showing.
I can't trust you with my life. I can't count on you to pull through.
What did I do to deserve this? What did I ever do to you?
Yellow to red. That's all I remember seeing.
Everything happened so fast. I remember hearing the screaming.
The stop light was ahead. I saw the color red glisten.
I was screaming right at you, but you didn't want to listen.
The ambulance doors swing shut. I lie dead inside.
My life was taken. I hope you enjoyed your joy ride.
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